Spelling Mistakes

In this page, we are going to take a look at the 100 most commonly misspelled words in English. The English language is made of 350 different languages, consisting of 273,000 words altogether. And since English is the 3rd most spoken language in the whole entire world, you would expect it to be fairly easy. Especially since over the years, the language itself has become more simple.

Commonly Misspelled Words

Spelling Mistakes
Spelling Mistakes – Created by 7ESL

However, as we may all be aware, that’s not quite the case. With so many different words to remember, it can feel like an impossible job to remember how to spell every single one. Especially, since many words aren’t even spelled as they are pronounced, for example, the word ‘baloney’ is actually spelled ‘bologna’.

So, if you find yourself misspelling certain words, don’t be embarrassed because I can assure you, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, the Oxford Dictionary even shared that misspelling words happen way more often than you may think, however, it’s very important to learn the proper way of spelling to save yourself from any awkwardness when it comes to any professional situations.

Let’s take a closer look at the most commonly misspelled words in the English language…

100 Most Commonly Misspelled Words

Commonly Misspelled Words
Commonly Misspelled Words – Created by 7ESL

1. Definitely

Commonly misspelled as: definitly, definately and defiantly.

2. Caribbean

Commonly misspelled as: Carribean.

3. Separate

Commonly misspelled as: seperate.

4. Humorous

Commonly misspelled as: humerous.

5. Guarantee

Commonly misspelled as: garantee, garentee and garanty.

6. Until

Commonly misspelled as: untill.

7. Occasionally

Commonly misspelled as: occasionaly and occassionally.

8. Immediately

Commonly misspelled as: imediately.

9. Questionnaire

Commonly misspelled as: questionaire and questionnair.

10. Vacuum

Commonly misspelled as: vaccuum, vaccum and vacume.

11. Friend

Commonly misspelled as: freind.

12. Exhilarate

Commonly misspelled as: exilerate.

13. Disappoint

Commonly misspelled as: dissapoint.

14. Library

Commonly misspelled as: libary and liberry.

15. Beginning

Commonly misspelled as: begining.

16. Underrate

Commonly misspelled as: underate.

17. Hygiene

Commonly misspelled as: hygene, hygine, hiygeine, higeine and hygeine.

18. Equipment

Commonly misspelled as: equiptment.

19. Column

Commonly misspelled as: colum.

20. Acknowledge

Commonly misspelled as: acknowlege and aknowledge.

21. Wednesday

Commonly misspelled as: Wenesday.

22. Embarrass

Commonly misspelled as: embarass.

23. Millennium

Commonly misspelled as: millenium and milennium.

24. Usable

Commonly misspelled as: usible and useable.

25. Hypocrite

Commonly misspelled as: hipocrit.

26. Fascinating

Commonly misspelled as: facinating.

27. Tomorrow

Commonly misspelled as: tommorow and tommorrow.

28. Mischievous

Commonly misspelled as: mischievious, mischevous and mischevious.

29. Lightning

Commonly misspelled as: lightening.

30. Twelfth

Commonly misspelled as: twelth.

31. Business

Commonly misspelled as: buisness.

32. Height

Commonly misspelled as: heighth and heigth.

33. Guidance

Commonly misspelled as: guidence.

34. Welfare

Commonly misspelled as: wellfare and welfair.

35. Misspell

Commonly misspelled as: mispell and misspel.

36. Vicious

Commonly misspelled as: visious.

37. Cemetery

Commonly misspelled as: cemetary and cematery.

38. Maintenance

Commonly misspelled as: maintainance and maintnance.

39. Hierarchy

Commonly misspelled as: heirarchy.

40. Vehicle

Commonly misspelled as: vehical.

41. Relevant

Commonly misspelled as: relevent and revelant.

42. Beautiful

Commonly misspelled as: beatuful.

43. Desperate

Commonly misspelled as: desparate.

44. Lose

Commonly misspelled as: loose.

45. Grateful

Commonly misspelled as: gratefull and greatful.

