Nouns that start with C can refer to a wide range of objects, people, places, and concepts, making them versatile and useful for all kinds of communication.
Nouns that Start with C
What Are Nouns Starting with C?
In the English language, there are many nouns that start with the letter C, such as car, cat, chair, computer, camera, and cup. Other commonly used examples include city, country, child, colleague, customer, and corporation. It is important to remember that proper nouns, like names of people and places, are also nouns that start with C, such as Canada, California, and Catherine.
Nouns that Start with C | Image 1
Common Nouns That Start with C
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Camera | I need to buy a new camera for my photography hobby. |
Car | My car broke down on the way to work this morning. |
Cat | I love my cat, she’s always by my side. |
Chair | Please have a seat in the chair next to me. |
Cheese | This cheese tastes amazing with some crackers. |
Chicken | I’m making roasted chicken for dinner tonight. |
Child | The child was playing with his toys on the floor. |
Church | We attend church every Sunday morning. |
City | New York City is a bustling metropolis. |
Class | I have a math class in the afternoon. |
Clock | The clock on the wall is ticking loudly. |
Cloud | The clouds in the sky look like fluffy cotton balls. |
Coat | I need to buy a warm coat for the winter season. |
Coffee | I can’t start my day without a cup of coffee. |
Coin | I found a shiny coin on the ground while walking home. |
College | She’s studying to become a nurse at the local college. |
Computer | I spend most of my day working on my computer. |
Conversation | We had a pleasant conversation over dinner. |
Cookie | Would you like a chocolate chip cookie with your tea? |
Corner | The cat likes to hide in the corner of the room. |
Cow | The farmer has a herd of cows on his farm. |
Crane | The construction crew used a crane to lift the beams. |
Credit | You need good credit to get approved for a loan. |
Crowd | There was a huge crowd at the concert last night. |
Crown | The queen’s crown was encrusted with diamonds and gold. |
Cup | I need a refill for my coffee cup, it’s empty. |
Customer | The customer complained about the poor service. |
Abstract Nouns That Start with C
Nouns | Examples |
Calmness | The calmness of the sea was peaceful. |
Capability | Her capability to solve complex problems is impressive. |
Care | We must show care towards our environment. |
Certainty | His certainty about the outcome of the experiment was correct. |
Challenge | The challenge of climbing a mountain was thrilling. |
Change | The change in weather was unexpected. |
Character | His character is admirable. |
Charity | The charity organization donated a large sum of money. |
Charm | Her charm was irresistible. |
Cheerfulness | Her cheerfulness was contagious. |
Choice | The choice of words was critical in the speech. |
Citizenship | The process of obtaining citizenship in a new country can be lengthy and complex. |
Civility | Civility in public discourse is crucial. |
Clarity | The clarity of the instructions made the task easy. |
Classiness | Her dress had an air of classiness. |
Cleanliness | Cleanliness is next to godliness. |
Closure | The closure of the deal was a relief. |
Coherence | The coherence of the argument was impressive. |
Collaboration | Collaboration is key to success. |
Comfort | The comfort of a home is essential. |
Commitment | His commitment to the project was unwavering. |
Compassion | Her compassion towards animals was evident. |
Competence | The competence of the team was unquestionable. |
Composure | Her composure in a crisis was admirable. |
Concentration | Concentration is essential in learning. |
Concept | The concept of time is relative. |
Conscience | His conscience would not allow him to cheat. |
Consciousness | Consciousness is the state of being aware. |
Consistency | Consistency is the key to success. |
Contentment | Contentment is finding joy in what you have. |
Conviction | His conviction about the matter was unwavering. |
Cooperation | Cooperation is working together for a common goal. |
Courage | His courage in the face of danger was commendable. |
Courtesy | Courtesy is being polite and respectful. |
Creativity | Creativity is essential in problem-solving. |
Credibility | The credibility of the source was questionable. |
