Words with Letters
What are words with letters in the English language? Do you love torturing yourself with brain-twisting word games? Does the challenge of finding just the right combination of letters give you a thrill? If so, stay right where you are because we’ve got you covered!
Words with Letters: Understanding the Meaning of Letter Combinations
A consonant blend, also known as a consonant cluster, is the combination of two or more consonants which can each still be pronounced and heard when put together in a word. Examples include blend and clap.
The English language has five vowels, 18 vowel sounds, and 25 standard vowel teams. Vowel teams are two or more vowels working in tandem to create one vowel sound, as for example, in team and sound.
A digraph is when two letters, which can be vowels or consonants, come together to represent a single speech sound, such as in the words ship and chat.
Almost two-thirds of English words contain silent letters and they can appear at the beginning, middle or end of a word. The reason they feature is usually because the word originated in another language and was incorporated into English with its spelling unchanged even though it makes for unnatural sound combinations for English speakers. Examples include knee, muscle, and comb.
Contractions are two words combined and shortened with missing letters replaced by an apostrophe, such as you’re from you and are, and can’t from can and not.
Like initialisms, acronyms are a type of abbreviation formed with the first letters of each word in a phrase. The difference between them lies in pronunciation: initialisms involve pronouncing each letter individually, for example FBI, whereas acronyms are pronounced as a single word – Nasa, for example.
The key difference between an acronym and an initialism is that an acronym is pronounced as a single word, while an initialism is pronounced by saying each letter individually. For example, “NASA” is an acronym and “FBI” is an initialism.
Words with Letters
What Are Words with Letters?
A good question. I will tell you. Words with letters begin with the same letters as these examples: apple, bow (bow), petal. There are three types of words with letters:
- Idiotic words
- Smart and pretty words and
- Words that sound nice together
Idiotic words do not have any meaning in our language, their names were only given because they belong to the same things that other similar parts or pieces of an object have. Like the word, bow is a part of a bow, or the word petal belongs to a flower.
Smart and pretty words have some meaning, like “the word apple” because apples are sweet to eat, or “the word petal” because this flower has many different colors. Together with pretty words, smart also refers to being clever.
Why to Learn Words with Letters?
We should learn words with letters because they are a part of our language and other languages. We learn these words when we are little kids and hear them repeatedly, like in nursery rhymes. Some teachers teach their students to find words with letters in them and then to explain what kind of word it is: Idiotic word, smart or pretty word.
Words with letters are also a fun way to practice how to write your name and the names of your family members or friends on a birthday card, for instance.
How to Learn Words with Letters
There are different ways to learn words with letters.
- Read them in the newspaper (isn’t that hard?), in magazines, or on the web and
- Write them down using your favorite letter. You can even draw them using your favorite colors.
Do not forget to write the name of the word that has this letter as a prefix, like these examples: Apple = apple, bow = bow, petal = petal.
You can also make a sentence with these words with letters and maybe draw it too.
This is a fun way for children to remember their alphabet and it is also a good
way for them to practice writing their names or drawing pictures by themselves.
