Good Evening Messages: 100+ Ways to Say “Good Evening” in English

When speaking in the English language, there are usually a variety of ways in which you can say most things. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the alternative ways you can say “good evening”. It’s also helpful for ESL learners to learn some interesting Good evening messages and their meanings in some situations.

When Is the Evening?

The evening time starts from the time the sun sets and lasts until night. Depending on the speaker and the region, the evening time may last from 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. until around 8:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Good Evening Messages
Good Evening Messages – Created by 7ESL

Lovely Good Evening Messages (with Lovers)

Saying greetings to your special someone is a good way to show respect and care. If you have a lover and can’t find a lovely way to say good evening to them, make sure to take note of some Good evening messages below.

  • Lovely evening
  • Have a fine evening.
  • Beautiful evening
  • Wishing you a delightful evening
  • See you later.
  • So excited to hear all about your amazing day.
  • Enjoy your evening.
  • Mesmerizing evening for you.
  • Lots of love for this sweet evening.
  • I’m glad to be with you tonight.

Informal Good Evening Messages

The word good evening can be used on various occasions however, it may sound too formal, particularly in informal or casual settings. To avoid sounding too formal, here are some informal alternatives to this good evening greeting.

  • Evening
  • Deuces
  • Enjoy the evening to the fullest!
  • Have an amazing evening!
  • Sending you lots of good vibes tonight.
  • Just wanted to say good evening.
  • Catch you later.
  • I’m out.
  • Peace / Peace out.
  • Later.
  • Be good / Be good at it.
  • Bye.
  • Catch you later alligator.
  • After a while Crocodile.
  • Have fun.

Formal Good Evening Greetings

The simple “good evening” is already a suitable greeting in formal situations. However, if you are looking for other formal ways to say it, here are some suggestions:

  • I hope you have a great evening.
  • Wishing you a wonderful evening,
  • Have a nice evening.
  • See you later.
  • Take care.
  • Farewell
  • Goodbye.
  • Until the next time.
  • It was good to meet you.
  • Until we meet again.
  • I’ll catch up with you later.
  • See you tomorrow.
  • I’m off.
  • I have to go.
  • Take it easy.

Professional Ways to Say Good Evening

Believe it or not, a greeting as simple as good evening plays an important role in professional or business communications. Not only does it define the tone of the conversation but may also affect the receiver’s perception of your character.

To help you make a good professional impression, we list down different professional ways to say good evening.

In E-mail

  • Greetings
  • A pleasant evening to you.
  • I hope you’re having a great evening.
  • Have a good evening.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • It was a pleasure talking with you.
  • Thank you for the e-mail.

In A Business Meeting

  • I hope everyone is doing well this evening.
  • It is good to see everyone here.
  • It’s wonderful to see you tonight.
  • Great meeting you here.
  • It was nice meeting you all.
  • Thank you for your time today.
  • See you again.
  • Good evening team.

During A Phone Call

  • Hello
  • How are you doing this evening?
  • How’s it going?
  • I have to go.
  • It’s nice to hear from you.
  • Goodbye
  • See you.
  • Enjoy your evening.

Idiomatic Good Evening Messages

Like other greetings, you can also say good evening in idiomatic ways. Below we enumerate them one by one.

  • What have you been up to?
  • Evening, sunshine.
  • What a gorgeous evening.
  • Pleased to meet you.
  • Hey there dude.
  • Howdy partner.
  • What’s up man.
  • What’s cookin’?

Funny Ways to Say Good Evening

Did you know that there are fun ways to say good evening? If your answer is no, then you should check out this list of funny good evening messages.

  • How’s it hanging?
  • What a fine evening!
  • Catch you later alligator,
  • After a while crocodile.
  • Evening champ!
  • Hey there superhero.
  • What’s up, rockstar.

Friendly Good Evening Messages (with Friends)

Knowing some friendly greetings is no doubt a good way to start making friends. Keep reading and learn some friendly ways to say good evening.

  • Good evening, mate.
  • How are you doing?
  • What’s up?
  • What’s new?
  • How are things with you?
  • It’s a pleasure to meet you.
  • It’s nice to meet you.
  • Enjoy the evening to the fullest!

