This reference dives into various sections covering MAN words, from three-letter words to fifteen-letter ones. It also explains the meanings, helping you understand how these words fit into everyday language. For added clarity, there are images tied to the MAN words. By exploring this, you will expand your vocabulary with words that start with “MAN” and grasp their different contexts.
MAN Words
What are MAN Words?
MAN words can help you expand your vocabulary and communicate more effectively. A person’s ability to communicate, write, understand, and interpret information accurately depends on their vocabulary.
The prefix man indicates that a root word has been influenced or created by a man. The term “man” denotes a human person. For instance, when the prefix man is added, the word “made” becomes “manmade,” which implies created by a human or a MAN.
We have provided you with a list of MAN words below.
3 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Man
Learn more: 3-letter words
4 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Many
- Mane
- Mano
- Mana
- Mans
Study more: 4-letter words
5 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manor
- Mania
- Manic
- Mango
- Manly
- Manna
- Manga
- Mange
- Manse
- Manes
- Manta
- Manus
- Mangy
- Manat
- Manas
- Maned
- Manos
Study more: 5-letter words
6 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manage
- Manner
- Manual
- Mantle
- Manned
- Manila
- Manure
- Manger
- Mantra
- Maniac
- Mantel
- Mantis
- Mantua
- Mangle
- Manana
- Manque
- Mangel
- Manioc
- Mantes
- Mannan
- Manful
- Manege
- Mantic
- Mantid
- Mantas
- Manors
- Manses
- Manats
- Manche
- Mannas
- Manito
- Manitu
- Manges
- Mangey
- Mangas
- Mangos
- Manias
- Manics
Discover more: 6-letter words
7 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manager
- Mandate
- Mankind
- Mansion
- Manhood
- Manatee
- Manhole
- Manhunt
- Mandrel
- Mangold
- Mandala
- Manitou
- Manilla
- Mantrap
- Mansard
- Mannose
- Mannish
- Manikin
- Manteau
- Manumit
- Mandola
- Manakin
- Manlike
- Manacle
- Maniple
- Mannite
- Manchet
- Manwise
- Manward
- Mantlet
- Manrope
- Mantles
- Mantled
- Mantids
- Mantras
- Mantric
- Mantram
- Mantels
- Manured
- Manurer
- Manures
- Mantuas
- Manuals
- Manuary
- Manches
- Managed
- Manages
- Mananas
- Mangaby
- Maneges
- Mandril
- Manning
- Manlily
- Manlier
- Manless
- Manmade
- Mannans
- Manners
- Maniocs
- Manioca
- Manille
- Manilas
- Manitos
- Manitus
- Manihot
- Maniacs
- Mangily
- Mangoes
- Mangled
- Mangler
- Mangles
- Mangels
- Mangier
- Mangers
Find out more: 7-letter words
8 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manpower
- Manifest
- Maneuver
- Mandarin
- Manifold
- Mannered
- Mandible
- Mangrove
- Manicure
- Mandolin
- Maniacal
- Mandrake
- Mandamus
- Mantilla
- Mannitol
- Mannerly
- Mantissa
- Manyfold
- Mangabey
- Mannikin
- Manciple
- Mandrill
- Mangonel
- Manganic
- Mantelet
- Manteaus
- Manteaux
- Mantlets
- Mantling
- Mantises
- Mantrams
- Manorial
- Mansions
- Manropes
- Mansards
- Manwards
- Manurial
- Manuring
- Manurers
- Manumits
- Mantraps
- Manually
- Manubria
- Manganin
- Mangiest
- Mangolds
- Manglers
- Mangling
- Manhunts
- Manhoods
- Manholes
- Manikins
- Manihots
- Mannites
- Mannitic
- Mannoses
- Manliest
- Manitous
- Manilles
- Manillas
- Maniples
- Maniocas
- Mandrils
- Maneless
- Manfully
- Mandrels
- Mandolas
- Mandioca
- Mandator
- Mandated
- Mandates
- Manchets
- Mandalic
- Mandalas
- Manatoid
- Manatees
- Manakins
- Managing
- Managers
- Manacled
- Manacles
Learn more: 8-letter words
9 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Mandatory
- Manifesto
- Manganese
- Manoeuvre
- Manzanita
- Mannequin
- Mannerism
- Manhandle
- Manometer
- Manicotti
- Mandoline
- Manticore
- Manubrium
- Manganite
- Manganous
- Manipular
- Manslayer
- Manganate
- Mandatary
- Manducate
- Manyplies
- Manubrial
- Mansarded
- Manometry
- Manpowers
- Mantelets
- Mantillas
- Mantissas
- Mantlings
- Mandrills
- Maneuvers
- Mangabeys
- Mangabies
- Mandarins
- Mandating
- Mandators
- Mandibles
- Mandolins
- Mandrakes
- Mandiocas
- Manacling
- Manciples
- Manganins
- Manhattan
- Mangroves
- Mangonels
- Manginess
- Manically
- Manifests
- Manicured
- Manicures
- Manifolds
- Mannerist
- Manliness
- Manlikely
- Mannitols
- Mannishly
- Mannikins
Discover more: 9-letter words
10 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Management
- Managerial
- Manageable
- Manuscript
- Manipulate
- Manservant
- Manicurist
- Mangosteen
- Mandragora
- Manchineel
- Manageress
- Mansuetude
- Manslayers
- Manometers
- Manometric
- Manticores
- Manubriums
- Manumitted
- Manzanitas
- Manageably
