“Foregone Conclusion” Meaning, Origin and Examples

A “foregone conclusion” is a phrase used when the outcome of a situation can be predicted easily and with certainty. This reference explores its meaning, examples of its use, and other phrases that convey a similar idea. By understanding this expression, you can incorporate it more effectively into your conversations.

Foregone Conclusion Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The meaning of the term ‘foregone conclusion’ relates to a decision that has been made before looking at all the evidence. It can mean a result which was inevitable.
Foregone Conclusion Meaning
Foregone Conclusion Meaning – Created by 7ESL

Foregone Conclusion Meaning

A “foregone conclusion” refers to an outcome that is certain or inevitable, often because it was predictable from the start. It implies that the result is so obvious that there’s no need for further discussion or analysis.

Origin of this Idiom

The phrase ‘foregone conclusion’ originally came from a play by William Shakespeare called Othello which was written in 1604. The context it was originally written in is as follows; ‘But this denoted a foregone conclusion, tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream.’

Usage of “Foregone Conclusion”

  • In a sports context:
    “With the team’s star player injured, their loss was a foregone conclusion.”
  • In everyday conversation:
    “After seeing how well she performed in the interview, her promotion was a foregone conclusion.”
  • In a professional setting:
    “The merger was a foregone conclusion once both companies agreed on the terms.”

It is typically used to describe situations where the outcome is predictable or expected from the beginning.

Related Terms to “Foregone Conclusion”

  • Inevitable – certain to happen; unavoidable.
  • Done deal – a decision or agreement that has been finalized and can’t be changed.
  • Predictable – expected or easy to foresee.
  • Certainty – something that is sure to happen.
  • No-brainer – an obvious decision or outcome that requires little thought.
  • Sure thing – something that is guaranteed to happen or succeed.
  • Destined – predetermined or certain to happen.
  • Fait accompli – an accomplished fact; something that has already been decided.
  • Foreseeable – able to be predicted or anticipated.
  • In the bag – a situation that is virtually guaranteed or already won.

Other Ways to Say the Phrase

There are other ways in which you might express the meaning of the term ‘foregone conclusion.’

Here are some examples of how you could say it.

  • A done deal
  • A surefire thing
  • A dead cert

“Foregone Conclusion” Examples

Examples in Statements

A statement showing that a particular winner was always expected.

  • ‘Claire has won the contest ten years running, her victory this year was a foregone conclusion.’

This statement explains that something is a certainty before it has happened.

  • ‘It’s a foregone conclusion that this painting will sell at auction, it is wanted by a lot of people.’

More helpful examples:

  • It was a foregone conclusion that I would end up in the same business as him.
  • The election result was a foregone conclusion.
  • The result of the match was a foregone conclusion.
  • It is equally a foregone conclusion that reform must come eventually.
  • Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion.

Conversation Examples

How can the term ‘foregone conclusion’ be used in a conversation? Here are some examples of how the phrase would look in conversation.

The first example is about a holiday destination being certain for many years running.

  • Person 1: “We always go to France for our holidays.”
  • Person 2: “Yes because Amy always decides to go there.”
  • Person 1: “Do you think she will want to go elsewhere this year?”
  • Person 2: “I think going to France is a foregone conclusion.”

This conversation states that a discussion is not needed if the outcome will always be the same.

  • Person 1: “We should wait for the others before making a final decision.”
  • Person 2: “There’s no need, hiring a new teacher is a foregone conclusion, we don’t need the others here to tell us that.”
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