“Manna from Heaven” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The idiomatic phrase “manna from heaven” is one you may hear or see frequently in everyday conversation or writing. Here you will find the meaning of the phrase and the information available regarding its origin. You will also find some examples of how to properly use this phrase in conversations/statements and some suggestions regarding alternative ways to say the phrase and still convey the same meaning.

“Manna from Heaven” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “manna from heaven” refers to a sudden and unexpected source of aid, assistance, or good fortune that appears in a time of need. In a broader sense, it symbolizes any unanticipated benefit or relief that seems to come from a higher power or fate.
Manna From Heaven
Manna from Heaven – Created by 7ESL

“Manna From Heaven” Meaning

The phrase “manna from heaven” refers to an unexpected benefit or blessing that comes at a very opportune time, particularly when one is in need. It symbolizes something that is provided unexpectedly and is greatly appreciated.


  • “When I found that unexpected bonus in my paycheck, it felt like manna from heaven.”
  • “The community donations during the crisis were like manna from heaven for those affected by the disaster.”

Origin of This Idiom

The origin of this idiom comes from the Bible in the book of Exodus. As Moses lead his people through the desert after being released from the control of the Israelites, God miraculously produced food for them all when they were starving. The food that was produced was called manna.

Usage of “Manna From Heaven”

  • In a discussion about unexpected assistance:

“After struggling to pay the bills, the bonus at work felt like manna from heaven.”

  • Talking about timely support:

“When my friend offered to help me with my move, I felt it was manna from heaven, as I was overwhelmed with everything.”

  • During a conversation about a much-needed opportunity:

“The job offer came at just the right time; it was truly manna from heaven for my career.”

  • In a humorous context:

“When my favorite snack was back in stock after being sold out for weeks, I joked that it was manna from heaven.”

Related Terms to “Manna From Heaven”

  • Blessing in disguise – something that appears negative at first but results in a positive outcome.
  • Windfall – an unexpected gain or profit, especially in financial terms.
  • Godsend – something or someone that is received unexpectedly and is very helpful or beneficial.
  • Serendipity – the occurrence of fortunate events by chance; a happy accident.
  • Stroke of luck – a sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune.
  • Fortuitous – happening by chance rather than intention; often resulting in a beneficial outcome.
  • Unexpected boon – an unanticipated advantage or benefit that comes at the right time.
  • Divine intervention – assistance or guidance believed to come from a higher power, often in difficult situations.
  • Lucky break – a fortunate turn of events that leads to success or benefit.
  • Happy coincidence – an unexpected and beneficial occurrence that happens by chance.

Other Ways to Say “Manna From Heaven”

As with most idiomatic phrases, there are many alternative ways to say “manna from heaven” and still convey the same meaning. Some of these alternatives include:

  • A gift
  • A blessing
  • Something greatly needed and appreciated
  • Gift from heaven

“Manna From Heaven” Examples

Examples in Statements

A statement made by a celebrity during an interview with a popular entertainment magazine.

  • “I could not resist the offer to work on this movie. It came at just the right time in my career. It was like manna from heaven!”

A statement made by a homeless woman during a news report.

  • “The help we have been given is so much more than we needed. People have gone above and beyond. The things we have received are like manna from heaven and I am eternally grateful.”

Examples in Conversations

A conversation between an employee and his manager.

  • Employee: I can’t believe you all did this for me.
  • Manager: We knew you were struggling to get the things you needed for the baby since Ed got laid off. We all wanted to pitch in and do what we could.
  • Employee: You all are the greatest! This is truly manna from heaven and I am blessed!

A conversation between two friends talking over coffee.

  • Friend 1: I still can’t believe we lost everything in that fire.
  • Friend 2: Well, have no fear! I went to the local church and got a few donations for you. There is some food, some clothes and I had them take up a small collection for you also.
  • Friend 1: Wow! Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to all of us! This is true manna from heaven.

More interesting example sentences:

  • The letters are manna from heaven, filling my time and recharging my batteries.
  • After the kind of coverage I’d been getting, the piece was manna from heaven.
  • For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven.
  • I needed that money so desperately, it was like manna from heaven when it arrived!
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