300+ Cool Examples of Homophones in English from A-Z

What are homophones? How do you comfort a distraught grammar teacher? You say, there, their, they’re! This old joke is an example of a homophone.

In speaking, we seldom need to worry about homophone mistakes because the person you are speaking to understands what you are saying due to the context of the conversation. It is with writing that homophone confusion makes a difference because, with identically sounding words, it is easy to use the wrong word. To help untangle the confusion, let’s look at some commonly confused homophones.


What Is A Homophone?

In English, a homophone is a word that is pronounced exactly or nearly the same as another word but differs in meaning and is spelled differently. A homophone is a linguistic situation in which two words have the same pronunciation but have different spellings and meanings. This can be confused with homographs and homonyms. Let’s define all three.

As we saw, homophones are words with different meanings that sound the same. A homograph is a group of words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings and usually have different pronunciations. A homonym, on the other hand, is a word in a group of words that are spelled the same and pronounced the same but have different meanings. It can be confusing to know which word or spelling to use to convey the correct meaning. Adding to the potential confusion is that all homonyms are homophones because they are pronounced the same. But, not all homophones are homonyms because not all homophones are spelled the same.

Common Examples of Homophones

Homophones are the most confusing words in the English language.

  • Rode — Road
  • Sauce — Source
  • Scene — Seen
  • See — Sea
  • Side — Sighed
  • Soar — Sore
  • Sole — Soul
  • Some — Sum
  • Sort — Sought
  • Stare — Stair
  • Stationary — Stationery
  • Steal — Steel
  • Stile — Style
  • Sun — Son
  • Tail — Tale

Interesting examples of homophones used in sentences. 

  1. I ate eight apples for breakfast.
  2. The flower grew in the flour that spilled on the kitchen counter.
  3. He left his hair in the hare‘s lair.
  4. The sea is a great place to see a cee.
  5. The woodcutter used an ax to chop down aks trees.
  6. The sun is shining bright and I can see the son playing outside

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures – Image 1

homophones list 1

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures – Image 2

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures - Image 2

Most Commonly Confused Homophones

Meaning Examples
Brake To brake is to slow something down Use the parking brake to keep the car from rolling backward.
Break  To break is to shatter something into pieces If you don’t hold the vase firmly you might drop it and it will break.
By By is a preposition meaning next to Come over and sit by me
Buy Buy means to purchase Use the money I gave you to buy the toy
Bye Bye is the shortened version of goodbye He said to her, “Bye for now!”
Carat Carat is a unit of weight to measure the size of gemstones
(karat is a unit of measurement for the purity of gold)
The man bought his lady a 2-carat diamond ring
Caret Caret is a mark placed below the line to indicate an insertion in the text Use a caret to show what you are adding to the sentence
Carrot Carrot is a garden vegetable Bugs Bunny is always munching on a carrot
For For indicates purpose I will do this for you
Four Four is the word for the number after 3 and before 5 There are four possible solutions
Fore Fore means in, toward, or near the front The doors on the airplane are located fore and aft
Its Its indicates ownership It’s strange that the bird built its nest where it did
It’s It’s is a contraction for it is
Know Know is related to knowledge Did you know I liked apple pie?
No No is the opposite of yes No, I did not
Our Our indicates what belongs to or is associated with the speaker Our child wants to study to be a doctor
Hour Hour is a unit of time equaling sixty minutes The conductor said we will arrive in about an hour
There There means location The group waiting is over there
Their Their is possessive, referring to them or themselves What is their reason for waiting?
They’re They’re is a contraction for they are They’re waiting to come in when the store opens
To To is a preposition indicating motion or direction I will come to your house
Too Too means also My friend will come too
Two Two is the word for the number after 1 and before 3 This way, the two of us will be able to see you
Your Your indicates what belongs to or is associated with the person or people the speaker is addressing Is your child studying to be a doctor?
You’re You’re is a contraction for you are I bet you’re proud of them

We’ve looked at some frequently confused homophones to distinguish how to tell them apart. This will help to use the correct word when writing. As always, the best way to use the correct word is with its context, based on the meaning you wish to convey.

Homophones Examples

Homophones (A)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Ad (n) Short for advertisement.

Example: “I saw an interesting ad for a new car.”

Add (v) To join something to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.

Example: “If you add three and four, you get seven.”

Ail (v) To cause trouble or affliction to.

Example: “He was ailing from a cold.”

Ale (n) A type of beer with a bitter flavor and higher alcoholic content.

Example: “He ordered a pint of ale at the pub.”

Air (n) The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.

Example: “We need fresh air to breathe.”

Heir (n) A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death.

Example: “She is the heir to a vast estate.”

All (adj.) Used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.

Example: All the cookies were eaten.”

Awl (n) A small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather.

Example: “The cobbler used an awl to make holes for the laces.”

Allowed (v) Past tense of allow; to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen.

Example: “Cameras were not allowed in the courtroom.”

Aloud (adv.) Audibly; not silently or in a whisper.

Example: “She read the poem aloud to the class.”

Alms (n) Money or food given to poor people.

