For many, using nouns is something that we do without thought. They roll off of our tongues and fingers, filling conversation and text. But what exactly are nouns? Put simply, a noun is a person, a place, or a thing.
Nouns That Start With D
What Are Nouns Starting with D?
Nouns are often accompanied by articles, such as “a,” “an,” or “the”. Nouns serve as the subject of a sentence. For example, “Every morning, Tom walks his dog.” Here, Tom is the subject of the sentence and performs the action of the verb to walk, making him both the noun and the subject.
But nouns can also be the object of a sentence. For example, “The teacher helped the student.” Here, the student is receiving help from the teacher, making the student the object of the sentence.
Common Nouns That Start with D
Nouns | Examples |
Day | She has a busy day ahead of her. |
Dog | My dog loves to play fetch in the park. |
Door | The door to the room was locked. |
Desk | The teacher’s desk was cluttered with papers. |
Drink | I ordered a cold drink to quench my thirst. |
Drive | The scenic drive through the mountains was breathtaking. |
Dress | She wore a beautiful dress to the party. |
Dinner | We had a delicious dinner at the restaurant. |
Diamond | The diamond on her finger sparkled in the sunlight. |
Daughter | Her daughter just started her first year of college. |
Doctor | She went to see the doctor for a routine check-up. |
Drum | He played the drums in the school band. |
Dictionary | I looked up the word in the dictionary to find its meaning. |
Direction | The sign gave us the direction to the nearest gas station. |
Device | The new device was more efficient than the old one. |
Duck | The duck swam in the pond. |
Drawer | She put her clothes in the top drawer of the dresser. |
Disk | The information was stored on a disk. |
Donut | I bought a box of donuts for my colleagues at work. |
Drug | The doctor prescribed a drug to treat the infection. |
Dentist | She went to see the dentist for a tooth extraction. |
District | The city was divided into different districts. |
Deer | We saw a deer in the woods. |
Dusk | The sky was orange at dusk. |
Diploma | She received her diploma after completing her studies. |
Disaster | The hurricane was a major disaster that left many homeless. |
Related: Common Nouns
Abstract Nouns That Start with D
Nouns | Examples |
Dignity | The old man maintained his dignity despite his poverty. |
Doubt | She had a nagging doubt in the back of her mind. |
Determination | Her determination to succeed helped her achieve her goals. |
Democracy | The country is known for its strong democracy and freedom. |
Diversity | The university promotes diversity and inclusivity. |
Destiny | He believed that his destiny was to become a famous actor. |
Delight | The children were filled with delight at the sight of the Christmas tree. |
Distress | The news of her father’s illness caused her great distress. |
Discipline | Discipline is important for success in any field. |
Devotion | Her devotion to her family was unwavering. |
Disappointment | The team’s loss was a disappointment to their fans. |
Disbelief | She expressed disbelief at the news of her promotion. |
Discretion | He handled the matter with great discretion. |
Decorum | The school principal emphasized the importance of decorum and respect. |
Disclosure | The company made a public disclosure of their finances. |
Decency | He had the decency to apologize for his mistake. |
Defiance | The protesters showed defiance against the government’s policies. |
Dialogue | The two sides engaged in a constructive dialogue to resolve the conflict. |
Dependence | The child had a strong dependence on his mother. |
Deception | The salesman’s deception cost him his job. |
Despair | She was filled with despair after her husband’s death. |
Direction | The sign gave clear directions to the nearest gas station. |
Discovery | The scientist made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of medicine. |
Disclosure | The journalist demanded full disclosure of the government’s actions. |
Duration | The movie had a duration of two hours. |
Desperation | He acted out of desperation to save his company from bankruptcy. |
Diplomacy | The diplomat used diplomacy to resolve the conflict peacefully. |
Domination | The team’s domination of the league was unprecedented. |
Distrust | The lack of transparency led to distrust among the employees. |
