Green with Envy Meaning, Origin and Examples

The idiomatic phrase “green with envy” is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing. This reference will explain the meaning of the phrase and its origin. You’ll also find examples of how it’s used in conversations and statements, along with other ways to say the phrase while keeping the same meaning.

Green with Envy Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • “Green with envy” is an idiomatic expression that means feeling very jealous or envious of someone else’s possessions, achievements, or success. The color green is traditionally associated with envy or jealousy in this context.
Green with Envy Meaning
Green with Envy Meaning – Created by 7ESL

What Does “Green with Envy” Mean?

“Green with envy” is an idiomatic expression that means someone is extremely jealous or envious of another person. The phrase evokes the idea of feeling so much envy that it metaphorically “turns you green,” a color historically associated with jealousy.

Origin of this Common Idiom

The origin of this phrase is attributed to William Shakespeare. Before the play Othello was written in 1565, the color green referred to illness. However, in the play, Shakespeare compared the feeling of jealousy to a green-eyed monster. The phrase as we know it today was derived from this comparison that Shakespeare made hundreds of years ago.

When to Use “Green with Envy”

You can use the expression “green with envy” in the following situations:

To Describe Strong Jealousy

  • When someone is visibly or deeply envious of another person’s achievements, possessions, or situation.
  • Example: “When Sarah saw her colleague get the award, she was green with envy.”

To Highlight Envy in a Lighthearted or Exaggerated Way

  • When you want to describe envy playfully or dramatically, without intense negativity.
  • Example: “She was green with envy when her friend got front-row tickets to the concert.”

To Express Envy Over Material Possessions

  • When someone covets what another person has, such as money, houses, or clothes.
  • Example: “He was green with envy over his neighbor’s brand-new car.”

In a Social or Personal Context

  • When friends, family, or colleagues feel envious about someone’s success, promotion, or opportunities.
  • Example: “Her classmates were green with envy when she got accepted into a prestigious university.”

In a Friendly Competition

  • When one person feels envious of another’s accomplishments in a competitive but non-hostile setting.
  • Example: “After losing the game, he joked that he was green with envy at his friend’s victory.”

This phrase is often used informally, typically in everyday conversations or narratives, and conveys envy in a colorful, expressive way. It can be used both seriously and humorously, depending on the context.

Related Terms to “Green with Envy”

Here are several related terms and phrases to “green with envy,” all of which describe feelings of jealousy or envy:

  • Jealous – A straightforward term for feeling resentment towards someone due to their success, possessions, or advantages.
  • Envious – Similar to “jealous,” it describes wanting what someone else has.
  • Covetous – A more formal word meaning to strongly desire something that belongs to someone else.
  • Yearning – A strong desire for something, though it doesn’t always have a negative or jealous connotation.
  • Resentful – Feeling bitterness or displeasure about someone else’s advantages.
  • Grudge – Holding a feeling of resentment or jealousy over time.
  • Longing – A strong desire for something someone else has, often accompanied by feelings of envy.
  • Covet – To desire something that someone else possesses.

These terms all describe various shades of jealousy, envy, or longing, like “green with envy.”

Other Ways to Say “Green with Envy”

Like most idiomatic phrases, the phrase “green with envy” can be said in several different ways and yet still convey the same meaning. Other ways that you could say this phrase include:

  • Jealous
  • Envious
  • Covetous

“Green with Envy” Examples

Example Statements

A statement that was made in the local paper regarding a fight that broke out at the fair.

  • “A woman was arrested last night after she started a fight with another woman because she was green with envy. The woman arrested for starting the fight said that her boyfriend had been flirting with this woman and she just became very jealous and couldn’t control herself.”

A statement made by a police officer during a recent press conference.

  • “It appears the murder happened because of a jealous boyfriend. His girlfriend had moved on with her life and he could not handle it. He was green with envy and came to her house to attack her as she slept.”

Example Conversations

A conversation between two friends at school.

  • Friend 1: Did you see the way Robin was glaring at you in the hallway this morning when you were talking to Nathan?
  • Friend 2: No, I was too busy paying attention to Nathan to notice anyone else. Why?
  • Friend 1: Oh it was nothing. It is just so obvious that she is green with envy.

A conversation between two co-workers in the office.

  • Co-worker 1: I still can’t believe they gave you the best office space in the building.
  • Co-worker 2: Yeah, me neither, but I’ll take it.
  • Co-worker 1: (laughing) I don’t blame you. I would too! I am so green with envy!

Other examples:

  • He was green with envy when he saw my new Jaguar car.
  • Alice’s girlfriends were green with envy when they saw her new dress.
  • Keiko became green with envy when she saw Kanji talking to Junko.
  • She could see that all the other girls were green with envy.
  • When I told her my news, she was absolutely green with envy.
  • Ben’s heading off to Spain for the week and I’m green with envy.
  • Stop flirting with the bartender. You’re making Mark green with envy.
  • I was green with envy when I saw his splendid new car.
  • It’s enough to turn them green with envy.
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