List of Deep Sea Creatures with Facts and Pictures

In your exploration of deep sea creatures, you might discover fascinating organisms and broaden your English vocabulary. You will learn about the list of deep sea creatures with different species, their unusual features, and intriguing facts. Engaging with this topic can not only enhance your knowledge of marine life but also improve your English language skills.

List of Deep Sea Creatures

List of Deep Sea Creatures
List of Deep Sea Creatures – Created by 7ESL
  • Frilled Shark
  • Anglerfish
  • Goblin Shark
  • Stargazer
  • Giant Squid
  • Blue-Ringed Octopus
  • Leafy Sea Dragon

What Are Deep Sea Creatures?

As the name suggests, these creatures inhabit the deepest and darkest parts of the ocean, thousands of feet below the surface. Deep sea creatures have adapted to survive in one of the planet’s most extreme habitats, making them look and behave very differently from the creatures we know and encounter regularly, which is why they grab our attention.

The suns’ rays cannot penetrate the depths, meaning these waters have no light or heat. Many deep sea creatures have adapted to live without their eyesight and some have even evolved to have no eyes altogether.

With the colossal weight of the world above, the pressure here is unbearable for most other organisms. This, and the lack of sunlight, means oxygen and food are scarce.

Deep Sea Creatures and Their Facts

So what kind of creatures can survive this unforgiving environment? How has evolution helped these species to thrive in the deep sea? Here are a few facts about some of the weirdest deep sea creatures in our oceans.

Frilled Shark

Frilled Shark

Lurking at depths of over 5000 feet, the frilled shark is similar to the more familiar sharks we can see in an aquarium, only with 25 terrifying rows of three-pointed teeth



These lure prey into their jaws using a bioluminescent ‘lamp’ antenna. The largest in the species can be up to 3.5 feet long. Surprisingly, when these fish find a mate, much like penguins, they stay together.

Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark

Voted one of the ugliest animals in the world, the goblin shark has a long, pointed snout, and a detachable mouth, meaning it can extend its jaws to devour its prey



Despite the pretty name, a stargazer sports two venomous spines, with some species even able to electrocute its prey. Its eyes face upwards, so it can attack unsuspecting meals from below

Giant Squid

Giant Squid

Unfortunately not a myth, the giant squid can reach lengths up to 59 feet and weigh almost a ton. Their eyes can be 10 inches in diameter, which is almost the size of a dinner plate

Blue-Ringed Octopus

Blue-Ringed Octopus

Not all deep sea creatures look like sea monsters on television. The blue-ringed octopus vary in size from 4 – 8 inches, and its bright colours makes it look friendly. However, one bite from this creature can easily paralyse and kill humans, it is considered one of the most poinsonous animals in the world

Leafy Sea Dragon

Leafy Sea Dragon

Closely related to pipefishes, these beautiful creatures resemble sea horses and as poor swimmers, have evolved to look like aquatic plants to avoid predators.