The CVCC words are taught after the students have tried blending the letters from a CVC word. By decoding each sound of a letter, they will be able to say the whole word with the sound of each letter.
CVCC Words
What Are CVCC Words?
The CVCC words are composed of consonant, vowel, consonant, and consonant letters. These words are taught to children as they enter their primary schooling. Breaking out a word by these letters makes it easier for them to learn phonics and spelling.
List of CVCC Words
List of CVCC Words
- Band
- Belt
- Camp
- Duck
- Duct
- Fact
- Felt
- Find
- Gift
- Golf
- Hand
- Hump
- Jolt
- Jump
- Left
- Lift
- Loft
- Malt
- Mild
- Mold
- Daft
- Heft
- Raft
- Deft
- Rift
- Pact
- Sift
- Sect
- Haft
- Soft
- Tuft
- Talc
- Meld
- Wild
- Wolf
- Hulk
- Film
- Help
- Cult
- Halt
- Kilt
- Molt
- Tilt
- Bump
- Dump
- Pomp
- Rump
- Zinc
- Bond
- Fond
- Kind
- Mind
- Rend
- Tend
- Wind
- Ding
- Gang
- King
- Ping
- Rung
- Sung
- Wing
- Bonk
- Dunk
- Hunk
- Link
- Punk
- Sunk
- Yank
- Bunt
- Dint
- Hunt
- Pant
- Rant
- Tent
- Went
- Waft
- Bald
- Balk
- Milk
- Helm
- Dolt
- Hilt
- Lilt
- Pelt
- Volt
- Gimp
- Lamp
- Pump
- Sump
- Bund
- Fund
- Land
- Pend
- Rind
- Vend
- Bang
- Dong
- Gong
- Long
- Pong
- Sang
- Tang
- Yang
- Bunk
- Funk
- Junk
- Mink
- Rank
- Sink
- Zonk
- Cant
- Font
- Lent
- Pent
- Rent
- Tint
- Weft
- GIld
- Gulf
- Bilk
- Silk
- Kiln
- Bolt
- Jilt
- Salt
- Welt
- Comp
- Hemp
- Limp
- Ramp
- Tamp
- Bend
- Fend
- Lend
- Pond
- Sand
- Wand
- Bong
- Dung
- Hang
- Lung
- Rang
- Sing
- Ting
- Zing
- Conk
- Hank
- Kink
- Monk
- Rink
- Tank
- Bent
- Cent
- Gent
- Lint
- Pint
- Runt
- Vent
- Bulb
- Held
- Weld
- Self
- Bulk
- Sulk
- Gulp
- Colt
- GIlt
- Melt
- Silt
- Wilt
- Damp
- Lump
- Romp
- Wimp
- Bind
- Hind
- Mend
- Rand
- Send
- Wend
- Bung
- Fang
- Hung
- Pang
- Ring
- Song
- Tong
- Bank
- Dank
- Honk
- Lank
- Pink
- Sank
- Wink
- Dent
- Hint
- Mint
- Punt
- Sent
- Want
- Jinx
- Kept
- Bask
- Disk
- Musk
- Tusk
- Lisp
- Best
- Dust
- Gust
- Just
- Lost
- Must
- Post
- Vast
- Minx
- Rapt
- Bosk
- Dusk
- Risk
- Cusp
- Rasp
- Bust
- Fast
- Hist
- Last
- Mast
- Nest
- Rest
- Vest
- Wept
- Cask
- Husk
- Rusk
- Gasp
- Wasp
- Cast
- Fist
- Host
- Lest
- Mist
- Past
- Rust
- West
- Disc
- Desk
- Mask
- Task
- Hasp
- Wisp
- Cost
- Gist
- Jest
- List
- Most
- Pest
- Test
- Zest
Common CVCC Words with Definitions
As the learner progresses, they are introduced to the following most common CVCC words:
It is made up of thin material that is used to put around something to hold them together. It may also mean a small group of musicians that perform together.
It is a strip made of leather locked end-to-end around the waist to tighten loose pants.
It is a place used as a temporary shelter with the use of tents and huts which are usually built outdoors.
A bird that is similar to swans and geese. However, ducks have shorter necks and are smaller than them.
It is a pipe or a tube that carries a substance, or a line to connect electric power, telephone cables, and others.
It is a piece of information that has proven to be true and is commonly used in reports and articles.
It is the past tense form of the word feel. It may also be used to call a fabric that has textile fibers that are pressed together.
It means to discover something unexpected.
It is a present given to someone without expecting any payment in return. It may also mean a person’s natural ability and talent.
A sport that uses a club and a ball where players are required to hit the balls with a club on a series of courses.
It is a part of the body that includes the fingers, palms, and nails.
A hump is found on the back of the camels for water storage. It may also mean a rounded and lightly raised groundmass which is often found on roads
It is an action done to push or shake something roughly.
It is an action where you leap off the air using the force from the leg and feet muscle.
If the person is facing north, it is the side of something that faces towards the west side.
It is an action where something is raised to a higher position.
It is a room found on the upper level of a house and directly under the roof and is similar to an attic.
It is a cereal grain that contains fiber, folate, and Vitamin B6 which decreases the risks of having heart problems.
A condition that is not severe.
It is a fungi structure that looks like dust which may cause allergic reactions to human health.
These are just some of the common words that can be learned by children who are just starting to read. The list can be used in creating literacy activities to help them read and understand the use and spelling of the words.
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