How to Write a Cover Letter: Useful Tips, Phrases and Examples

How to write a cover letter? When applying for a job, you will often be asked to send your prospective employer a copy of your resume (or CV) but this is not the only thing that you should forward for your application. It is very important that you also include what is known as a cover letter. This is a correspondence which acts as an introduction to the other documentation which you are including and can go a long way in reflecting your capabilities in communication.

How To Write A Cover Letter

How to Write a Cover Letter
How to Write a Cover Letter – Created by 7ESL


Most letters will start out with a heading, which will display your contact details and sometimes a subject line. The following are examples of what you should include in your heading.

  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Website
  • Telephone numbers (include as many as you need, beginning with the most important)
  • Date on which the letter was written
  • Subject line (this is not vital but some people choose to do this.)


The next portion should be used to greet the person to which you are writing, and there are a variety of ways in which you might begin your letter.

  • To whom it may concern
  • Dear Sir/Madam
  • Dear Mr./Mrs. (name)
  • Dear hiring manager

Opening Portion Of The Letter

To begin your letter, you are going to want to include a few points which detail what you are writing about and act as an introduction to your letter. Let’s take a look at some of the opening points which should be included.

Introducing Yourself

To start off, you will want to introduce yourself to the reader. Whilst a cover letter does need to be relatively brief, this section should contain as much detail as possible but in a concise manner. This is your opportunity to sell yourself and so some thought should go into what is said here.

Reason For Writing

In this paragraph, you now have the chance to explain, in as interesting and professional manner as possible why you are writing this letter. You should detail what job you are applying for, where you heard about it and why you have decided to apply.

Education And Previous Experience

Now is your chance to show off your skills and experience. This is a great time to detail what qualifications you have that you believe to be a good fit for the position you are applying for and also talk about your previous experience in the field. If you do not have any experience then you can use this section to explain that you are looking to learn new skills and further your career through training and hands on experience, make yourself sound eager and willing to learn.

Letter Body

Now we are getting into the bulk of your cover letter, there are some further points of information that you should include. Let’s take a closer look at what you should detail in this section.

Why Are You Interested In This Position?

You can use this section of the letter to let the employer know why it is that you would like to take this job. This is a chance to use your imagination and come up with a creative reason as to why this is something you would like to do. Many simple options could be;

  • To further your career in the field.
  • To learn new skills.
  • To meet new people.
  • To make a difference.

Why Should They Employ You?

In this part of your cover letter, you are going to tell the reader why you think they should hire you. It is worth using as many positive adjectives as you can in this section without going over the top. Some examples of this might be;

  • Enthusiastic
  • Skilled
  • Hard working
  • Able
  • Driven
  • Determined

You are essentially using this paragraph to detail why you are better than anyone else who is applying for the same position.

Closing Comments

In this final paragraph of the letter, you have the opportunity to include any last comments or extra information. This can be anything that you feel is relevant to the application as well as some general comments which are often included, such as the following.

Sign Off

At the end of your letter, you should include a signature with a respectful farewell. Most often, the following are commonly used.

  • Regards
  • Kind regards
  • Sincerely
  • Respectfully

After this, you should include your name.

Steps to Write a Cover Letter
Steps to Write a Cover Letter – Created by 7ESL

Common Phrases To Include In Cover Letters

There are a variety of phrases which can be used when penning a cover letter, and most of the time, you will find that using a specific template can help greatly. Let’s look at some of the most common ways to express what you want to say in a cover letter.


In order to introduce yourself, you may include any of the following phrases.

  • At present, I am studying at…..
  • At the moment, I am working for…..
  • For the last 5 years, I have been working in the position of…..
  • My current job title is…

Reason For Writing

In this section, you will need to explain why you are contacting the reader.

  • I am writing in response to an advertisement which was placed in…….
  • I am enquiring as to whether you currently have any positions in the area of……
  • I am writing to apply for the position of…

Education And Previous Experience

Your prospective employer is going to be interested to know what qualifications you have, here are some ways to express this information.

  • I have experience in…..and have worked at…….for the last…..years.
  • My education includes a degree from XY university.
  • I have been studying (subject) for 3 years.
  • I am a native English speaker and have ample knowledge of Spanish and Chinese.

What Makes You Ideal For This Position?

You are going to want to convince the reader that you are the best option for this position.

  • I am a driven and ambitious person who is keen to learn new skills.
  • I believe I am the best choice for this position as I have a lot of experience in my previous role.
  • I feel that I am the most suitable candidate for this job because of my ambition and drive to make a change.
  • I am excited to have the opportunity to be able to work with a reputable company like yours.

Closing Statement

At the end of your letter, you will need to close off by saying thank you.

  • Thank you for taking the time to read through my application.
  • Please contact me at any time should you wish to arrange a meeting.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
  • I appreciate your consideration for this application and look forward to hearing from you.

Tips For Writing A Great Cover Letter

In order to make the most of the cover letter you are writing, it is important to follow some of the useful tips which will ensure that you produce the most effective cover letter possible.

  • Keep the letter brief and to the point. The reader is likely going to have many applications and will not have time to read a very long or detailed letter.
  • If there is anything that cannot be put onto your resume, your cover letter gives you the opportunity to detail these points.
  • Try to make your letter stand out from the rest by adding an interesting subject line or unusual question which will immediately grab the attention of the reader.
  • Mention something about the company that shows you have looked into history and what they do. This is a great way to show that you are enthusiastic about this business.
  • Don’t be afraid to be upfront, if you want something, you need to ask for it. For example, ask to be interviewed, this shows confidence and the ability to go and get what you want which are traits that employers admire.
  • Explain your skills and capabilities in line with the position for which you are applying.

Cover Letter Samples

Now that we have learned exactly what should be included in a cover letter, let’s take a look at an example. In this case, John Doe is writing a cover letter to go alongside his application for the position of hotel manager.

John Doe

1234 Main Street




1800 123456


Dear Mr. Smith

My name is John Doe and I am a newly trained manager within the hospitality sector. I am very excited to have recently completed various courses in this field and am a driven and enthusiastic individual.

I am writing to you in response to your advert for the hotel manager position which was advertised on Facebook and would ask that you look over my enclosed resume and consider me for this position.

As mentioned previously, I have recently completed a variety of management courses including the following;

    • Advanced hospitality management
    • Management in the hotel industry

For both of these courses, I passed with merit and also have qualifications in IT and Telecommunications, as well as a Diploma in Spanish. I previously worked within a 4 star establishment, and worked my way up from cleaner, to assistant manager. At which point, my previous employer put me forward for the training which I have just completed.

I am very interested in joining your hotel and the management role is something that excites me very much. In my previous job, I feel that I have gained all the necessary skills that I will need to excel in my career and am looking forward to employing these skills in a fresh new environment.

I believe that it would be in your best interest to hire me as your new hotel manager because I am extremely hard working and dedicated to everything that I do. As well as this, I am excited to share a fresh and innovative approach to management which I believe will only benefit your establishment. I am keen to learn further skills in order to keep up with the latest information and techniques in the field and am looking forward to meeting new people and sharing ideas.

I would like to take the time to thank you for considering my application and for spending your time reading this letter. It would be a pleasure to speak with you as soon as ever possible and I look forward to your correspondence.


John Doe

Cover Letter Sample
Cover Letter Sample – Created by 7ESL
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