Dreaminess | The dreaminess of the landscape was captured in the painting. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns That Start with D
Nouns | Examples |
Dance | She practiced her dance routine every day. |
Delight | The children’s faces were full of delight. |
Discovery | The discovery of the new species was exciting. |
Dream | Her dream was to become a successful author. |
Drive | His drive and determination helped him achieve his goals. |
Delicacy | The chef prepared a delicious delicacy for the guests. |
Dignity | The elderly man was treated with dignity and respect. |
Diversity | The university celebrated the diversity of its students. |
Devotion | Her devotion to her family was unwavering. |
Determination | With determination, she climbed to the top of the mountain. |
Discipline | The coach emphasized the importance of discipline in sports. |
Direction | I asked a stranger for directions to the nearest gas station. |
Dazzle | The fireworks display was a dazzle of colors and lights. |
Darling | The little girl was her parents’ darling. |
Daring | The daring rescue mission was successful. |
Democracy | The citizens of the country valued democracy. |
Designer | She was a talented fashion designer. |
Development | The city’s development had a positive impact on the economy. |
Devotion | The monk showed his devotion to his religion through his daily prayers. |
Dialogue | The characters engaged in meaningful dialogue in the movie. |
Difference | There is a noticeable difference between the two products. |
Diplomacy | Diplomacy is often required in international relations. |
Discovery | The discovery of oil led to significant economic growth. |
Discovery | The archaeological team made an important discovery at the dig site. |
Divinity | The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses of divinity. |
Docility | The puppy’s docility made it easy to train. |
Domesticity | She enjoyed the domesticity of being a stay-at-home mom. |
Donor | The generous donor made a significant contribution to the charity. |
Doer | He was a doer and not just a talker. |
Doubtlessness | The clarity of his argument left no room for doubtlessness. |
Dreamer | She was a dreamer and had many ambitious plans. |
Dynamism | The company’s success was due to its dynamism and innovation. |
Proper Nouns That Start with D
- David
- Diana
- Dubai
- Denmark
- Drake
- Donald
- Detroit
- Disneyland
- Dallas
- Delilah
- Dwayne
- Diego
- Dumbledore
- Dak Prescott
- Daenerys
- Dior
- Diego Maradona
- Dolly Parton
- Damien
- Dunkin’ Donuts
List of Nouns that Start with D
- Dabbler
- Dad
- Daddy
- Daggerman
- Dairy
- Dam
- Damage
- Dame
- Damn
- Damnation
- Damsel
- Dance
- Dancer
- Dancing
- Dandelion
- Danger
- Danseur
- Darbuka
- Daring
- Dark
- Darling
- Darn
- Dash
- Dashboard
- Data
- Date
- Datum
- Daughter
- Dauphin
- Davenport
- Dawn
- Day
- Daybed
- Daybreak
- Daydreaming
- Daylight
- Daytime
- Dazzler
- Deacon
- Deactivation
- Dead
- Deadline
- Deadlock
- Deadweight
- Deal
- Dealer
- Dean
- Dear
- Dearth
- Death
- Deathbed
- Debacle
- Debate
- Debating
- Debauchery
- Debility
- Debt
- Debunking
- Debut
- Debutante
- Decade
- Decadence
- Decay
- Deceased
- Decedent
- Deceit
- Deceleration
- Decency
- Decentralization
- Deception
- Decimal
- Decision
- Deck
- Decking
- Declaration
- Declarative
- Decline
- Declivity
- Decolletage
- Decomposition
- Decompression
- Decor
- Decoration
- Decorator
- Decorum
- Decrease
- Decree
- Decrement
- Dedication
- Deductibility
- Deduction
- Deed
- Deepening
- Deer
- Defacing
- Default
- Defeat
- Defeatism
- Defect
- Defection
- Defence
- Defendant
- Defender
- Defense
- Deference
- Deferent
- Deferment
- Defiance
- Deficiency
- Deficit
- Definition
- Deformation
- Deformity
- Degeneration
- Degradation
- Degree
- Dehydration
- Deification
- Deity
- Dejection
- Delay
- Delectation
- Delegate
- Delegation
- Deliberation
- Delicacy
- Delight
- Delineation
- Delinquency
- Delinquent
- Delirium
- Deliverance
- Delivery
- Dell
- Deltoid
- Deluge
- Delusion
- Deluxer
- Demage
- Demagnification
- Demand
- Demander
- Demanding
- Demarcation
- Demeanor
- Demineralization
- Demise
- Democracy
- Democratization
- Demography
- Demolition
- Demon
- Demonstration
- Demoralization
- Demurrer
- Demythologization
- Den
- Denial
- Denomination
- Denouement
- Densitometry
- Density
- Dent
- Dentist
- Dentistry
- Denunciation