Example: “They gave alms to the beggars on the street.”

Arms (n) Weapons and ammunition; armaments.

Example: “The soldiers carried their arms into battle.”

(n) The two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand.

Example: “She held the baby in her arms.”

Altar (n) A table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity.

Example: “They knelt before the altar to pray.”

Alter (v) To change or modify something.

Example: “She decided to alter her dress so it would fit better.”

Ant (n) A small insect typically having a sting and living in complex social colonies.

Example: “The ant carried a crumb back to its nest.”

Aunt (n) The sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle.

Example: “We visited my aunt over the holidays.”

Arc (n) A part of the circumference of a circle or other curve.

Example: “The electric arc between the two wires caused a bright flash.”

Ark (n) (In the Bible) The boat built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood; Noah’s ark.

Example: “Noah’s Ark is a well-known story from the Bible.”

Ate (v) Past tense of eat; to have taken food into the body through the mouth.

Example: “She ate breakfast before leaving for work.”

Eight (n) The number after seven and before nine.

Example: “He cut the cake into eight equal pieces.”

Auger (n) A tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood.

Example: “He used an auger to drill holes for the fence posts.”

Augur (n) A religious official in ancient Rome who interpreted omens.

Example: “The augur predicted success for the upcoming battle.”

(v) To portend a good or bad outcome.

Example: “The warm weather augurs well for a good harvest this year.”

Aural (adj.) Relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.

Example: “The doctor performed an aural examination.”

Oral (adj.) By word of mouth; spoken rather than written.

Example: “He passed the oral exam with flying colors.”

Homophones (B)


Homophone Meaning and Example
Baize (n) A coarse, felt-like, woolen material that is typically green, used for covering billiard and card tables.

Example: “The poker table was covered in smooth green baize.”

Bays (n) Plural of bay; large bodies of water connected to an ocean or sea formed by an inlet of land.

Example: “The coast was dotted with beautiful bays.”

Bald (adj.) Having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.

Example: “He was completely bald by the age of thirty.”

Bawled (v) Past tense of bawl; to have cried or wailed loudly.

Example: “The baby bawled for hours.”

Ball (n) A spherical object or entity used in games and sports.

Example: “He kicked the ball into the goal.”

Bawl (v) To cry or wail with a loud, unrestrained noise.

Example: “The child began to bawl when he dropped his ice cream.”

Band (n) A flat, thin strip or loop of material put around something, typically to hold it together or to decorate it.

Example: “He wore a band on his wedding ring finger.”

Banned (v) Past tense of ban; to have officially or legally prohibited.

Example: “Smoking is banned in most restaurants.”

Bard (n) A poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.

Example: “Shakespeare is often called the Bard of Avon.”

Barred (adj.) Prevented from entering; blocked off.

Example: “The door was barred to keep intruders out.”

Bare (adj.) Not clothed or covered.

Example: “He walked barefoot on the hot sand.”

Bear (v) To carry or support.

Example: “The bridge couldn’t bear the weight of the heavy trucks.”

(n) A large, heavy mammal with thick fur and a very short tail.

Example: Bears hibernate during the winter.”

Baron (n) A member of the lowest order of the British nobility.

Example: “The baron owned a vast estate in the countryside.”

Barren (adj.) Too poor to produce much or any vegetation; infertile.

Example: “Farmers avoided the barren lands.”

Be (v) Exist; occur; take place.

Example: “Let it be.”

Bee (n) An insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds.

Example: “The bee pollinated the flowers.”

Beach (n) A pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.

Example: “We spent the day at the beach.”

Beech (n) A large tree with smooth gray bark, glossy leaves, and hard, pale fine-grained timber.

Example: “The beech trees shaded the entire backyard.”

Bean (n) An edible seed, typically kidney-shaped, growing in long pods on certain leguminous plants.

Example: “She added beans to the chili for extra protein.”

Been (v) Past participle of be; to have existed or taken place in a period before the present.

Example: “I have been to that restaurant before.”

Beer (n) An alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavored with hops.

Example: “He ordered a pint of beer.”

Bier (n) A movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave.

Example: “The pallbearers carried the bier out of the church.”

Berry (n) A small, roundish juicy fruit without a stone.

Example: “She picked fresh berries from the garden.”

Bury (v) To put or hide underground.

Example: “We had to bury the dog in the backyard.”

Berth (n) A ship’s allotted place at a wharf or dock.

Example: “The ship was in its berth at the harbor.”

Birth (n) The emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being.

Example: “They celebrated the birth of their first child.”

Billed (v) Past tense of bill; to have sent an invoice to.

Example: “The company billed me for the services provided.”

Build (v) To construct by assembling and joining parts or materials.

Example: “They plan to build a new house next year.”

Blue (adj.) A color intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.

Example: “The sky was a clear, bright blue.”

Blew (v) Past tense of blow; to have produced an air current.

Example: “The wind blew fiercely all night.”

Bored (adj.) Feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity.

Example: “He was bored during the long lecture.”

Board (n) A long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes.

Example: “We nailed the board across the broken window.”