Common Words with These Letters
2 Letter Words
- Ah
- Am
- An
- As
- At
- Aw
- Be
- By
- Do
- Ex
- Go
- Ha
- He
- If
- In
- Is
- It
Learn more: 2 Letter Words
3 Letter Words
- Aba
- Abs
- Ace
- Act
- Add
- Ado
- Aft
- Age
- Ago
- Aha
- Aid
- Aim
- Air
- Ala
- Ale
- All
- Alt
- Amp
- And
- Ant
- Any
- Ape
- App
- Apt
- Arc
- Are
- Ark
- Arm
- Art
- Ash
- Ask
- Asp
- Ass
- Ate
- Awe
- Axe
- Aye
- Bad
- Bag
- Ban
- Bar
- Bat
- Bay
- Bed
- Bee
- Beg
- Bel
- Ben
- Bet
- Bid
- Big
- Bin
- Bio
- Bit
- Biz
- Bob
- Bog
- Boo
- Bow
- Box
- Boy
- Bra
- Bud
- Bug
- Bum
- Bun
- Bus
- But
- Buy
- Bye
- Cab
- Cad
- Cam
- Can
- Cap
- Car
- Cat
- Chi
- Cob
- Cod
- Col
- Con
- Coo
- Cop
- Cos
- Cot
- Cow
- Cox
- Coy
- Cry
- Cub
- Cue
- Cum
- Cup
- Cut
- Dab
- Dad
- Dal
- Dam
- Day
- Dee
- Def
- Del
- Den
- Dew
- Did
- Die
- Dig
- Dim
- Din
- Dip
- Dis
- Doc
- Doe
- Dog
- Don
- Dot
- Dry
- Dub
- Due
- Dug
- Dun
- Duo
- Dye
- Ear
- Eat
- Ebb
- Eft
- Egg
- Ego
- Elf
- Elm
- Emu
- End
- Era
- Eta
- Eve
- Eye
- Fab
- Fad
- Fan
- Far
- Fat
- Fax
- Fay
- Fed
- Fee
- Fen
- Few
- Fig
- Fin
- Fir
- Fit
- Fix
- Flu
- Fly
- Foe
- Fog
- For
- Fox
- Fry
- Fun
- Fur
- Gag
- Gal
- Gap
- Gas
- Gay
- Gee
- Gel
- Gem
- Get
- Gig
- Gin
- God
- Got
- Gum
- Gun
- Gut
- Guy
- Gym
- Had
- Ham
- Has
- Hat
- Hay
- Hem
- Hen
- Her
- Hey
- Hid
- Him
- Hip
- His
- Hit
- Hog
- Hon
- Hop
- Hot
- How
- Hub
- Hue
- Hug
- Huh
- Hum
- Hut
Explore more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words
- Dean
- Dear
- Debt
- Deep
- Deny
- Desk
- Dial
- Dick
- Diet
- Disc
- Disk
- Does
- Feet
- Fell
- Felt
- File
- Fill
- Film
- Find
- Fine
- Fire
- Firm
- Fish
- Five
- Flat
- Flow
- Food
- Foot
- Ford
- Form
- Fort
- Four
- Free
- From
- Fuel
- Full
- Fund
- Gain
- Game
- Gate
- Gave
- Gear
- Gene
- Gift
- Girl
- Give
- Glad
- Goal
- Goes
- Gold
- Golf
- Gone
- Good
- Gray
- Grew
- Grey
- Grow
- Gulf
- Hair
- Half
- Hall
- Hand
- Hang
- Hard
- Harm
- Hate
- Have
- Head
- Hear
- Heat
- Held
- Hell
- Help
- Here
- Hero
- High
- Hill
- Hire
- Hold
- Hole
- Holy
- Home
- Hope
- Host
- Hour
- Huge
- Hung
- Hunt
- Hurt
- Idea
- Inch
- Into
- Iron
- Item
- Jack
- Jane
- Jean
- John
- Join
- Jump
- Jury
- Just
- Keen
- Keep
- Kent
- Kept
- Kick
- Kill
- Kind
- King
- Knee
- Knew
- Know
- Lack
- Lady
- Laid
- Lake
Discover more: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words
- Every
- Exact
- Exist
- Extra
- Faith
- False
- Fault
- Fiber
- Field
- Fifth
- Fifty
- Fight
- Final
- First
- Fixed
- Flash
- Fleet
- Floor
- Fluid
- Focus
- Force
- Forth
- Forty
- Forum
- Found
- Frame
- Frank
- Fraud
- Fresh
- Front
- Fruit
- Fully
- Funny
- Giant
- Given
- Glass
- Globe
- Going
- Grace
- Grade
- Grand
- Grant
- Grass
- Great
- Green
- Gross
- Group
- Inner
- Input
- Issue
- Japan
- Jimmy
- Joint
- Jones
- Judge
- Known
- Label
- Large
- Laser
- Later
- Laugh
- Layer
- Learn
- Lease
- Least
- Leave
- Legal
- Level
- Light
- Limit
- Links
- Lives
- Local
- Logic
- Loose
- Lower
- Lucky
- Lunch
- Lying
- Magic
- Major
- Maker
- March
- Match
- Maybe
- Mayor
- Meant
- Media
- Metal
- Might
- Minor
- Minus
- Mixed
- Model
- Queen
- Quick
- Quiet
Explore more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words
- Better
- Beyond
- Bishop
- Border
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Bought
- Branch
- Breath
- Bridge
- Bright
- Broken
- Budget
- Burden
- Bureau
