“Damp Squib” Meaning, Origin and Examples

You may have heard the term ‘damp squib’ used in conversation but what does it mean? We are going to look at the meaning of this saying plus how we can use it in our conversations. We will also take a brief look into the history of the saying and where it came from.

“Damp Squib” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “damp squib” refers to something that is disappointing, ineffective, or fails to live up to expectations. This British idiom is often used to describe an event or situation that was expected to be exciting or successful but turned out to be dull or underwhelming.
Damp Squib
Damp Squib – Created by 7ESL

“Damp Squib” Meaning

The phrase “damp squib” refers to a situation or event that fails to meet expectations or is disappointing, especially after a build-up of anticipation. It often describes something that is supposed to be exciting or explosive but turns out to be ineffective, lackluster, or underwhelming.


  • “The highly advertised concert turned out to be a damp squib with a poor turnout and lackluster performances.”
  • “His speech was meant to inspire, but it was a damp squib that left the audience unimpressed.”

Origin of this idiom

The term ‘damp squib’ originally came from the word for a type of firework which gave a very unenthusiastic and mild explosion when let off. The term was first used in the 1500s, referring to a squib which had become damp and therefore did not go off as expected.

Usage of “Damp Squib” 

  • Referring to an event:

“The fireworks show was a damp squib; half of the fireworks didn’t even go off.”

  • In a sports context:

“The match was hyped up as the game of the season, but it ended in a 0-0 draw—a real damp squib.”

  • Talking about a movie:

“With all the hype surrounding the film, I expected more, but it turned out to be a damp squib.”

  • In a social setting:

“We were hoping for an exciting party, but it was a damp squib, with barely any music or activities.”

Related Terms to “Damp Squib” 

  • Anti-climax – a disappointing end to an exciting series of events; a reduction in tension or interest.
  • Flop – a failure, particularly in entertainment or business; something that does not succeed as intended.
  • Letdown – an event or experience that fails to meet one’s expectations.
  • Disappointment – a feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations.
  • Bland – lacking strong features or characteristics; uninteresting or dull.
  • Washout – an event that is unsuccessful or fails to meet expectations.
  • Non-starter – a person or thing that is unlikely to succeed; something that does not get off the ground.
  • Missed opportunity – a chance that was not taken, often resulting in regret or disappointment.
  • Underwhelming – failing to impress or evoke enthusiasm; less exciting than expected.
  • Dead on arrival (DOA) – a term often used to describe something that is already unsuccessful or ineffective by the time it is presented.

Other Ways to Say the Phrase

There are many other ways that you can express the meaning of the idiomatic term ‘damp squib.’ Here are some examples of other things you could say.

  • It was a flop
  • Disaster
  • Anticlimax
  • Not as good as expected
  • Disappointment

“Damp Squib” Examples

You would use the saying ‘damp squib’ to describe an event which did not go as planned, you might say something similar to this; ‘I was so looking forward to the party last night but it ended up being a damp squib.’ You could use the saying to refer to any type of event from a music concert to a business meeting.

Example Sentences

  • The party was a bit of a damp squib.
  • The all-party meeting was a damp squib.
  • The pop concert went off like a damp squib when the main actors failed to appear.
  • The joke which I thought would make her laugh, proved a damp squib.

Conversation Examples

Here are some ways in which the term ‘damp squib’ might fit into your daily conversations. In the first example the person is implying that the meeting did not go very well after it was expected to be a success. The second example features a person telling someone that the show they are looking forward to seeing is sure to be a let down.

Conversation 1:

  • Person 1: “How did the meeting go yesterday afternoon?”
  • Person 2: “It was a real damp squib, hardly anyone turned up and not a lot was discussed.”

Conversation 2:

  • Person 1: I’m really excited about going to the concert tonight.”
  • Person 2: “I wouldn’t get too excited, Bill went to the showing last night and said it was a damp squib.”
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