Braid (n) A length of hair made up of three or more interlaced strands.

Example: “She styled her hair in a tight braid.”

Brayed (v) Past tense of bray; the loud, harsh cry of a donkey or mule.

Example: “The donkey brayed as we passed by the farm.”

Break (v) To separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.

Example: “The dish fell to the floor and broke.

Brake (n) A device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle, typically by applying pressure to the wheels.

Example: “He hit the brake when he saw the stop sign.”

Brews (v) Present tense of brew; to make (beer, coffee, tea, etc.) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation or by infusion.

Example: “She brews a fresh pot of coffee every morning.”

Bruise (n) An injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels.

Example: “He had a large bruise on his arm from where he bumped into the door.”

Bridal (adj.) Of or concerning a bride or a wedding.

Example: “She went shopping for her bridal gown.”

Bridle (n) A set of straps that are placed over a horse’s head so that the rider can control the horse.

Example: “He adjusted the bridle before mounting the horse.”

Broach (v) To raise (a sensitive or difficult subject) for discussion; to pierce (a cask) to draw liquor.

Example: “She broached the subject of salary increases with her boss.”

Brooch (n) A decorative jewelry item designed to be attached to garments, typically pinned to a sweater or dress.

Example: “She wore an antique brooch on her lapel.”

Buy (v) To acquire in exchange for payment; to make a purchase.

Example: “I need to buy groceries for the week.”

By (prep.) Identifying the agent performing an action; next to; beside.

Example: “The book was written by a famous author.”

Bye (n) A run in cricket that is scored when no batsman has hit the ball; in other sports, a pass to the next round of a competition without having to play an opponent.

Example: “The team had a bye in the first round of the playoffs.”

Homophones Examples – Image 1

Homophones List - Image

Homophones Examples (C)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Capital (n) The city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region. Also refers to wealth in the form of money or assets.

Example: “London is the capital of the United Kingdom.”

Capitol (n) A building in which a state legislative body meets; specifically, the building in which the US Congress meets, in Washington, D.C.

Example: “The Capitol is an iconic building in the United States.”

Cellar (n) A room below ground level in a house, often used for storing wine or coal.

Example: “They stored vintage wines in the cellar.”

Seller (n) A person who sells something.

Example: “The seller agreed to lower the price of the car.”

Census (n) An official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.

Example: “The government conducts a census every ten years.”

Sense (n) A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; a feeling that something is the case.

Example: “He had a sense that he was being watched.”

Cereal (n) A grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn. Also refers to a breakfast food made from roasted grain, typically eaten with milk.

Example: “She had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.”

Serial (adj.) Consisting of, forming part of, or taking place in a series.

Example: “The serial number was printed on the back of the device.”

Chili (n) A small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. Also refers to a spicy stew of meat and red chili peppers or chili powder.

Example: “He added some chili to the recipe to make it spicier.”

Chilly (adj.) Unpleasantly cold.

Example: “The morning air was chilly.”

Choral (adj.) Relating to a choir or chorus.

Example: “The choral performance was breathtaking.”

Coral (n) A hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, found in tropical and subtropical seas, often in the form of reefs or islands.

Example: “The divers explored the beautiful coral reef.”

Cite (v) To quote as evidence for an argument or statement, or to mention as an example or proof.

Example: “She cited several studies in her report.”

Sight (n) The faculty or power of seeing; the visual perception of an object.

Example: “The Grand Canyon is an incredible sight to behold.”

Site (n) An area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed; a location.

Example: “They chose the site for the new school.”

Coarse (adj.) Rough or loose in texture or grain; not smooth or fine.

Example: “He wore a shirt made of coarse fabric.”

Course (n) The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river; a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject.

Example: “She enrolled in a course to learn English.”

Complement (n) A thing that completes or brings to perfection; a number or quantity of something required to make a group complete.

Example: “The wine was a perfect complement to the cheese.”

Compliment (n) A polite expression of praise or admiration.

Example: “He gave her a compliment on her dress.”

Council (n) An advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.

Example: “The city council voted to approve the new law.”

Counsel (n) Advice, especially that given formally. (v) To give advice to (someone).

Example: “She sought counsel from her mentor.”

Homophones Examples (D)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Deer (n) A hoofed grazing animal with antlers and a slender body, typically associated with forested areas.

Example: “A deer crossed the road in front of our car.”

Dear (adj.) Regarded with deep affection; cherished by someone. Also used as an exclamation expressing surprise or sympathy.

Example: “My dear friend, I will miss you dearly.”

Die (v) To cease living; to become dead.

(n) A tool used for shaping, as in a die for stamping metal.


“The old tree finally died.” 

“The craftsman used a die to create the jewelry.”

Dye (n) A natural or synthetic substance used to add a color to or change the color of something.

(v) To add color to or change the color of something using dye.

Example: “She decided to dye her hair red.”

Discreet (adj.) Careful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions, especially to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.

Example: “He was very discreet about his plans to propose.”

Discrete (adj.) Individually separate and distinct.

Example: “The report outlined five discrete categories of disease.”

Doe (n) A female deer.

