Have you ever heard the word “gnarly” used to describe something and wondered what it means? It’s a term with a rich history, especially in surf culture, that has evolved in its usage over the years. In this reference, we’ll explore how “gnarly” is used in modern language, where it comes from, and the different ways it can be applied.
Gnarly Meaning, Origin and Usage
Key Takeaways
“Gnarly” is slang that originally described difficult or dangerous situations, especially in surf culture. It has two main meanings today:
- Impressive or cool, often used to describe something exciting or extraordinary.
- Unpleasant or disturbing, used to describe something gross or challenging.
What Does Gnarly Mean?
“Gnarly” has shifted in meaning and is now often used in two contrasting ways:
Impressive or Amazing:
- It can describe something that is cool, awesome, or impressive, particularly in the context of extreme sports, adventures, or unique experiences.
- “That trick you just did on your skateboard was gnarly!”
Unpleasant or Disturbing:
- It can also describe something negative, difficult, or disgusting, such as a challenging situation or something visually unpleasant.
- “That injury looks pretty gnarly.”
While “gnarly” originally referred to something difficult in surfing, its modern use can vary widely—either describing something impressive or something unpleasant, depending on the context.
Origin of Gnarly
In the 1970s, surfers coined the term ‘gnarly’ as a way to describe the waves. Those chosen ‘gnarly’ waves were not normal every day, easy to ride types. Instead, they were waves so intense they were almost unrideable. They even used the phrase to describe clothes and/or surfboards that were completely awesome looking in design and style.
Usage of Gnarly
When Something Is Impressive or Cool
Use “gnarly” to describe something that stands out as exciting, extreme, or awesome, particularly in situations involving extreme sports, thrilling activities, or something extraordinary.
- “That backflip you did on your bike was gnarly!”
When Describing a Difficult or Intense Situation
If something is challenging, tough, or intense (especially in sports or adventure), you can use “gnarly” to convey that level of difficulty.
- “The hike up that mountain was gnarly, but we made it!”
When Describing Something Gross or Unpleasant
“Gnarly” can also be used to describe something disturbing, unpleasant, or disgusting, such as an injury, a bad situation, or something visually unappealing.
- “That injury is gnarly—he’ll need stitches for sure.”
In Casual or Informal Settings
It’s generally used in informal conversations or when talking to friends, especially among younger people or in cultures related to extreme sports.
Related Terms to Gnarly
- Insane – Used to describe something so extreme or unbelievable that it defies logic or expectations.
- Unbelievable – Describes something that is so extraordinary or difficult to believe that it shocks or surprises.
- Outrageous – Refers to something shocking, extreme, or beyond what is considered normal or acceptable.
- Crazy – Often used to describe events or situations that are extreme, unpredictable, or difficult to comprehend.
- Mind-Blowing – Describes something so amazing or overwhelming that it challenges understanding or expectations.
- Epic – Used to describe something large, grand, or impressive, often in a way that feels out of the ordinary.
- Wild – Refers to something extreme, unpredictable, or out of control.
- Intense – Describes something that is marked by extreme force, strength, or emotion.
- Over-the-Top – Refers to something that is extreme in terms of exaggeration or excessiveness.
- Jaw-Dropping – Used to describe something so surprising or amazing that it leaves you speechless.
- Radical – Originally used in surf and skate culture to describe something extreme or ground-breaking.
- Colossal – Describes something huge, massive, or on a grand scale, often to the point of being hard to imagine.
Examples of Gnarly
Ways you will hear the internet slang term used.
Example 1
- Texter 1: Hey man did you get a chance to go to the beach this week?
- Texter 2: No, work has kept me so busy.
- Texter 1: I know huh, getting older can suck at times.
- Texter 2: IKR
- Texter 1: I went and man you should have seen the waves, they were so gnarly.
- Texter 2: Darn and I missed it yet again.
Here is a simple conversation between friends and how growing up seems to keep them busy where one missed some awesome surfing days because he had to work yet another weekend.
- ikr – I Know Right
Example 2
- Girl: I love your necklace, are those shells?
- Guy: Yeah I think they are called Puca. I got it when I was down in Florida on spring break last year.
- Girl: It’s totally awesome.
- Guy: Thanks, we had such a gnarly time down there.
Now a girl tells a guy how she likes his necklace and he gets the chance to explain where he got it from and how much fun the trip was.
Example 3:
- Guy 1: Hey how was the trip?
- Guy 2: It was alright, I got to meet her parents.
- Guy 1: I bet that was fun.
- Guy 2: It wasn’t bad, honestly we had a blast going to the zoo and just kicking it like we did growing up.
- Guy 1: gnarly
Now a couple of guys having a conversation about one hanging out with his girlfriend and her parents, after telling the other guy he actually had a blast his friend uses ‘gnarly’ to explain how he thinks that is awesome.
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