You may have heard the term ‘hand over fist’ used in conversation, but what is the meaning of this saying? We are going to look at its meaning as well as where the term derived from and how it can be used in a day to day conversation.
“Hand Over Fist” Meaning, Origin and Usage
Key Takeaways
“Hand Over Fist” Meaning
Origin of This Idiom
The phrase ‘hand over fist’ comes from a nautical background. It first originated to describe the way in which sailors would climb a rope. The term began as being worded ‘hand over hand; until it evolved to the wording that we use today.
Usage of “Hand Over Fist”
- In a business context:
“After the new marketing campaign, sales have increased hand over fist, exceeding our expectations.”
- Talking about personal finances:
“He started his own online store and is making money hand over fist.”
- During a discussion about investments:
“With the stock market booming, investors are earning profits hand over fist.”
- In a casual conversation about success:
“Since launching her blog, she’s been gaining followers hand over fist.”
Related Terms to “Hand Over Fist”
- Rolling in money – indicating that someone is making a lot of money quickly.
- Raking it in – suggesting that someone is earning money easily and in large amounts.
- Making a killing – referring to making a large profit, often unexpectedly.
- Cash cow – a business or product that generates a steady, significant income.
- In the money – indicating that someone is financially successful or profitable.
- Profiting greatly – suggesting substantial gains or profits from an investment or effort.
- Easy money – referring to money that is earned with little effort or risk.
- Windfall – an unexpected gain or advantage, especially financial.
- Abundant returns – significant profits or benefits gained from an investment or effort.
- Booming business – a business that is experiencing rapid growth and profitability.
Other Ways to Say the Phrase
There are many ways in which you could say the term ‘hand over fist’ using different wording.
Here are some examples.
- Raking it in
- Making easy money
“Hand Over Fist” Examples
Examples in Statements
This is a statement made by someone who is talking about their new job.
- ‘This job is brilliant, I am making money hand over fist.’
Here is a statement made by a company executive.
- ‘This year the company has done better than ever before, we are making money hand over fist.’
Other examples:
- It’s great! We’re making money hand over fist.
- Louis is an excellent businessman and he is hand over fist.
- I would give anything to make money hand over fist.
- My son is very bright. He is making progress hand over fist.
Conversation Examples
We are now going to look at how the idiomatic term ‘hand over fist’ can be used in a conversation.
The first example is a conversation between a mother and her son.
- Person 1: “How is your new job going?”
- Person 2: “It’s really going well, but I have to work on commission.”
- Person 1: “Are you going to make any money that way?”
- Person 2: “Well, if I put in the work, it’ll pay off, there are people at the business who are making money hand over fist.”
Here is a conversation between a boss and his employee.
- Person 1: “You have really done well for the company.”
- Person 2: “Thank you, I have been working really hard.”
- Person 1: “I am going to offer you a promotion, you will be making money hand over fist if you continue like this.”
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