“Get Out of Dodge” Definition with Useful Example Sentences

The idiomatic phrase “get out of dodge” is a phrase you may hear or see frequently in everyday conversation and writing. Here you will find the meaning of this phrase and some information about its origin. You will also find examples of how to properly use this phrase in conversations/statements and alternative ways to say this phrase while still conveying the same meaning.

Get Out Of Dodge

Get Out Of Dodge Meaning

The idiomatic phrase “get out of dodge” means to vacate a specific area, especially an area where an impending troublesome situation is about to occur.

Origin of this idiomatic expression

The idiom “get out of dodge” most likely originated from the television show Gunsmoke which aired on television from 1952 to 1975. The show was a western that took place in Dodge City, Kansas. Whenever there was someone causing trouble in the town, they were told to “get out of Dodge” meaning leave the city. The phrase became widely used because of the show and continues to be popular today when someone needs to leave any area because of impending trouble.

“Get Out Of Dodge” Examples

Example Statements

A statement made by a local citizen about a recent tornado that struck the town.

  • “When I saw the tornado off in the distance and heard the sirens go off, I knew it was time to get out of dodge and head for our storm cellar.”

A statement made by a celebrity who was blacklisted for bad behavior.

  • “When I was unable to get any further movie deals, I knew it was time to get the hell out of dodge. So I packed up my bags and moved from California to Florida and I have been here ever since.”

Example Conversations

A conversation between two co-workers at the office.

  • Co-worker 1: If you ask me, this company is not doing well. They just aren’t letting anybody know that.
  • Co-worker 2: Why do you think that?
  • Co-worker 1: It is kind of obvious. Work has been slow and they have been sending us home early for the past month.
  • Co-worker 2: That is true. Maybe you are right. Perhaps it is time to get out of dodge and look for another place to work.

A conversation between a father and son.

  • Father: Son, I’ll tell you what. I am in major need of a long vacation.
  • Son: Me too. After the breakup with Jenny, I need to get away from this place for a while.
  • Father: What do you say this weekend we get out of dodge and go camping?
  • Son: Sounds like a plan to me!

Other Ways to Say “Get The Hell Out Of Dodge”

As is the case with all idiomatic phrases, there are many alternative ways to say “get out of dodge: and still convey the same meaning. Other ways you could say this phrase include:

  • Leave
  • Vacate
  • Go on a trip/vacation

Get The Hell Out Of Dodge | Picture

Get Out Of Dodge

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