Curiosity | Her curiosity about the world was insatiable. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns That Start with C
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Calm | The ocean was calm today. |
Candor | I appreciate your candor in this matter. |
Capability | Her capability to multitask is impressive. |
Care | He shows a lot of care towards his elderly parents. |
Celebration | We had a big celebration for my sister’s graduation. |
Certainty | I can say with certainty that he will be here on time. |
Challenge | Climbing a mountain is a great challenge. |
Change | Change is a necessary part of life. |
Charisma | She has a lot of charisma and can charm anyone. |
Cheer | The cheer of the crowd made the game more exciting. |
Clarity | The clarity of her explanation made everything easier to understand. |
Cleanliness | The cleanliness of the hotel room was impressive. |
Comfort | The soft pillows provided great comfort during the flight. |
Communion | The family had a beautiful communion service at church. |
Compassion | His compassion for others is admirable. |
Competence | The new hire showed great competence in her first week on the job. |
Confidence | She exudes confidence when speaking in public. |
Connection | The strong connection between the two friends was evident in their conversations. |
Consciousness | Environmental consciousness is important for the well-being of our planet. |
Consistency | The consistency of her work is impressive. |
Contentment | His face showed contentment as he relaxed on the beach. |
Contribution | His contribution to the project was invaluable. |
Conviction | She spoke with conviction and passion about the issue. |
Cooperation | The success of the project was due to the cooperation of the entire team. |
Courage | His courage in the face of danger was admirable. |
Courtesy | He always shows courtesy towards his colleagues. |
Creativity | Her creativity in designing the new product was impressive. |
Cuteness | The baby’s smile was the epitome of cuteness. |
Proper Nouns That Start with C
- Canada
- China
- California
- Chicago
- Coca-Cola
- Charles
- Chris
- Chelsea
- Cambridge
- Cameron
- Copenhagen
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Croatia
- Celine Dion
- Chevrolet
- Chrysler
- Casablanca
- Costa Rica
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
List of Nouns that Start with C
- Cabotage
- Cablegram
- Cablet
- Cabalism
- Cabinetmaker
- Caballer
- Cabiai
- Cabeca
- Cabob
- Caaba
- Cabbler
- Caballine
- Cabirean
- Cabrerite
- Caboose
- Cabaret
- Cabree
- Cab
- Cabesse
- Caber
- Cabal
- Cabinetwork
- Cabassou
- Cabrilla
- Caada
- Cabinet-maker
- Cable
- Cabinet
- Cabinetmaking
- Caboodle
- Cabezon
- Cabbage
- Cabman
- Cabbling
- Cabas
- Cabazite
- Cabala
- Cabling
- Cabalist
- Cabin
- Carpenter
- Celestinian
- Cecidomyia
- Celebrator
- Celibate
- Cellarer
- Cellarist
- Celebration
- Cedrene
- Cedar
- Celery
- Cello
- Celerity
- Cedriret
- Cellaret
- Celebrity
- Celestine
- Cecity
- Cecutiency
- Cell
- Ceiling
- Celibatist
- Cellar
- Celestite
- Celature
- Celidography
- Cease
- Ceint
- Celestial
- Cellule
- Cellarage
- Cellepore
- Celadon
- Cedilla
- Celibacy
- Celandine
- Cella
- Celeriac
- Cedrat
- Celebrant
- Cedule
- Chabouk
- Chaetetes
- Chaffinch
- Chaetopod
- Chairman
- Chaise
- Chafer
- Chaetotaxy
- Chafferer
- Chabuk
- Chagrin
- Chafe
- Chaja
- Chaconne
- Chalaza
- Chagreen
- Chainlet
- Chafeweed
- Chainwork
- Chachalaca
- Chaffer
- Chalazion
- Chain
- Chafewax
- Chaffery
- Chablis
- Chace
- Chalcedony
- Chaffing
- Chaff
- Chaetodont
- Chalaze
- Chaffwax
- Chalcanthite
- Chad
- Chacma
- Chair
- Chairmanship
- Chab
- Chabasite
- Cigarette
- Cid
- Cichoraceous
- Cicisbeism
- Cicatrizant
- Cima
- Cilium
- Cicatrice
- Cibol
- Cicuration
- Cimar
- Cicerone
- Ciderist
- Cicutoxin
- Cilice
- Cilician
- Cider
- Cicada
- Ciborium
- Cicero
- Cimbia
- Ciderkin
- Cicatrization
- Ciceronianism
- Cigar
- Cimbrian
- Cicatrix
- Cicely
- Cicuta
- Cicala
- Ciclatoun
- Cibation
- Cimbric
- Cierge
- Cill
- Cimeliarch
- Cicisbeo
- Cillosis
- Cicatricle
- Cimbal
- Clanship
- Claimer
- Clack
- Clapper
- Claque
- Clairvoyant
- Clamminess
- Clamorer
- Clachan
- Claqueur
- Claik
- Clamper
- Clansman
- Cladophyll
- Clapcake
- Clamor
- Clandestinity
- Clacker
- Claimant
- Clamation
- Clapboard
- Clake
- Clamber
- Claimless
- Clam
- Claim
- Clan
- Clank
- Clap
- Clamjamphrie
- Clamp
- Claptrap
- Clape
- Clairvoyance
- Clapbread
- Clambake
- Clang
- Cladding
- Clabber