Polite Good Evening Messages

  • Goodbye.
  • See you later.
  • Until next time…
  • Take Care.
  •  I’m off.
  •  I have to run/go.
  • Farewell.
  • Take it easy.
  • It was good to meet you.
  •  It was nice to see you (again).
  • I’ll catch up with you later.
  • Have a nice evening.
  • Have Fun.
  • I’ll see you soon.
  • Until we meet again.
  • Ta-Ta For Now (TTFN).
  •  See you tomorrow.

More or less you can also use these terms in conjunction with each other for example :

“Take care, see you tomorrow!” Is used for co-workers and associates as well as friends and family. Letting them know you care and that parting is only temporary at the same time.

Informal or Slang Ways to Say Good Evening

  • Deuces
  • Peace or peace out
  • I’m out or outs
  • Later, Laters,
  • Catch you later
  • Bye
  • Be Good
  • Be good, or be good at it.
  • Catch you later Alligator
  • After awhile Crocodile

The English language can be very difficult to grasp with so many different ways to say the same thing, but it always shows good manners and fine etiquette to use a proper greeting and farewell.

Good Evening Greetings For Every Situation

In Welcoming Or For Departures

Whether greeting someone or leaving someone, There’s always a way to say what you want in a way that’s fitting for whatever situation you’ve found yourself walking into or walking away from. From your friends and loved ones to the awkward encounter brought on by chance or destiny. There’s more than one way to say what you want to and leave with your dignity intact.

Let’s start with Good evening greetings

I’m only going to touch upon this briefly, there are endless ways to greet someone, and “Good Evening” is usually used in formal gatherings or encounters and said as a cue marker for another question. For example:

“Good evening, How are you? or How have you been?”

Both are ways to engage and draw out verbal communication to instigate a meaningful two-way conversation. In this situation, the person that answers the question (if using proper manners and speaking etiquette) will return the question when done answering. At which point based on your perceptiveness and what the other person answered the question by saying, you can either answer with a short fine or I’m well and ask more about the other person or get to whatever the point of your encounter was with the person. Or, you could answer back in earnest if its friends or family gathered for a function or celebration like a wedding.

The simple evening with friends carries with it the cozy comforts of familiarity and no judgments.

“Hi, How are you?/Hi, How have you been?” – Generally gives away the familiar notion of “I missed you” when said properly. Drawing out the hi part and raising the pitch in your voice while saying how are you, engages conversation, and breaks the ice after a long absence or short intermission.

Business or professional greetings for say, discussing business over dinner is more formal and less familiar in greeting. Usually starting with a handshake and then some conversation. To say “Good Evening” in this way, it’s best to make eye contact as well as shaking hands with whomever you’re meeting with.

In Passing Or Leaving

It’s like telling someone to enjoy the rest of their evening if they’re acquaintances and/or colleagues and a polite euphemism when you’re angry or in a hurry to either end a conversation or to leave a person peacefully without really saying harmful or degrading words you may have wanted to say. Either way, when actually saying Good Evening it’s usually a formal term and not what someone really speaks like with the people we’re used to being around or are comfortable enough to let our guards down with so to speak.

There will be times when trying to get a word in edgewise when you’re in a hurry will be nigh impossible without first, having to cut someone off midsentence to tell them you have to go. Sometimes polite can get you in trouble, like when trying to keep an appointment or there is not supposed to be any talking, to begin with.

Here are some English ways to say good evening and effectively end conversations or depart from someone’s presence you haven’t the time to converse with using keywords or (cues) before using the different forms of saying good evening.

CUES and KEYWORDS to use to effectively terminate either an unwanted or badly timed conversation BEFORE saying a different form of “good evening” to avoid bad manners or upsetting someone.

  • Sorry, I have to interrupt you real quick, I’m running late for…
  • Pardon me, I have something to do or somewhere to be…..
  • Hold that thought, We can finish talking later, right now I have to go.
  • Wait, I’ll be right back I have to….we can finish (talking) later/or when I get back.

Good Evening Salutations Infographic

Good Evening: How to Say Good Evening in Different Situations

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