Example: “The doe grazed quietly in the meadow.”

Dough (n) A thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry.

Example: “She rolled out the dough to make a pie crust.”

Done (adj.) Completed; finished.

Example: “The project is finally done.

Dun (adj.) Of a dull gray-brown color.

(v) To make persistent demands upon for payment.

Example: “The dun horse galloped across the field.” / “The landlord dunned his tenants for the overdue rent.”

Draft (n) A preliminary version of a piece of writing.

(v) To compose a preliminary outline or version.

Example: “She completed the first draft of her novel.”

Draught (n) A current of cool air in a room or other confined space. Also refers to the British spelling of ‘draft’ when talking about drawing in a liquid or the amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow.

Example: “He felt a cold draught coming from the window.” / “She took a long draught of water.”

Dual (adj.) Composed of two parts; double.

Example: “The car has a dual exhaust system.”

Duel (n) A contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor.

Example: “The two knights faced each other in a duel to defend their honor.”

Homophones (E)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Earn (v) To receive money as payment for work that one has done.

Example: “She works hard to earn a living.”

Urn (n) A tall, rounded vase with a stem and base, especially one used for storing the ashes of a cremated person. Also, a large metal container with a tap, used for making and keeping tea or coffee hot.

Example: “The family placed the urn containing their grandfather’s ashes on the mantle.”

Ewe (n) A female sheep.

Example: “The ewe grazed in the field with her lambs.”

You (pron.) The person or people that the speaker is addressing.

Example: “Are you going to the store today?”

Homophones Examples (F)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Farther (adv.) At or to a greater distance.

Example: “He walked farther down the street.”

Father (n) A male parent.

Example: “His father taught him how to ride a bike.”

Faze (v) To disturb or disconcert (someone).

Example: “The tough interview questions didn’t faze her at all.”

Phase (n) A distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something’s development.

Example: “The project is in the planning phase.”

File (n) A folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. (v) To place (a document) in a file.

Example: “She filed the reports in the cabinet.”

Phial (n) A small glass container, typically cylindrical and with a narrow neck, used especially for holding liquid medicines.

Example: “The apothecary filled the phial with a potion.”

Find (v) To discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.

(n) A discovery.

Example: “I find it hard to believe he’s gone.” / “The archaeologist made an important find.

Fined (v) Past tense of fine; to have imposed a penalty on (someone) as punishment for an offense.

Example: “He was fined for speeding.”

Fir (n) An evergreen coniferous tree with upright cones and flat needle-shaped leaves.

Example: “The forest was populated with tall fir trees.”

Fur (n) The short, fine, soft hair of certain animals.

Example: “The cat’s fur was silky and smooth.”

Flaw (n) A mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object.

Example: “The diamond had a tiny flaw that lowered its value.”

Floor (n) The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk.

Example: “She dropped the glass, and it shattered on the floor.

Flea (n) A small wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds.

Example: “The dog was scratching because it had fleas.

Flee (v) To run away from a place or situation of danger.

Example: “To escape the fire, they had to flee their home.”

Flew (v) Past tense of fly; to have moved through the air using wings.

Example: “The birds flew south for the winter.”

Flu (n) Short for influenza; a common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes.

Example: “She caught the flu and had to stay in bed for a week.”

Flue (n) A duct for smoke and waste gases produced by a fire, a gas heater, a power station, or other fuel-burning installation.

Example: “The flue needs to be cleaned before we start using the fireplace again.”

Flex (v) To bend a limb or muscle. (n) The action of flexing a muscle.

Example: “He likes to flex his muscles in the mirror after a workout.”

Flecks (n) Small patches of color or light; small bits of something.

Example: “His beard had flecks of gray in it.”

Flour (n) A powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.

Example: “She dusted the counter with flour before rolling out the dough.”

Flower (n) The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla and a green calyx.

Example: “The garden was full of beautiful flowers in the spring.”

For (prep.) In support of or in favor of (a person or policy); used to indicate the purpose of an object or action.

Example: “She voted for the new school policy.”

Four (n) The number equivalent to the product of two and two; one more than three, or six less than ten; 4.

Example: “He has four siblings.”

Foreword (n) A short introduction to a book, typically by someone other than the author.

Example: “The foreword was written by a famous author.”

Forward (adv.) Toward the front; in the direction that one is facing or traveling; towards the future.

(adj.) Being at or near the front part of something.

Example: “He stepped forward to volunteer.” / “She is always thinking forward to the next challenge.”

Fort (n) A fortified building or strategic position used for defense.

Example: “The old fort had thick walls to protect it from invaders.”

Fought (v) Past tense of fight; to have taken part in a struggle or conflict.

Example: “They fought bravely in the battle.”

Foul (adj.) Offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being dirty. (v) To make dirty or pollute.

Example: “The foul odor from the garbage was unbearable.” / “The player fouled the ball during the game.”

Fowl (n) Any bird raised or hunted for food; the meat of that bird.

Example: “Chickens, ducks, and turkeys are types of fowl.

Homophones Examples (G)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Gait (n) A person’s manner of walking.

