“Do A Barrel Roll” Meaning, Origin and Examples

If one of your interests includes playing online video or computer games, then you may have heard the phrase “do a barrel roll.” Here you will find the meaning, origin, usage, and some related terms. You will also find some example conversations to help you better understand the phrase in context and you will discover some similar words that can be used in place of this phrase to convey the same meaning.

Do A Barrel Roll Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • Do a barrel roll means to change things up, approach something in a new or unexpected way, or add a surprising twist. It’s a playful phrase often used to encourage thinking outside the box or making an unexpected move. The term comes from the 1997 game Star Fox 64, where a character famously says, “Do a barrel roll!” prompting players to perform a 360-degree aerial roll to dodge obstacles or attacks.
Do A Barrel Roll Meaning
Do A Barrel Roll Meaning – Created by 7ESL

Do A Barrel Roll Meaning

Do a barrel roll generally means to “change things up” or “shake things up” in a surprising, unexpected way. It’s often used in a playful or humorous sense, encouraging someone to try something unconventional or look at things from a new angle.

Origin of this Term

The origin of performing a barrel roll originated from fighter jet maneuvers. The phrase became popular online after the release of a video game called Star Fox 64In this game, players were instructed to perform a barrel roll by another in-game character whenever they were in trouble. It was said so much in the game that the phrase “do a barrel roll” became a popular meme on the internet and a widely used response to people online whenever they were in a troubling situation. It is often used on the internet as a sarcastic response or in gaming by players to tell another player to get out of trouble.

Usage of “Do A Barrel Roll”

Here are some examples of how do a barrel roll is used in different contexts:

Encouragement to Try Something New:

  • “If you’re feeling stuck, just do a barrel roll and switch up your perspective!”
  • “Instead of the usual route, do a barrel roll and try exploring a new part of town.”

Adding a Twist or Surprise:

  • “That dinner party sounds great, but maybe you should do a barrel roll and add a fun theme.”
  • “The report looks fine, but a barrel roll with an interesting visual might make it stand out.”

Gaming/Internet Culture:

  • “Having trouble with that level? Do a barrel roll to dodge the enemy!”
  • Typing “do a barrel roll” into Google—just for fun!

Lighthearted Advice for Handling Life’s Challenges:

  • “Feeling down? Do a barrel roll—change up your routine and do something exciting!”
  • “If the plan isn’t working, do a barrel roll and rethink your strategy.”

Related Terms to “Do A Barrel Roll”

  • Switch Things Up – Changing routines or approaching a task differently.
  • Think Outside the Box – Encourages creative or unconventional thinking.
  • Take a 180 – Means to completely change direction or approach.
  • Flip the Script – Turning expectations upside down, usually to surprise or create change.
  • Do a 180 Spin – Similar to “take a 180,” often implies a change of opinion, approach, or direction.
  • Shake Things Up – Adding excitement or breaking from routine.
  • Pivot – Making a strategic shift, often in business or life.
  • Go for a Plot Twist – Introducing an unexpected element to keep things interesting.
  • Try a New Angle – Looking at a problem from a fresh perspective.
  • Change Gears – Shifting focus or strategy to something different.

Alternatives to “Do A Barrel Roll”

There are several different words or phrases that you can use in place of the phrase “do a barrel roll.” Some of the phrases you could use instead to relay the same meaning include:

  • Turn around and run away
  • Turn your life around
  • Choose a different path

“Do A Barrel Roll” Examples

Example Conversations

A text conversation between two friends.

  • Friend 1: I just don’t know what to do anymore. It seems like every day more and more problems just get put on my plate.
  • Friend 2: Sounds like you need to do a barrel roll.

An online conversation between two game players.

  • Player 1: OMG! I have ten enemies on me. I am going to die!
  • Player 2: Quick! Do a barrel roll!
  • Player 1: LOL! I don’t think that’s going go help smartass!
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