If you thought the word “mug” could only be used to identify a type of cup you drink coffee out of, think again. When used as slang, this term takes on a much different meaning. In this article, the most common definition of this slang term used as slang will be identified.
You will also learn a bit about its origin, usage, and some related terms. This will be followed by some conversation examples that show how to properly use this term in context and some synonyms you can use in its place will be provided as well.
Mug Meaning, Origin and Usage
Key Takeaways
In slang, “mug” can mean:
- Face: Refers to someone’s face, often humorously or negatively.
- Foolish person: Someone gullible or easily tricked (common in British slang).
- To rob or trick: To attack and steal from someone or to deceive them.
What Does Mug Mean?
“Mug” has a few meanings depending on the context:
- Used informally to refer to someone’s face, often in a humorous or slightly negative way.
- Get that mug of yours ready for the photo!
A foolish person (primarily British slang):
- Refers to someone who is gullible or easily tricked.
- He paid way too much for that old car. What a mug!
To rob or trick someone (as a verb):
- While not always slang, “mug” as a verb means to attack someone and steal from them, often in a public place.
- He got mugged on his way home from the subway.
Origin of Mug
This word was first used to describe a type of drinking cup sometime between 156o and 1570. It was originally a Scandanavian word derived from Danish/Norwegian word mugge or the Swedish word mugg, both meaning drinking cup. It is thought the origin of the meaning mentioned above for this slang term originated from these types of drinking cups because faces typically appeared on the sides of these cups for decoration. The definition meaning to assault followed from the face definition to mean a strike in the face.
Usage of Mug
Here are some examples of how “mug” is used in slang:
As “face”:
- He pulled a funny face and said, “Look at my mug in the mirror!”
- She slapped a big smile on her mug for the selfie.
As “a foolish or gullible person”:
- You gave him $50 for that fake watch? You’re such a mug!
- Don’t be a mug—always check the price before buying.
As a verb (to rob or trick someone):
- They mugged him for his phone while he was walking in the park.
- (Figurative use) That salesman totally mugged me with those high prices.
Other Meanings
There are several alternate meanings if this slang word. As already mentioned, this word is the name given to a type of drinking cup and is usually the one favored for drinking coffee or tea out of. The term can also be used to describe a facial expression like a grimace. This term can also be the word of choice to describe a ruffian or criminal.
Related Terms to “Mug”
Mug as a Face:
- Mugshot: A photograph of a person’s face, often taken by police.
- Grin: A broad smile often associated with one’s “mug.”
- Expression: The look on someone’s face, often describing their “mug.”
Mug as a Foolish Person:
- Chump: A gullible or easily fooled person.
- Sucker: Someone who is easily deceived.
- Pushover: Someone who is easily influenced or tricked.
Mug as Robbery or Trickery:
- Mugging: The act of robbing someone in public.
- Heist: A robbery or theft, often planned.
- Con: A trick or scam designed to deceive.
General Mug (as a Cup):
- Tumbler: A type of drinking glass, similar to a mug in use.
- Stein: A large mug, often used for beer.
- Tankard: A large cup or mug with a handle, often made of metal.
Synonyms for Mug
There are some words and phrases that you could use in place of this slang term to mean the same thing. Some of the other things you can say include:
- Face
- The front part of the head
- Eyes, ears, nose
Examples of Mug
A conversation via text message between two friends.
- Friend 1: I am going to beat the crap out of my younger brother!
- Friend 2: What did he do now?
- Friend 1: He was in my room reading my diary when I got home today. Now, I just want to rearrange his mug.
An online discussion between two Facebook users.
- User 1: (posts a picture of Vin Diesel) This is my new boyfriend, Vinny!
- User 2: You wish you got to see his fine mug every day!
- User 1: Hey, a gal can dream can’t she?
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