Example: “The horse’s gait was smooth and easy to ride.”

Gate (n) A hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge.

Example: “She opened the gate to let the visitors into the courtyard.”

Gamble (v) To play games of chance for money; bet.

(n) An act of gambling; an enterprise undertaken or attempted with a risk of loss and a chance of profit or success.

Example: “He likes to gamble at the casino on weekends.”

Gambol (v) To run or jump about playfully; frolic.

Example: “The lambs were gamboling in the meadow.”

Genes (n) The basic physical and functional unit of heredity, made up of DNA.

Example: “Scientists studied the genes responsible for eye color.”

Jeans (n) Denim trousers, typically blue, worn as casual or work clothing.

Example: “She wore her favorite pair of jeans to the concert.”

Gored (v) Past tense of gore; to have pierced or stabbed with a horn or tusk.

Example: “The matador was gored by the bull during the fight.”

Gourd (n) A fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin, some varieties of which are edible.

Example: “They grew pumpkins and other gourds in their garden.”

Great (adj.) Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.

Example: “She achieved great success in her career.”

Grate (v) To reduce (food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.

(n) A metal frame with bars across it used as a barrier or to hold fuel in a fireplace.

Example: “She used the grater to grate cheese for the pasta.” / “He put more wood on the grate to stoke the fire.”

Groan (v) To make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair.

(n) A sound made in response to pain or despair.

Example: “The old floorboards made a loud groan as he stepped on them.”

Grown (adj.) Having fully developed; adult; mature.

Example: “The puppies have grown into large dogs.”

Homophones Examples – Image 2

Homophones List - Image 2

Homophones (H)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Hart A hart is an adult male deer.

Example: “The majestic hart stood at the edge of the forest.”

Heart The heart is the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your body.

Example: “She listened to the steady beat of her heart.”

Hear To hear is to perceive sound by the ear.

Example: “Did you hear that noise last night?

Here Here refers to the location where the speaker is.

Example: “Please come here and look at this.”

Heel The heel is the back part of the foot below the ankle.

Example: “Her shoe rubbed against her heel and caused a blister.”

Heal To heal is to become healthy or sound again.

Example: “The cut on his arm took a long time to heal.”

Hi Hi is a friendly, informal, colloquial greeting.

Example: Hi, how have you been?”

High High refers to something that is elevated or a great vertical extent.

Example: “The bird flew high in the sky.”

Him Him is a pronoun used to refer to a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.

Example: “I saw him at the store yesterday.”

Hymn A hymn is a religious song or praise.

Example: “The congregation sang the hymn with great fervor.”

Hoard To hoard means to accumulate and store away a large amount of something.

Example: “She had a tendency to hoard old newspapers.”

Horde A horde refers to a large group of people or animals.

Example: “A horde of fans waited outside the concert hall.”

Hole A hole is an opening through a solid body or surface.

Example: “He dug a hole in the ground to plant the tree.”

Whole Whole means all of; entire.

Example: “She spent the whole day reading her new book.”

Holy Holy means dedicated to a religious purpose or having a spiritual significance.

Example: “The holy site attracts thousands of pilgrims each year.”

Wholly Wholly means entirely; fully.

Example: “She was wholly committed to the project.”

Hour An hour is a period of time equal to 60 minutes.

Example: “The meeting lasted an hour longer than expected.”

Our Our is a possessive pronoun used to indicate belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people.

Example: Our house is at the end of the street.”

Homophones (I)

Homophone Meaning and Example
I I is the first-person singular subject pronoun, used to refer to oneself.

Example: I am going to the store.”

Eye An eye is the organ of sight.

Example: “She has blue eyes.”

Idle Idle means not active or in use; without purpose or effect; pointless.

Example: “The car sat idle in the driveway.”

Idol An idol can be a person who is greatly admired, loved, or revered, or an image used as an object of worship.

Example: “Many teenagers regard pop stars as their idols.”

Incite To incite means to encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).

Example: “The speaker’s rhetoric was meant to incite the crowd.”

Insight Insight is the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.

Example: “Her analysis of the poem showed remarkable insight.

Homophones (K)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Knead To knead is to work dough or clay into a uniform mixture by pressing, folding, and stretching.

Example: “She spent the morning kneading the dough for bread.”

Need Need refers to requiring something because it is essential or very important.

Example: “I need to buy new shoes for the trip.”

Knew Knew is the past tense of know, meaning to have been aware of or familiar with.

Example: “He knew the answer to the question.”

New New means not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.

Example: “She couldn’t wait to show her friends her new dress.”

Knight A knight is a man who has been awarded a non-hereditary title by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity.

Example: “The knight was honored for his bravery in battle.”

Night Night is the period of darkness in each twenty-four hours; the time from sunset to sunrise.

Example: “The stars were clearly visible in the night sky.”

Knot A knot is a fastening made by tying a piece of string, rope, or something similar.

Example: “He tied a knot in the rope to secure the boat to the dock.”

Not Not is used to make a negative statement.

Example: “I am not going to the party tonight.”

Know To know means to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.

Example: “I know the answer to your question.”

