“Grool” Meaning, Origin and Examples

Have you ever heard someone say “grool” and wondered what it means? “Grool” is a funny slang word that came from the movie Mean Girls and has since become a popular term in casual conversations. In this article, we’ll explore how “grool” became a part of internet slang, where it’s used, and why it’s so fun to say. So, if you’re ready to add a new word to your vocabulary, let’s dive into the meaning of “grool!”

“Grool” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • “Grool” is a slang term that combines the words “great” and “cool” to describe something impressive, awesome, or exciting. It originated from the 2004 movie Mean Girls, where the character Cady accidentally says “grool” when trying to say “great” and “cool” at the same time.
Grool Meaning
Grool Meaning – Created by 7ESL

“Grool” Meaning

In slang, “grool” is a playful term that combines “great” and “cool” to describe something that’s impressive, awesome, or exciting. The word originated from the 2004 movie Mean Girls, where the character Cady tries to say “great” and “cool” at the same time, accidentally creating “grool.”

Since then, “grool” has become a lighthearted way to describe anything that’s both cool and great. It’s often used humorously to show excitement or approval in a quirky way.

For example:

  • “Your new sneakers are totally grool!”
  • “That concert last night was grool beyond words!”

Origin of this Term

Grool saw usage in the mid-2000s thanks to the film Mean Girls where a character accidentally says “grool” and explains they were saying great at first but accidentally said cool at the start, thus creating the combination by accident. Since the movie’s release, grool became a popular word in text and emails between teenagers or children, but has since fallen out of favor and is rarely used.

Usage of “Grool”

1. In a casual or enthusiastic conversation:

  • “That new movie was so grool! I loved every second of it.”

    (Using “grool” to describe something that is both great and cool.)

2. When something is both surprising and exciting:

  • “Wow, we just won the game! That was totally grool!”

    (Expressing excitement and enthusiasm for a success or positive outcome.)

3. In a playful or lighthearted tone:

  • “You got the new phone? Grool! I’ve been waiting for it to come out!”

    (Used casually to show approval or excitement about something new or impressive.)

4. In a conversation about a fun or enjoyable event:

  • “The concert last night was grool. The band was amazing!”

    (Describing an event or experience that was both enjoyable and impressive.)

5. In a humorous or sarcastic way:

  • “You failed the test, but hey, at least you tried. Grool.”

    (Used sarcastically to lighten the mood or make fun of a situation.)

6. In a discussion about fashion or style:

  • “That outfit looks grool on you! It’s like, stylish and so you.”

    (Used to compliment someone’s appearance or outfit in a fun, enthusiastic way.)

7. In an online or social media context:

  • “Check out this new game I just downloaded, it’s grool! So much fun!”

    (Sharing excitement about something new on social media or in a group chat.)

8. In a conversation about a new trend or technology:

  • “I just got my hands on the latest smartwatch. It’s totally grool!”

    (Used to describe a new gadget or trend that’s both impressive and exciting.)

9. In an expression of mixed feelings or awkward excitement:

  • “I don’t know if I love or hate this movie, but it’s definitely grool in a weird way.”

    (Describing something that’s both cool and strange or awkward in a positive yet mixed way.)

10. In a playful self-description:

  • “I totally messed up that presentation, but it was grool in its own way.”

    (Using “grool” to humorously downplay a failure or awkward moment.)

Related Terms to “Grool”

  • Cool: A classic slang term for something trendy, impressive, or likable.
  • Great: A straightforward term for something fantastic or excellent.
  • Rad: Short for “radical,” meaning awesome or exciting.
  • Dope: Slang for something outstanding or amazing.
  • Awesome: A common word to express admiration or amazement.
  • Epic: Used to describe something extraordinary or memorable.
  • Lit: Modern slang for something exciting, fun, or on-point.
  • Wicked: Slang for something extremely good or impressive (often used in New England or UK contexts).
  • Gnarly: A term originally from surfer slang, meaning impressive or extreme.
  • Sweet: Informal slang for something that’s highly enjoyable or satisfying.

“Grool” Examples

Sentence Examples

  • “Your outfit is so unique and stylish—totally grool!”
  • “That rollercoaster ride was grool; I can’t wait to go again!”
  • “The way you decorated your room is super creative and grool.
  • “I just watched the new superhero movie, and it was absolutely grool.
  • “You baked this cake? It tastes grool!”
  • “Their wedding theme was both elegant and fun—so grool!”
  • “This new app you showed me is seriously grool; it makes life so much easier.”
  • “I love the vibe of this place; it’s quirky and grool.
  • “The concert last night was beyond amazing—it was grool!
  • “Your idea for the project is not only smart but also super grool.

Conversation Examples

Text Between Friends

  • Friend 1: So I was talking to this guy and he said he would tutor and I said ‘grool‘.
  • Friend 2: Grool?
  • Friend 1: I was saying great but accidently said cool instead and it came out as grool.
  • Friend 2: Sounds like gruel.
  • Friend 1: I know! It’s so embarrassing!
  • Friend 2: Did the guy laugh? I’m sure it’s fine.

Online Discussion

  • User 1: So yeah, I was working on my paper and my computer decided to just crash. On my phone now, waiting for it to restart.
  • User 2: Grool.
  • User 3: Grool?
  • User 1: Yeah, I don’t know what that means.
  • User 2: Grool. It’s a combination of great and cool. It was from Mean Girls.
  • User 3: That movie from 2004? LOL. That’s a nostalgia trip.
  • User 1: Yeah, I remember it. I didn’t like it.
  • User 2: Me and my buddies would always say it after that movie came out. We were stupid at the time, LOL.

Other Ways to Say the Slang Word

Grool is normally used as is without any variants besides being using with either an uppercase or lowercase G.

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