Its vs. It’s: Avoid This Common Grammar Mistake

“Its” and “it’s” are often confused because they sound the same, but they have very different meanings and uses. Here’s how to distinguish between them:

Its vs. It’s: the Main Difference

Key Distinctions

  • Its: Possessive, used to show ownership.
    • Example: “The cat licked its paws.”
  • It’s: A contraction for “it is” or “it has.”
    • Example: “It’s a beautiful day.” (It is)
    • Example: “It’s been a tough week.” (It has)
ITS vs. IT'S
Its vs. It’s – Created by 7ESL

Its vs. It’s: Definition and Usage

Its (Possessive Pronoun):

  • Meaning: Refers to something that belongs to or is associated with something else (similar to “his” or “her”).
  • Use: Shows ownership or possession.
  • Examples:
    • “The dog wagged its tail.”
    • “Each team has its own color.”
  • Explanation: “Its” is used to show possession, meaning something belongs to or is part of something else.

It’s (Contraction of “It is” or “It has”):

  • Meaning: A contraction of “it is” or “it has.”
  • Use: Used in sentences where “it is” or “it has” can be shortened.
  • Examples:
    • “I think it’s going to rain.” (It is)
    • It’s been a long day.” (It has)
  • Explanation: “It’s” is the contracted form of “it is” or “it has.” If you can expand it to “it is” or “it has,” you should use “it’s.”

Its vs. It’s: Common Mistakes

Using “it’s” for possession:

  • Incorrect: “The company is expanding it’s business.”
  • Correct: “The company is expanding its business.”
  • Explanation: “Its” is the correct possessive form. “It’s” means “it is” or “it has.”

Using “its” instead of “it’s” for “it is” or “it has”:

  • Incorrect: “Its a lovely evening.”
  • Correct: “It’s a lovely evening.”
  • Explanation: If you can replace it with “it is,” then “it’s” is the correct form.

Quick Tips:

  • Use “its” for ownership or possession.
  • Use “it’s” if it can be expanded to “it is” or “it has.”

Examples of Its and It’s in Sentences

Examples of “It’s” in Sentences

In this sub-section, we will look at several examples where “its” is used as a possessive pronoun:

  1. It’s going to rain later today, so don’t forget to bring an umbrella.
  2. I can’t believe it’s already time for the meeting to start.
  3. It’s important to check your work for errors before submitting it.
  4. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other.
  5. It’s my turn to choose the movie we are going to watch tonight.

Examples of “Its” in Sentences

  1. The cat chased its tail in circles.
  2. The company is known for its innovative approach to design.
  3. The plant has lost its leaves due to the cold weather.
  4. Each team has its own strategy for winning the game.
  5. The book has lost its cover, but the pages are still intact.

Examples of Sentences that Use Both “It’s” and “Its”

  1. It’s amazing how the butterfly changes its colors during its life cycle.
  2. The robot can repair itself if it’s damaged, thanks to its self-healing mechanism.
  3. It’s clear that the organization values its employees by the way it’s structured its benefits package.
  4. The museum is closed today because it’s undergoing renovations to improve its facilities.
  5. It’s the company’s policy to reduce its carbon footprint, and it’s making significant progress.

Its vs. It’s: Practice and Exercises

Fill in the blank 

Fill in the blanks with either “it’s” or “its” to correctly complete the sentences.

  1. __________ going to rain later this afternoon, according to the weather forecast.
  2. The cat licked __________ paw after the meal.
  3. __________ important to check your work before submitting it.
  4. The company is expanding __________ reach to international markets.
  5. __________ not unusual for him to spend hours on a single drawing.
  6. The tree lost all of __________ leaves during the autumn season.
  7. __________ been a long time since we last met.
  8. The smartphone has __________ own built-in assistant for voice commands.
  9. __________ a mystery why the system suddenly stopped working.
  10. The organization is known for __________ charitable contributions.

Answer with Explanation 

  1. Answer: It’s
    • Explanation: “It’s” is a contraction for “it is,” which is appropriate here.
  2. Answer: its
    • Explanation: “Its” is a possessive pronoun indicating that the paw belongs to the cat.
  3. Answer: It’s
    • Explanation: “It’s” is a contraction for “it is,” fitting in this context.
  4. Answer: its
    • Explanation: “Its” is possessive, indicating the company owns the reach.
  5. Answer: It’s
    • Explanation: “It’s” is a contraction for “it is,” making sense in this sentence.
  6. Answer: its
    • Explanation: “Its” is possessive, showing ownership of the leaves by the tree.
  7. Answer: It’s
    • Explanation: “It’s” is a contraction for “it has” in this case, indicating the passage of time.
  8. Answer: its
    • Explanation: “Its” is possessive, showing that the smartphone has a feature.
  9. Answer: It’s
    • Explanation: “It’s” is a contraction for “it is,” used here to express a state of being.
  10. Answer: its
    • Explanation: “Its” is possessive, referring to the contributions made by the organization.
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