- Mandarinic
- Mandamused
- Mandamuses
- Mandolines
- Mandibular
- Manducated
- Manducates
- Maneuvered
- Maneuverer
- Manfulness
- Manhandled
- Manhandles
- Manganates
- Manganeses
- Manganites
- Manicuring
- Manifestly
- Manifested
- Manifester
- Manifestos
- Manifolded
- Manifoldly
- Manicottis
- Maniacally
- Manhattans
- Manipulars
- Manoeuvres
- Manoeuvred
- Mannerists
- Mannerless
- Mannerisms
- Mannequins
Explore more: 10-letter words
11 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manufacture
- Mantelpiece
- Manufactory
- Manipulable
- Manifestant
- Mandibulate
- Mantelshelf
- Manorialism
- Manometries
- Mansuetudes
- Manumitting
- Manumission
- Manuscripts
- Mandolinist
- Mandragoras
- Mandataries
- Mandatories
- Mandatorily
- Maneuverers
- Maneuvering
- Manducating
- Mandarinism
- Mandarinate
- Mandamusing
- Manchineels
- Managements
- Managership
- Manicurists
- Manifesting
- Manifesters
- Manifestoed
- Manifestoes
- Manifolding
- Manganesian
- Manhandling
- Manginesses
- Mangosteens
- Manipulator
- Manipulated
- Manipulates
- Manneristic
- Manlinesses
- Manoeuvring
- Mannishness
Related: 11-letter words
12 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manufacturer
- Manipulation
- Manslaughter
- Manipulative
- Manipulators
- Manipulatory
- Manipulating
- Mannerliness
- Manifoldness
- Manifestoing
- Manifestants
- Mandarinisms
- Mandarinates
- Manageresses
- Managemental
- Managerships
- Managerially
- Mandolinists
- Manfulnesses
- Maneuverable
- Manorialisms
- Mantelpieces
- Manufactures
- Manufactured
- Manumissions
Find out more: 12-letter words
13 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manifestation
- Manipulations
- Manipulatable
- Mannishnesses
- Manageability
- Mantelshelves
- Manslaughters
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturers
- Manufactories
Learn more: 13-letter words
14 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manometrically
- Manufacturings
- Manifestations
- Manifoldnesses
- Mannerlinesses
- Manipulatively
- Manipulability
- Manageableness
Find out more: 14-letter words
15 Letter Words that Start with MAN
- Manageabilities
- Maneuverability
MAN Words with their Meaning
- Many – pertains to a significant quantity of something.
- Mango – a tropical fruit that has yellowish-red flesh and an oval shape. It can be eaten when it is mature or used green to make pickles or condiments.
- Manual – using or involving the use of hands.
- Manners – a person’s visible manner or how they act around other people.
- Manager – a person in charge of things like managing or directing all or a portion of a business or comparable organization.
- Mandate – an official directive or order to do action.
- Manipulate – skillfully, unjustly, or unethically dominate or control a person or circumstance.
- Manufacture – use machinery to create (something) on a vast scale.
- Manifest – Show or demonstrate (a trait or attitude) via one’s actions or outward appearance.
- Mankind – the collective term for all people; the human race.
- Manicure – a hand art and cosmetic procedure that involves cuticle removal, skin softening and shaping, and frequently painting of the nails.
- Mantle – the area of the interior of the earth is thought to be made up of warm, dense silicate minerals and located between the continental and the core (mainly peridotite).
- Mantis – a slim, cockroach-related predatory insect. With its enormous, spiky forelegs crossed like hands in prayer, it waits still for prey.
- Manned – work at, manage, or control (a facility or piece of equipment), or protect (a fortification).
- Mangle – a huge ironing board that uses heated rollers to press sheets or other materials, typically when they are damp.
- Manure – any synthetic fertilizer or compost.
All types of communication, talking, thinking, and writing—benefit from a strong vocabulary. For the following reasons, vocabulary is essential to sending messages and communication: Gaining vocabulary has a direct correlation with academic success.
Both verbal and written interactions will be muddled or difficult to understand if one does not have a solid working understanding of terms and their definitions.
Understanding words is a crucial component of learning any language. Unknown words in a sentence make it challenging to understand what the speaker is trying to say.
Related links:
- Words that Start with M
- Words that End in N
- Words that End in “AN”
- 5 Letter Words Starting with M
- 5 Letter Words Ending in N
- 5 Letter Words Ending in ANT
- 5 Letter Words with A
- 5 Letter Words with N
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