The interesting idiomatic term “let sleeping dogs lie” is used frequently as a part of everyday conversation. It is an illustrative term that people seem to like. However, for people who aren’t familiar with the phrase, it will seem confusing. This is probably what led you to this page.
Here you will find the meaning of this phrase, information about its origin, and some example sentences and conversations so you can see how the phrase is used in context and gain a more in-depth understanding. You will also discover some alternative words or phrases that you can use in place of the phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” to relate the same meaning in a conversation.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Meaning, Origin and Usage
Key Takeaways
- The idiom “let sleeping dogs lie” means to leave a peaceful situation alone despite how you feel because your interference may disturb the peace and cause a problem or an issue.
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Meaning
“Let sleeping dogs lie” means to avoid interfering in a situation that is currently calm or trouble-free, especially if doing so might stir up old problems or create unnecessary conflict. It suggests it’s better to leave things as they are rather than risk making them worse.
Origin of the Term
Disturbing a sleeping dog who is at rest and peaceful may cause them to do you harm or to bite you. This is where the phrase gets its meaning. It has been used since the early 18th-century and is taken from the Latin phrase “Quieta non movere” which essentially means don’t disturb something that is settled.
Related Terms to “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”
“Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” Examples
Example Sentences
- When you have small unresolved issues with family members, it is probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.
- My parents always told me to choose my battles wisely, which is why I prefer to let sleeping dogs lie most of the time.
- We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court.
- The best plan is just to let sleeping dogs lie.
- Don’t tell Mother that you broke the window. Let sleeping dogs lie.
- Don’t wake him up. It’s better to let sleeping dogs lie.
- I was very careful about what I said. It’s best to let sleeping dogs lie, I think.
Example Conversations
A conversation between father and son.
- Father: How are things going at school?
- Son: I still have issues with Scott, but I am not sure they are worth addressing.
- Father: If they are small problems, then sometimes the best thing you can do is let sleeping dogs lie.
A discussion between two co-workers.
- Co-worker 1: I have a problem with Janice.
- Co-worker 2: Is it worth bringing up at the risk that it may cause tension on the team?
- Co-worker 1: No, it is something personal and not work-related.
- Co-worker 2: Then it is probably best that you let sleeping dogs lie.
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