- Clanjamfrie
- Cnida
- Cnidocil
- Cnidoblast
- Coachfellow
- Coalescence
- Coalfish
- Coadjutant
- Coagulator
- Coadjutorship
- Coagulability
- Coach
- Coag
- Coaction
- Coadventure
- Coadjutress
- Coalery
- Coadjutrix
- Coachmanship
- Coadaptation
- Coagent
- Coagency
- Coadjument
- Coal
- Coacervation
- Coadjuvant
- Coactivity
- Coaita
- Coalesce
- Coagulation
- Coachee
- Coak
- Coagmentation
- Coadunition
- Coalition
- Coadventurer
- Coaching
- Coadjuvancy
- Coachman
- Coadunation
- Coadjustment
- Coalgoose
- Coadjutor
- Coagulant
- Craker
- Cracker
- Crabber
- Crag
- Cramp
- Craftsmaster
- Cracovienne
- Crackling
- Crail
- Craie
- Cradgedness
- Crabeater
- Crabbed
- Cragginess
- Crakeberry
- Crackle
- Crackleware
- Crabbing
- Crampit
- Cradle-robber
- Crampet
- Crampoons
- Craber
- Cram
- Craftsman
- Crampfish
- Crack
- Cradling
- Crake
- Crab
- Craft
- Crabstick
- Cracksman
- Crammer
- Craftiness
- Crampon
- Cragsman
- Crack-up
- Craftsmanship
- Cradle
- Ctenocyst
- Ctenoidean
- Ctenophore
- Ctenoid
- Cubature
- Cubicalness
- Cuckoo
- Cubile
- Cucurbite
- Cudbear
- Cubital
- Cubilose
- Cuckoldom
- Cubby
- Cucquean
- Cubit
- Cudden
- Cubhood
- Cuddle
- Cuckoopint
- Cucumber
- Cuboidal
- Cucumis
- Cube
- Cuckold
- Cudgel
- Cucujo
- Cuboid
- Cuckoldry
- Cubation
- Cubbyhole
- Cudweed
- Cuckoobud
- Cuca
- Cubicle
- Cuddy
- Cuckooflower
- Cudgeler
- Cubic
- Cubeb
- Cucurbit
- Cud
- Cub
- Cuban
- Cyclist
- Cyclamen
- Cyanotype
- Cyanurate
- Cyanogen
- Cyclometry
- Cycloid
- Cyanin
- Cyamellone
- Cyathophylloid
- Cyclone
- Cyanosis
- Cyclas
- Cycas
- Cycloganoid
- Cyclograph
- Cyclamin
- Cyanaurate
- Cyanate
- Cyanophyll
- Cyclopaedia
- Cycle
- Cyanometer
- Cyanosite
- Cycling
- Cyclopedia
- Cyanite
- Cyanopathy
- Cycad
- Cyanide
- Cyatholith
- Cyamelide
- Cyclopedist
- Cyclide
- Cycloidian
- Cyclorama
- Cyanuret
- Cyclometer
- Cyanine
- Cyclop
- Czarina
- Czarevna
- Czarowitz
- Czar
Commonly Used Nouns that Start with C with Meanings
- Cube: A cube is a three-dimensional figure.
- Cup: A cup is something you drink from like tea or coffee.
- Cucurbita pepo: Cucurbita pepo is an edible fruit that looks like it has curly vines growing out of it.
- Curse: A curse is a word used to harm someone or something.
- Curtsy: A curtsy is a fancy way of saying “thank you” where a woman lowers her head and bends her knees as if she is going to curtsey to royalty.
- Curtain: A curtain hangs in front of a window in the house or theater so you can block out the world outside and have privacy when you are inside.
- Curvature: The curvature makes it easier for you to use a curve with your hands and draw circles on paper when math is being taught in school for geometry class.
- Curves: Curves are part of the shape that a sheet of paper can take.
- Custom: A custom is a series of habits or practices that have been around for several hundred years and are still done the same way today.
- Cut: A cut is something you make by cutting something with something else like scissors or a saw.
- Current: If you want to use something as an example showing how the usage has changed over time, you can say “The current is 1/3rd of an amp.” to talk about how things used to be done but now things change and we call them “current” instead of “voltage” like in years ago.
- Curricula: A curriculum is a list of all the things you need for a course.
- Curriculum: A curriculum is the list of things that are needed to study for classes in school.
- Curry: Curry is something you eat from a bowl with rice or vegetables on it like curry chicken, curry paste, and curry powder.
- Curtain: A curtain can be used to cover a window in your bedroom or theater so your family and friends cannot see out while they are sleeping or enjoying the theater show at night time when it is dark outside.
- Curved: A curved surface looks like a bowl or egg and animals like cats and dogs have curved shapes.
- Cutback: When you cut a tree down, it does not have leaves anymore, but it does have branches that are growing back on the trunk just like a baby deer when it has had its first cutback.
A noun that starts with c can be many things; these are just some examples of the different types of things you could be talking about. If you want to know more, use this list as a guide.
Nouns that Start with C | Image
Nouns that Start with C | Image 2
Nouns that Start with C | Image 3
Resources Related to C Nouns
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