No No is used to make a negative response or to introduce a negative clause.

Example:No, I haven’t seen your keys anywhere.”

Homophones (L)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Leak A leak is a hole in a container or covering through which contents, especially liquid or gas, may accidentally pass.

Example: “We need to fix the leak in the roof before the next rainstorm.”

Leek A leek is a plant related to the onion, with flat overlapping leaves forming an elongated cylindrical bulb that together with the leaf bases is eaten as a vegetable.

Example: “She added chopped leeks to the potato soup for extra flavor.”

Lessen To lessen means to make or become less; diminish.

Example: “Taking painkillers can lessen the discomfort.”

Lesson A lesson is a period of learning or teaching.

Example: “Today’s lesson is on the importance of regular exercise.”

Levee A levee is an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river.

Example: “The town was protected by a series of strong levees.

Levy A levy is an act of levying a tax, fee, or fine.

Example: “The government decided to levy a new tax on sugary drinks.”

Links Links refers to a golf course, typically located on coastal sand dunes.

Example: “He spent the day playing on the links.”

Lynx A lynx is a wild cat with yellowish-brown fur, a short tail, and tufts of black hair on the tips of the ears.

Example: “The lynx roamed silently through the snowy forest.”

Loan A loan is something, especially money, that is borrowed or lent, usually with the expectation that it will be paid back with interest.

Example: “She took out a loan to pay for her education.”

Lone Lone means having no companions; solitary or single.

Example: “The lone wolf howled at the moon.”

Loot Loot refers to goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war, or goods taken by thieves or burglars.

Example: “After the battle, the victors gathered the loot from the fallen.”

Lute A lute is a plucked string instrument with a body shaped like a pear, popular in the Renaissance and Baroque periods.

Example: “The musician strummed a melody on his lute.”

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures – Image 3

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures - Image 3

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures – Image 4

Homophones examples illustrated with pictures - Image 4

Homophones (M)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Made Past tense of make; created or formed.

Example: “She made a beautiful quilt by hand.”

Maid A female domestic servant.

Example: “The maid cleaned the rooms every morning.”

Mail Letters and parcels sent by post.

Example: “He received a package in the mail today.”

Male Referring to the sex that does not give birth to offspring, typically producing sperm.

Example: “The male lion is known for its mane.”

Main Most important or largest.

Example: “The main issue was resolved by the committee.”

Mane The long hair growing on the neck of a horse, lion, or other animal.

Example: “The horse shook its mane as it galloped across the field.”

Manna In the Bible, the substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness. It can also refer to an unexpected benefit or assistance.

Example: “The grant was like manna from heaven for the struggling organization.”

Manner A way in which a thing is done or happens.

Example: “He was known for his polite manner.”

Marshal An officer of the highest rank in the armed forces of some countries, including France.

Example: “The marshal commanded the troops during the parade.”

Martial Relating to fighting or war.

Example:Martial arts require discipline and training.”

Mask A covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or terrify others.

Example: “She wore a mask to the masquerade ball.”

Masque A form of festive courtly entertainment in England in the 16th and 17th centuries, involving music and dancing, elaborate costumes and scenery.

Example: “The court attended a lavish masque.”

Maw The jaws or throat of a voracious animal.

Example: “The bird tossed the fish down its maw.”

More A greater or additional amount or degree.

Example: “Would you like some more tea?”

Medal A metal disk with an inscription or design, made to commemorate an event or awarded as a distinction to someone such as a military hero.

Example: “She won a medal for her bravery.”

Meddle To interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one’s concern.

Example: “I wish my neighbors would not meddle in my affairs.”

Meet To come into the presence or company of someone by chance or arrangement.

Example: “We will meet at the coffee shop at noon.”

Meat The flesh of an animal, typically a mammal or bird, as food.

Example: “The butcher offered a selection of meats for the barbecue.”

Might Past tense of may; used to express possibility or permission.

Example: “He might go to the concert if he can find tickets.”

Mite A small arachnid that is typically parasitic.

Example: “Dust mites can cause allergic reactions in some people.”

Mist A cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth’s surface, limiting visibility.

Example: “The morning mist gave the forest an ethereal quality.”

Missed Past tense of miss; failed to hit, reach, or come into contact with.

Example: “He swung at the ball and missed.”

Moose A large deer with palmate antlers and a growth of skin hanging from the neck, native to northern Eurasia and northern North America.

Example: “A moose crossed the road in front of us while we were driving through the forest.”

Mousse A sweet or savory dish made as a smooth light mass with whipped cream and beaten egg white, flavored with chocolate, fish, etc., and typically served chilled.

Example: “She made a delicious chocolate mousse for dessert.”

Muscle A band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body.

Example: “He has been working out to build muscle.”

Mussel A type of shellfish that has a long dark shell.

Example: Mussels are often cooked with garlic and white wine.”

Homophones (N)

Homophone Meaning and Example
None Not any; no single one.

Example: “There were none left by the time I got to the bakery.”

Nun A member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Example: “The nun devoted her life to helping the poor.”