- Denying
- Department
- Departure
- Dependence
- Dependency
- Dependent
- Depersonalization
- Depiction
- Depletion
- Deployment
- Deposit
- Deposition
- Depot
- Depravity
- Depreciation
- Depression
- Deprivation
- Depth
- Deputy
- Derangement
- Derby
- Derelict
- Dereliction
- Derision
- Derivation
- Derivative
- Derrick
- Derriere
- Descendant
- Descent
- Description
- Desecration
- Desegregation
- Desert
- Desertion
- Design
- Designate
- Designation
- Designer
- Designing
- Desirability
- Desire
- Desk
- Desolation
- Despair
- Despairing
- Desperation
- Despondency
- Despot
- Despotism
- Dessert
- Destination
- Destiny
- Destroyer
- Destruction
- Desuetude
- Detachment
- Detail
- Detection
- Detective
- Detector
- Detente
- Detention
- Detergency
- Detergent
- Deterioration
- Determinability
- Determinant
- Determination
- Determinism
- Deterrence
- Deterrent
- Detestation
- Detonation
- Detractor
- Detriment
- Devastation
- Developer
- Development
- Deviance
- Deviation
- Device
- Devil
- Devisee
- Devotion
- Dew
- Dexamethasone
- Dexterity
- Diagnometer
- Diagnosing
- Diagnostic
- Diagram
- Dial
- Dialect
- Dialectic
- Dialogue
- Diam
- Diameter
- Diamond
- Diaphragm
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhoea
- Diary
- Diathermy
- Dice
- Dichondra
- Dichotomy
- Dictator
- Dictatorship
- Diction
- Dictionary
- Dictum
- Die
- Diem
- Diesel
- Diet
- Diethylstilbestrol
- Diety
- Difference
- Differentiability
- Differential
- Differentiation
- Difficulty
- Diffidence
- Diffraction
- Diffrunce
- Diffusion
- Dig
- Digest
- Digit
- Digitalization
- Dignity
- Diisocyanate
- Dilatation
- Dilation
- Dilemma
- Dilettante
- Diligence
- Dill
- Dilution
- Dime
- Dimension
- Dimensioning
- Dimethylglyoxime
- Diminution
- Din
- Dinghy
- Dingo
- Dining
- Dinner
- Dinnertime
- Dinnerware
- Dinosaur
- Diocese
- Diorah
- Dioxalate
- Dioxide
- Dip
- Diplomacy
- Diplomat
- Dipper
- Direction
- Directionality
- Directive
- Directivity
- Director
- Directorate
- Directorship
- Directory
- Dirge
- Dirt
- Disability
- Disadvantage
- Disaffection
- Disagreement
- Disappearance
- Disappointment
- Disapprobation
- Disapproval
- Disarmament
- Disarray
- Disassembly
- Disaster
- Disbelief
- Disbursement
- Disc
- Discernment
- Discharge
- Disciple
- Discipleship
- Discipline
- Disclaimer
- Disclosure
- Discomfort
- Discontent
- Discontinuance
- Discontinuity
- Discord
- Discount
- Discouragement
- Discourse
- Discoverer
- Discovery
- Discredit
- Discrepancy
- Discretion
- Discrimination
- Discussant
- Discussion
- Disdain
- Disease
- Disenfranchisement
- Disengagement
- Disfavor
- Disgrace
- Disguise
- Disgust
- Dish
- Disharmony
- Dishonesty
- Dishonor
- Dishwater
- Disillusionment
- Disinclination
- Disintegration
- Disinterest
- Disk
- Dislike
- Dislocation
- Disloyalty
- Dismay
- Dismemberment
- Dismissal
- Disobedience
- Disorder
- Disorganization
- Disparagement
- Disparity
- Dispatch
- Dispensary
- Dispensation
- Dispenser
- Dispersal
- Dispersement
- Dispersion
- Displacement
- Display
- Displeasure
- Disposal
- Disposition
- Dispossession
- Dispute
- Disquiet
- Disquietude
- Disregard
- Disrepair
- Disrepute
- Disrespect
- Disruption
- Dissatisfaction
- Dissection
- Dissemination
- Dissension
- Dissent
- Dissenter
- Disservice
- Dissimulation
- Dissociation
- Dissolution
- Dissolve
- Distance
- Distaste
- Distension
- Distillation
- Distiller
- Distinction
- Distortion
- Distraction
- Distribution
- Distributor
- Distributorship
- District
- Distrust
- Disturbance
- Disturber
- Disunion
- Disunity
- Ditch
- Ditcher
- Ditty
- Diva
- Divan
- Dive
- Diver
- Divergence
- Diversification
- Diversion
- Diversity
- Divertimento
- Divestiture
- Dividend
- Divider
- Divination
- Divine
- Diving
- Divinity
- Division
- Divorce
- Divorcee
- Dline
- Dock
- Dockside
- Doctor
- Doctorate
- Doctrinaire
- Doctrine
- Document
- Documentary
- Documentation
- Dodge
- Dog
- Doghouse
- Dogleg
- Dogma
- Dogmatism
- Dogtrot
- Dogwood
- Doing
- Doll
- Dollar
- Dolphin
- Domain
- Dome
- Domestic
- Domesticity
- Domicile
- Dominance
- Domination
- Dominion
- Don
- Donation
- Donkey
- Donor
- Doom
- Doomsday
- Door
- Doorbell
- Doorkeeper
- Doorknob
- Doorman
- Doormen
- Doorstep
- Doorway
- Dope
- Dormitory
- Dosage
- Dose
- Dot
- Dotting
- Double
- Doubleheader
- Doubloon
- Doubt
- Doubte
- Dough
- Dove
- Dowel
- Dower
- Down
- Downfall
- Downpayment
- Downpour