- Button
- Camera
- Cancer
- Cannot
- Carbon
- Career
- Castle
- Casual
- Caught
- Center
- Centre
- Chance
- Change
- Charge
- Choice
- Choose
- Chosen
- Church
- Circle
- Client
- Closed
- Closer
- Coffee
- Column
- Combat
- Coming
- Common
- Comply
- Copper
Find out more: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words
- Ability
- Absence
- Academy
- Account
- Accused
- Achieve
- Acquire
- Address
- Advance
- Adverse
- Advised
- Adviser
- Against
- Airline
- Airport
- Alcohol
- Alleged
- Already
- Analyst
- Ancient
- Another
- Anxiety
- Anxious
- Anybody
- Applied
- Arrange
- Arrival
- Article
- Assault
- Assumed
- Assured
- Attempt
- Attract
- Auction
- Average
- Backing
- Balance
- Banking
- Barrier
- Battery
Learn more: 7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words
- Absolute
- Academic
- Accident
- Accurate
- Activist
- Activity
- Actually
- Addition
- Adequate
- Advanced
- Advocate
- Aircraft
- Alliance
- Although
- Analysis
- Announce
- Anything
- Anywhere
- Apparent
- Approach
- Approval
- Argument
- Artistic
- Athletic
- Attitude
- Audience
- Bathroom
- Behavior
- Birthday
- Boundary
- Building
- Business
- Campaign
- Capacity
- Category
Discover more: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words
- Eagerness
- Eaglewood
- Ealdorman
- Ealdormen
- Earliness
- Pacemaker
- Pachyderm
- Pachynema
- Qalandars
- Quadrants
- Quadrated
- Quadrates
- Quadratic
- Sabadilla
- Sabbatize
- Sablefish
- Tabbouleh
- Tabescent
- Tablature
- Tableland
- Nagualism
- Nahcolite
- Vacancies
- Vacations
- Vaccinate
- Vaccinees
- Quizzical
- Squizzing
Study more: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words
- Appreciate
- Aquaphobes
- Aquaphobia
- Aquaphobic
- Asexualize
- Autoxidize
- Axiomatize
- Azobenzene
- Backchecks
- Backpacked
- Backpacker
- Balkanized
- Bamboozled
- Bedazzling
- Bedjackets
- Bhikkhunis
- Blackbucks
- Blackcocks
- Blackjacks
- Blitzkrieg
- Blizzarded
- Blizzardly
- Bodychecks
- Bolshevize
- Buckjumped
- Buckjumper
- Bumfreezer
Explore more: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words
- Abbreviator
- Ablactation
- Abstraction
- Bearishness
- Calcination
- Candescence
- Capsulation
- Combinatory
- Counterfort
- Creatorship
- Destabilize
- Destitution
- Disablement
- Dualization
- Electronica
- Electroplax
- Fiddlerfish
- Fiddlestick
- Forgettable
- Forgiveness
Learn more: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words
- Abolitionary
- Abolitionise
- Abolitionism
- Acquaintance
- Acquiescence
- Agricultural
- Agrobacteria
- Belligerency
- Benefactress
- Blastomycete
- Blastosphere
- Canalization
- Cancellation
- Counterpoint
- Counterpoise
- Dateableness
- Daughterless
- Diagrammatic
- Essentiality
- Esterifiable
- Fearlessness
- Fearsomeness
- Flowerpecker
- Fluidization
- Hyperthermal
- Hyperthermia
Explore more: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words
- Accelerations
- Acceptability
- Accommodative
- Accommodators
- Admeasurement
- Administering
- Antisocialist
- Antispasmodic
- Beautifulness
- Bedazzlements
- Bonnyclabbers
- Bookbinderies
- Cacographical
- Cacophonously
- Caravanserais
- Carbohydrases
- Cinematically
- Cinematograph
- Cinquecentist
- Catalytically
- Chiropractics
- Chiropractors
- Conceptualise
- Conceptualism
- Conceptualist
- Copartnership
- Copiousnesses
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14 Letter Words