Homophones (O)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Oar A pole with a flat blade, pivoting in an oar lock, used to row or steer a boat through the water.

Example: “He grabbed the oar and began to paddle the canoe.”

Or Used to link alternatives.

Example: “Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?”

Overdo To do something to an excessive degree.

Example: “Be careful not to overdo it at the gym and hurt yourself.”

Overdue Not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time.

Example: “The library book is overdue, and I need to return it.”

Homophones (P)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Pail A bucket, typically with a handle, used for carrying liquids.

Example: “She filled the pail with water to mop the floor.”

Pale Light in color or having little color.

Example: “After feeling ill, her face turned pale.”

Pain Physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

Example: “He was in a lot of pain after twisting his ankle.”

Pane A single sheet of glass in a window or door.

Example: “The baseball shattered the pane of glass.”

Pair Two things that are similar or identical, designed to be used together.

Example: “She bought a new pair of shoes.”

Pear A sweet, bell-shaped fruit that has a thick stem and flesh that is juicy and typically yellow or green.

Example: “He enjoyed a ripe pear for dessert.”

Passed Past tense of pass; went past or across; left behind.

Example: “The parade passed by the cheering crowds.”

Past The time before the present.

Example: “In the past, people traveled by horse and carriage.”

Peace Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.

Example: “She enjoyed the peace of the countryside.”

Piece A portion of an object or of material, produced by cutting, tearing, or breaking the whole.

Example: “He ate a piece of cake.”

Peak The pointed top of a mountain or the highest point; the summit.

Example: “They reached the peak of the mountain just before noon.”

Peek To look quickly, typically in a secretive manner.

Example: “She couldn’t resist a peek at her birthday present.”

Pedal A lever that is moved with one’s foot to operate or control a machine or vehicle.

Example: “She pressed the pedal to accelerate the car.”

Peddle To sell (goods) from place to place.

Example: “He used to peddle fruits and vegetables from a street cart.”

Plane A flat or level surface.

Example: “The carpenter used a plane to smooth the wooden board.”

Plain Not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character.

Example: “She preferred plain black coffee without any sugar.”

Principal First in order of importance; main.

Example: “The principal reason for his success is his dedication to work.”

Principle A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

Example: “She will not lie; it’s against her principles.”

Profit A financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.

Example: “His business venture generated a substantial profit.”

Prophet A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.

Example: “In the Old Testament, Isaiah is considered one of the major prophets.

Homophones (R)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Red A color at the end of the visible spectrum, next to orange and opposite violet.

Example: “The red apple looked delicious.”

Read To look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter.

Example: “She read the book in one sitting.”

Right Morally good, justified, or acceptable; true or correct as a fact.

Example: “You were right to inform the authorities.”

Write To mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.

Example: “Please write your name at the top of the paper.”

Ring A small circular band, typically of precious metal, worn on a finger as an ornament or a symbol.

Example: “He gave her a diamond ring as a sign of his love.”

Wring To squeeze and twist something to force liquid from it.

Example: “She had to wring out her wet clothes after getting caught in the rain.”

Rode Past tense of ride; sat on and controlled the movement of (an animal, especially a horse).

Example: “She rode her bike to work every day.”

Road A wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface that vehicles can use.

Example: “The road to the city was lined with beautiful trees.”

Role The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation.

Example: “He took on the role of the villain in the play.”

Roll To move or cause to move by turning over and over on an axis.

Example: “The ball began to roll down the hill.”

Rouse To bring out of sleep; awaken.

Example: “The alarm clock failed to rouse him from his deep sleep.”

Rows A number of people or things in a more or less straight line.

Example: “The teacher arranged the desks in neat rows.”

Rung A horizontal support on a ladder for a person’s foot.

Example: “He climbed to the top rung of the ladder to reach the book.”

Wrung Past tense of wring; extracted liquid from something by squeezing or twisting.

Example: “She wrung the water from the washcloth.”

Homophones List – Image 3

Homophones List

Homophones (S)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Sole The undersurface of a person’s foot.

Example: “He stepped on a nail, and it pierced the sole of his shoe.”

Soul The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

Example: “She believed her soul would find peace after this life.”

Some An unspecified amount or number of.

Example: “She bought some candy for the movie.”

Sum The total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items.

Example: “The sum of 5 and 7 is 12.”

Sort A category of things or people with a common feature; a type.

Example: “He was not her sort of person.”

Sought Past tense of seek; attempted to find (something).

Example: “They sought shelter from the rain.”

Staid Sedate, respectable, and unadventurous.

Example: “His staid demeanor was well-known in the office.”

Stayed Past tense of stay; remained in the same place.

Example: “Despite the storm, they stayed at the campsite overnight.”

Stalk The main stem of a plant.

Example: “The rose had a long, thorny stalk.”

Stork A large, long-legged, long-necked bird with a long, straight bill and typically with white and black plumage.

Example: “The stork delivered a new baby in the story.”

Stare To look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open.

Example: “He couldn’t help but stare at the painting in awe.”

Stair A set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another.

Example: “She ran up the stair to her room.”

Stationary Not moving or not intended to be moved.

