“Mumbo Jumbo” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The term ‘mumbo jumbo’ may be heard often during conversations in the English language, but what does this term mean? We will take a look at the meaning of this phrase and how we can use it in a conversation. We will also look at the history of the term and where it first came from.

Mumbo Jumbo Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • When someone uses the term ‘mumbo jumbo’ they are saying that something is nonsense. It can refer to something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Mumbo Jumbo Meaning
Mumbo Jumbo Meaning – Created by 7ESL

Mumbo Jumbo Meaning

Mumbo jumbo” refers to language, ideas, or practices that are confusing, meaningless, or nonsensical. It is often used to describe speech or behavior that seems unnecessarily complicated or intended to obscure the truth. The phrase can also refer to rituals or activities that seem superstitious or lacking in real substance.

Origin of this Idiom

The interesting idiom ‘mumbo jumbo’ first came from the 18th century and was believed to have been the name of an African idol. However, in the late 19th century the term adopted the meaning for which we use it today.

Usage of “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • To describe something confusing or meaningless:
    • “The instructions were full of technical mumbo jumbo that I couldn’t make sense of.”
  • To dismiss complicated jargon or speech:
    • “All that political mumbo jumbo doesn’t change the fact that people need help now.”
  • To criticize unclear or pointless explanations:
    • “The salesperson tried to confuse me with financial mumbo jumbo, but I wasn’t buying it.”
  • In reference to superstitious or unnecessary rituals:
    • “I don’t believe in all that horoscope mumbo jumbo, but some people really do.”

Related Terms to “Mumbo Jumbo”

  • Gobbledygook – Refers to complicated, jargon-filled, or meaningless language.
  • Jargon – Specialized language that can be confusing or hard to understand for outsiders.
  • Double-talk – Deliberately ambiguous or confusing speech meant to deceive.
  • Nonsense – Speech or ideas that are foolish or lack meaning.
  • Hogwash – Informal term for false or meaningless talk.
  • Balderdash – Nonsense or foolish talk.
  • Malarkey – Informal term for foolish or meaningless talk.
  • Poppycock – Another informal term for nonsense or absurd talk.
  • Hocus pocus – Refers to meaningless or deceptive talk, often associated with trickery.
  • Bafflegab – Slang term for confusing or incomprehensible language, especially used to impress or mislead.

Other Ways to Say the Phrase

There are many other ways to express the meaning of the term ‘mumbo jumbo.’

Here are some examples of other things you could say which carry the same meaning.

  • A load of old tosh
  • Nonsense
  • Codswallop

“Mumbo Jumbo” Examples

Examples in Statements

This is a statement which is being made by a teacher.

  • ‘This essay you have written is not good at all, it is just a load of mumbo jumbo.’

Here is a statement made in a magazine article.

  • ‘The event went without a hitch but the key speaker delivered a speech which was pure mumbo jumbo.’

Other examples:

  • It isn’t all mumbo jumbo as some people think.
  • The kid playing at the corner keep saying mumbo jumbo.
  • Don’t tell me that some people still buy into that antique mumbo jumbo.

Conversation Examples

The term ‘mumbo jumbo’ might be heard in a variety of different conversations. Here are some examples to show how it can be used in a conversation.

The first conversation example is taking place between a mother and son.

  • Person 1: “Why were you late home last night?”
  • Person 2: “Because I got lost.”
  • Person 1: “Don’t give me that mumbo jumbo, tell me the truth.”

Here is a conversation between a husband and wife.

  • Person 1: “I forgot to tell you what I heard the other day.”
  • Person 2: “What did you hear?”
  • Person 1: “I heard that Susan is moving to New Zealand.”
  • Person 2: “What a load of mumbo jumbo, she hasn’t got the money to do that.”
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