How to End an Email Professionally? Do’s and Don’ts of Ending an Email

Knowing how to end an email properly can make a huge difference. You might be reaching out for your dream job, trying to impress a client, or just curious about making sure your emails leave the right impression. This reference will guide you through the best practices to end your email professionally. It covers why you should always use a closer, the importance of considering your relationship with the recipient, and includes a handy infographic to make it even easier to remember.

How to End An Email

How to End An Email
How to End An Email – Created by 7ESL

Always End An Email with A Closer

Well, there are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to ending an email which will allow you to leave the impression you need to get what you want. But first, we want to talk about why emailing closings are important and why they are such an integral part of any email you send. Whether it’s to a future employer or close friend.

To no surprise, your email closer is the last thing the reader reads, and it can be used as a motivating factor in quickly getting a response you want or need. You can imagine it as any meeting with any person in your day to day life. You have a nice conversation about whatever you’re both interested in and then you end with a goodbye and a smile – this would be your closer. The same thing should be applied to the emails you write. Having no closer would be like having a conversation with someone and then just turning away and not saying a word. This is obviously very unusual and not something that should be done if you want to leave a good impression on the person.

Professional Closings

To keep the rest of your email consistent, you’re going to want to end with a professional closer so that it makes sense to who you are, (or who you’re trying to be to help leave a good impression) so picking the right closer is essential.

There is no one singular closer that is going to be great, it all really depends on the content of your email; picking one isn’t too hard, you can usually get the vibe for which one is the best by how the whole email flows with it included.

Here are some great professional endings you can use:

Any of these will make for a great ending to your email.

Don’t forget to choose one and then read through your email to see if it flows properly, if not, give another one a go until you find one that works for you.

Unprofessional Email Closings to Avoid

This doesn’t need saying, but there are unprofessional closings you could add to an email which will certainly leave the wrong impression to a future employer or client.

Here are a few examples of email closers that are very unprofessional and are no doubt going to leave a bad taste in the mouth of the receiver:

  • See ya later,
  • Cya,
  • Bye,
  • Cheers,
  • Thx,
  • Love, (definitely a big nono)
  • Ciao,

Take Your Relationship into Account

There are different types of closers and email endings that are going to work better depending on what sort of relationship you have with the person, some can come across cold especially if you have already built up a relationship with the emailing recipient.

And sometimes, professional closings are not the way to go, especially if you’re emailing a friend or a close colleague. If this is the case, it might be better to use a more unprofessional’ closer to finish your email.

Again as we’ve already suggested, being able to know the best closer is about understanding the whole vibe and the feel of the email, making sure it flows properly is key.

There is no one single best way to go about closing up your email. So, consider the relationship between you and whoever you’re emailing as well as what sort of thing you’re emailing them about to help better pick an email closer.

Don’t Forget Your Contact Details

Not only does your email need its own closer, but there are other things you’re going to want to add at the end of your email to ensure you finish it professionally.

Full name

For obvious reasons, you’re going to want to include your full name so that your email reception knows who they’ve just received an email from, and who they need to contact in regards to the email. Whether they’re emailing you back or picking up the phone and calling you up to have a name.

Company and Title

If you’re representing a company, it can be important to include your company name and your title, so that the reception knows who you are and who you represent at the same time. This can be important for both internal and external emails so remember to always include this information.

Phone Number

Not all things can be discussed and figured out over a set of emails as it could be days apart between each email. This is not only very unprofessional (as it seems more like a casual conversation) but it will take a long time to get to the end result.

Although sending an initial email is a great idea, so that you can introduce yourself and let the recipient what you’re wanting to discuss; it will be an even better idea to include your phone number at the end of the email so that they can dial you up and help get the ball rolling much faster.


As of now, you should know why email closers are important and why you should ALWAYS include one, whether you’re emailing a childhood friend about meeting up one day this week or a potential client you’re looking to bring into the fold. Email closers are important; as well as including your contact details.

To help give you a summary of what we’ve discussed here is are the do’s and don’t of how to end an email.

Do’s of ending an email

  • Do include a professional email closer
  • Do include your Full Name
  • Do include your Company name and title
  • Do include your phone number (if you want to get the ball rolling much faster)

Don’ts of ending an email

  • Don’t forget to include an email closer
  • Don’t include an unprofessional closer (unless applicable)
  • Don’t forget to add your contact details

Learn more about how to start an email professionally.

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