- Downtrend
- Downturn
- Dowry
- Dozen
- Draft
- Draftee
- Drafting
- Drag
- Dragger
- Dragnet
- Dragon
- Drain
- Drainage
- Draining
- Dram
- Drama
- Dramatist
- Dramatization
- Draper
- Drapery
- Draught
- Draw
- Drawback
- Drawbridge
- Drawer
- Drawing
- Drawl
- Dread
- Dream
- Dreamer
- Dresser
- Dressing
- Drier
- Drift
- Drill
- Drilling
- Drink
- Drinker
- Drinking
- Drip
- Drive
- Driver
- Driveway
- Driving
- Drizzle
- Dromozoa
- Drone
- Drop
- Drought
- Drouth
- Drove
- Drudgery
- Drug
- Drugstore
- Drum
- Drumlin
- Drummer
- Drunk
- Drunkard
- Dryer
- Drying
- Drywall
- Dualism
- Duck
- Duct
- Ductwork
- Dud
- Due
- Duel
- Duet
- Duf
- Duffel
- Duffer
- Dugout
- Duke
- Dumbbell
- Dump
- Dumping
- Dun
- Dune
- Dung
- Dungeon
- Duplicate
- Duplication
- Durability
- Duration
- Dusk
- Dust
- Dustbin
- Dusting
- Duty
- Dwarf
- Dweller
- Dwelling
Nouns that Start with D with Definition
The letter d isn’t the most common letter, but it’s far from unused. Here’s a list of nouns starting with the letter d you can add to your vocabulary
- Dad: one’s father.
- Danger: the possibility of suffering harm or injury.
- Daring: adventurous or audaciously bold.
- Date: the day of the month or year as specified by a number.
- Dawn: the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
- Daze: a state of stunned confusion or bewilderment.
- Dearth: a scarcity or lack of something.
- Debt: something that is owed or due, typically money.
- Decency: behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability.
- Defect: a shortcoming, imperfection, or lack.
- Deference: polite submission and respect.
- Depth: the distance measured from the top or surface to the bottom of something.
- Design: a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other objects before it is made.
- Dessert: the sweet course served at the end of a meal.
- Detriment: the state of being harmed or damaged.
- Dialogue: a conversation between two or more people as a feature in a book, play, movie, or film.
- Didactic: intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
- Diffidence: modesty and shyness resulting from a lack of self-confidence.
- Diffusion: the spreading of something more widely.
- Dilution: the action of making a liquid more dilute.
- Dilemma: a difficult situation or problem.
- Din: a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise.
- Disaffection: a state or feeling of being dissatisfied.
- Disarmament: the reduction or withdrawal of military forces and weapons.
- Discernment: the ability to judge well.
- Discomfort: slight pain.
- Discontent: dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances.
- Dispute: a disagreement or argument.
- Disregard: pay no attention to; ignore.
- Disrepute: the state of being held in low esteem by the public.
- Dissent: the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
- Distaste: mild dislike or aversion.
- Distinction: a difference or contrast between similar things or people.
- Distortion: the act of distorting or the state of being distorted.
- Diversion: the act of turning something aside from its course.
- Division: the act of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.
- Dodge: avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.
- Doubt: a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
- Dozen: a group or set of twelve.
- Drag: pull along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.
- Drawback: a feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem.
- Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations, occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.
- Drip: let fall or be so wet as to shed small drops of liquid.
- Drivel: nonsense.
- Drizzle: light rain falling in very fine drops.
- Drought: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
- Drove: past tense of drive.
- Duplicate: exactly like something else, especially through having been copied.
- Duration: the time during which something continues.
- Dystopia: an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice
D-words set themselves up nicely in sentences, offering release from the repetition of vowel sounds. The strong continent sound will help strengthen your writing and dialogue with any of the nouns from this list or the countless d-word adjectives that you can find on the internet.
Nouns That Start With D | Image
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