- Adventitiously
- Advertisements
- Alphabetically
- Alphanumerical
- Anelasticities
- Anesthesiology
- Aphoristically
- Apologetically
- Authenticating
- Authentication
- Biometeorology
- Bioregionalism
- Cardiothoracic
- Cardiovascular
- Chromatophores
- Chromodynamics
- Colorblindness
- Colorfulnesses
- Conclusiveness
- Concretenesses
Explore more: 14 Letter Words
Word Games
Let’s start with Wordle. As you’re no doubt aware, this combination of Mastermind and an online word game in which players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word on the basis of feedback advising whether each letter is in the right place, in the word but in the wrong place in the guess, or not in the word at all.
So far so simple, but where to start? Due to disagreement over neologisms, obsolescence and colloquialisms there is no consensus on the number of five-letter words in English but the smart money puts it at around 12,000. Although Wordle uses a much smaller word list of just over 2,000 words, that’s still plenty to trouble the game’s numerous daily players.
Enthusiasts seek the best strategy for revealing the hidden word in the fewest guesses. Although none provide a guarantee of success – and what would be the point of playing if they did? – we’re going to share a couple of the best ones with you.
Wordle Winning Ways
Strategy 1: choose two distinct words for the first two guesses. This can help because a big part of the game is eliminating letters.
Strategy 2: pick a word containing several vowels. As the overwhelming majority of English Words contain at least one vowel, this method is likely to provide solid information from the get-go.
Strategy 3: choose cares as your first guess. Cares is the word that can form the greatest number of other words when changing only one letter; science fiction fans will be pleased to know that the tally of alternatives stands as 42.
Strategy 4: choose words composed of as many of the most commonly occurring letters as possible. In the language as a whole the most frequent letters are e, t, a, o, i, n, s, h, r, d, l and u. The order differs in Wordle words, however: s, e, a, o, r, i, l, t, n, u, d, y, c, p and m. Reviewing five-letter words using those 15 letters, reveals triples such as ‘study minor place’ and ‘model input scary’. Yes, we know…and yes, you’re welcome!
Strategy 5: choose one of these words. The 20 best starting words to win at Wordle are: adieu, alert, alien, atone, audio, blind, canoe, fraud, haunt, media, minor, odium, orate, pause, person, plane, raise, resin, rouse, route, shade, world.
Other Word Games
Wordle was inspired by, and has inspired, a plethora of word games. The board game Scrabble has been a favourite for decades and calls for a good vocabulary, luck with the letters you randomly select, and cunning in placing words where they will maximise your score and minimise that of your adversaries. Words With Friends also predates Wordle and was responsible in large part for the rapid growth of online word games.
Quordle apes Wordle but involves four words and nine guesses, while Waffle is about unscrambling anagrams on a crossword-style layout. Finally we have Squabble, which is like a multiplayer version of Wordle involving the gradual elimination of participants until one is crowned the victor.
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