46. Writing

Commonly misspelled as: writting and writeing.

47. Disastrous

Commonly misspelled as: disasterous.

48. Upholstery

Commonly misspelled as: upholstry.

49. Medieval

Commonly misspelled as: medeval, medevil and mideval.

50. Necessary

Commonly misspelled as: neccessary and necessery.

51. Gauge

Commonly misspelled as: guage.

52. Whether

Commonly misspelled as: wether.

53. Restaurant

Commonly misspelled as: restarant and restaraunt.

54. Quarantine

Commonly misspelled as: quarentine.

55. Bellwether

Commonly misspelled as: bellweather.

56. Committed

Commonly misspelled as: commited and comitted.

57. Successful

Commonly misspelled as: succesful, successfull and sucessful.

58. Jewellery (Jewelry in the U.S.)

Commonly misspelled as: jewelery.

59. Occurrence

Commonly misspelled as: occurrance and occurence.

60. Becoming

Commonly misspelled as: becomeing.

61. Acquaintance

Commonly misspelled as: acquaintence and aquaintance.

62. Fluorescent

Commonly misspelled as: flourescent.

63. Apparent

Commonly misspelled as: apparant, aparent, apparrent and aparrent.

64. Neighbour

Commonly misspelled as: nieghbor.

65. Existence

Commonly misspelled as: existance.

66. Believe

Commonly misspelled as: beleive.

67. Weather

Commonly misspelled as: wether and whether.

68. Experience

Commonly misspelled as: experiance.

69. Memento

Commonly misspelled as: momento.

70. Conscious

Commonly misspelled as: concious and consious.

71. Miniature

Commonly misspelled as: miniture.

72. Wilful

Commonly misspelled as: wilfull and willful.

73. Absence

Commonly misspelled as: absense, absentse, abcense and absance.

74. Queue

Commonly misspelled as: que.

75. Definite

Commonly misspelled as: definate and definit.

76. Leisure

Commonly misspelled as: liesure.

77. Drunkenness

Commonly misspelled as: drunkeness.

78. Pronunciation

Commonly misspelled as: pronounciation.

79. Their

Commonly misspelled as: there and they’re.

80. Independent

Commonly misspelled as: independant.

81. Tomatoes

Commonly misspelled as: tomatos.

82. Reference

Commonly misspelled as: referance and refrence.

83. Privilege

Commonly misspelled as: privelege and priviledge.

84. Intelligence

Commonly misspelled as: inteligence and intelligance.

85. Noticeable

Commonly misspelled as: noticable.

86. Colleague

Commonly misspelled as: collaegue and collegue.

87. Surprise

Commonly misspelled as: suprise and surprize.

88. Recommend

Commonly misspelled as: recomend and reccommend.

89. Ignorance

Commonly misspelled as: ignorence.

90. Omission

Commonly misspelled as: ommision and omision.

91. Camouflage

Commonly misspelled as: camoflage and camoflague.

92. Dilemma

Commonly misspelled as: dilenma and dillemma.

93. Advisable

Commonly misspelled as: adviseable and advizable.

94. Possession

Commonly misspelled as: posession and possesion.

95. Outrageous

Commonly misspelled as: outragous and outragious.

96. Secretary

Commonly misspelled as: secratary and secretery.

97. Allegiance

Commonly misspelled as: allegaince, allegience and alegiance.

98. February

Commonly misspelled as: Febuary.

99. Accommodate

Commonly misspelled as: accomodate and acommodate.

100. Amateur

Commonly misspelled as: amatuer and amature.

Final Thoughts

That is 100 of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language, hopefully, this list helped you with correcting any misspellings you may be currently struggling with or at least make you feel better for knowing how all of these words are correctly spelled.

If you know you struggle with remembering how to spell certain words correctly, a few things you could do to improve your spelling skills are: using the mnemonics method, learning the rules of English spelling, and write down any words you find hard to spell and look through them daily to help improve your memory.

Commonly Misspelled Words | Video

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