Example: “The car remained stationary in heavy traffic.”

Stationery Writing and other office materials.

Example: “She went to the store to buy some stationery for her home office.”

Steal To take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

Example: “The burglar was caught attempting to steal a car.”

Steel A hard, strong alloy of iron with carbon and usually other elements, used extensively as a structural and fabricating material.

Example: “The bridge is reinforced with steel beams.”

Stile A step or set of steps for passing over a fence or wall.

Example: “She climbed over the stile to get into the field.”

Style A distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.

Example: “The new building was praised for its modern style.”

Sun The star around which the earth orbits and from which it receives light and warmth.

Example: “The sun was shining brightly on the beach.”

Son A male offspring of a parent.

Example: “They have one son and two daughters.”

Homophones (T)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Tail The rear part of an animal’s body, extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body.

Example: “The dog wagged its tail happily.”

Tale A story, typically a fictitious one.

Example: “She told her children a bedtime tale about magical creatures.”

Team A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.

Example: “The team practiced every evening after school.”

Teem To be full of or swarming with.

Example: “The old house was teeming with spiders.”

Than Used in expressions introducing an exception or contrast.

Example: “He claims he’s been busier than ever.”

Then At that time; at the time in question.

Example: “I was living in Spain back then.”

Their Belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.

Example:Their house is at the end of the street.”

There In, at, or to that place or position.

Example: “We are planning to go there next summer.”

Throne A ceremonial chair for a sovereign, bishop, or similar figure.

Example: “The king sat upon his throne to address his subjects.”

Thrown Past participle of throw; propelled through the air by a movement of the arm and hand.

Example: “The ball was thrown with great force.”

Tide The alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.

Example: “The fishermen set out as the tide was rising.”

Tied Bound or secured closely; the past tense of tie.

Example: “The game was tied at 3-3.”

To Expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location).

Example: “She walked to the station.”

Too To a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively.

Example: “He was driving too fast.”

Two Equivalent to the sum of one and one; one less than three; 2.

Example: “They have two children.”

Toe Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot.

Example: “He stubbed his toe on the door frame.”

Tow To pull (another vehicle or boat) along with a rope, chain, or tow bar.

Example: “The broken-down car was towed to the nearest garage.”

Homophones (V)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Vain Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.

Example: “Despite his vain attempts to impress her, she remained uninterested.”

Vein Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart.

Example: “The nurse inserted the needle into the patient’s vein to draw blood.”

Vary To differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.

Example: “The routines can vary from basic to extremely complicated.”

Very In a high degree; extremely; exceedingly.

Example: “He was very much interested in the book.”

Homophones (W)

Homophone Meaning and Example
Wail A prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger.

Example: “The baby’s wail could be heard across the hallway.”

Whale A large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing.

Example: Whales are known for their impressive breaches out of the water.”

Waste Use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.

Example: “It’s not good to waste food.”

Waist The part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips.

Example: “She wore a belt around her waist to accentuate her figure.”

Way A method, style, or manner of doing something; a road, track, or path for traveling along.

Example: “He was looking for the quickest way to get to the airport.”

Weigh To find out how heavy (someone or something) is, typically using scales.

Example:Weigh the flour before adding it to the mixture.”

Weak Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy.

Example: “After the illness, she felt very weak.”

Week A period of seven days.

Example: “We’re going on vacation for a week.”

Weather The state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

Example: “The weather today is sunny and warm.”

Whether Expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.

Example: “He’s undecided whether to go or stay.”

Where In or to what place or position.

Example: Where are you going?”

Wear To carry or have on one’s body as clothing, decoration, or protection.

Example: “She will wear her red dress to the party.”

Which Asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set.

Example: Which types of music do you like?”

Witch A woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.

Example: “The children dressed up as witches for Halloween.”

Who’s Contraction of who is or who has.

Example: Who’s coming to the party tonight?”

Whose Possessive form of who, used to find out which person something belongs to.

Example: Whose coat is this hanging in the hallway?”

Won Past tense of win; successfully achieved or acquired.

Example: “She won the race and received a gold medal.”

One The lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1.

Example: “He had only one ticket to the event.”

Would Past of will, in various senses.

Example: “She said she would meet us at the theater.”

Wood The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub.

Example: “They used wood to build the fire.”

Homophones (Y)

Homophone Meaning and Example
You’re Contraction of you are.

Example: You’re going to be late if you don’t leave now.”

Your Possessive form of you, used to indicate that something belongs to the person being addressed.

Example: “Is this your coat?”

Homophones List | Images

Homophones List | Image 1

Homophones List | Image 1

Useful Homophones List | Image 2

Homophones List | Image

Homophones List | Image 3

Homophones List | Image3

Homophones | Pictures

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image 1

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image

Examples of Homophones in English | Image 2

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image 3

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image

Examples of Homophones in English | Image 4

Commonly Confused Homophones in English | Image

Homophone Video

Learn common homophones examples illustrated with pictures and pronunciation video.

Learn a list of homophones in English with American English pronunciation.

To conclude, let’s enjoy a homophonic limerick:

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We’ll weather the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

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