What are nouns that start with M? Nouns are by far the most important grouping of words in the English language. I mean no disrespect to the rest of the categories out there but I think we can all agree that being able to describe a person, place, or a thing is kind of essential. You don’t have to take my word for it. Try speaking any sentence without including a person, place, or thing. Now try doing that when engaging in a conversation with someone.
Yeah, it is hard. You get that nouns are important but unfortunately there are so many to learn. Fear not, because chunking the nouns into groups will make it easier to learn them all. We shall begin with nouns that start with M.
Nouns that Start with M
What Are Nouns that Start with M?
Off the top of my head, I can think of a few everyday nouns that start with m. Your mail for example, whether it is a letter from a friend or a dreaded bill to pay, your mail is important. What about a magazine? Another fine member of the nouns that start with m group. I like reading all kinds of sports magazines.
I purchase my magazines at another noun that starts with m. The market, at the market I can buy all sorts of things that I may need, including other m lettered nouns. Maps, a meal, any kind of meat, all nouns that start with m, and all nouns that can be found at the market. The market has got to be my favorite noun that starts with the letter m.
But maybe you don’t think the market is all that great. If this is the case, then read on to find a list of great nouns that start with the letter m. Hopefully, you will find your favorite among them.
Common Nouns that Start with M
Nouns | Example Sentence |
Machine | The machine hummed quietly as it churned out the products. |
Magazine | I love reading magazines while I’m waiting in the doctor’s office. |
Magnolia | The magnolia tree in our yard blooms every spring. |
I need to go to the post office and mail this package. | |
Mailbox | The mail carrier put the letters and packages in the mailbox. |
Mainland | We took a ferry to the mainland to visit relatives. |
Maintenance | Regular maintenance is important to keep your car running smoothly. |
Makeup | She always wears a lot of makeup when she goes out. |
Mall | Let’s go to the mall and do some shopping. |
Mammal | Whales are mammals, not fish. |
Man | The man in the suit asked me for directions. |
Management | Good management is key to running a successful business. |
Manager | My manager gave me some helpful feedback on my project. |
Mandarin | Can you speak Mandarin fluently? |
Mango | Mangoes are my favorite fruit. |
Manor | The old manor house was converted into a bed and breakfast. |
Map | I need to consult a map to figure out the best route. |
Marathon | Running a marathon is a huge accomplishment. |
March | My birthday is in March. |
Margarine | I prefer to use margarine instead of butter. |
Market | The farmers’ market has the freshest produce. |
Marquee | The theater’s marquee announced the latest show. |
Marriage | A successful marriage requires trust and communication. |
Mascot | The team’s mascot is a tiger. |
Mask | She put on a mask to protect herself from the dust. |
Masonry | The masonry work on the old building was beautiful. |
Mass | The church held a mass to honor the deceased. |
Mast | The sailboat’s mast was damaged in the storm. |
Master | He’s a master of the art of negotiation. |
Mat | We need to buy a new mat for the front door. |
Match | He struck a match to light the candles. |
Material | The dress was made from a soft, silky material. |
Mathematics | I’m not very good at mathematics. |
Matrix | The movie’s special effects were created using a matrix. |
Matter | The matter at hand is urgent and needs to be addressed. |
Maximum | The car can reach a maximum speed of 200 miles per hour. |
Mayonnaise | Can you pass me the jar of mayonnaise? |
Meal | We had a delicious meal at the new restaurant. |
Meaning | What’s the meaning of this word? |
Measurement | We need to take accurate measurements before we start building. |
Meat | The butcher has a great selection of fresh meat. |
Mechanic | I need to take my car to the mechanic for an oil change. |
Mechanism | The mechanism that controls the door is broken. |
Medal | He won a gold medal at the Olympics. |
Medicine | The doctor prescribed some medicine to help with my sore throat. |
Meditation | She practices meditation every morning to start her day off right. |
Meeting | The meeting was productive and we were able to make some good decisions. |
Melody | The melody of the song was so catchy, I couldn’t get it out of my head. |
Member | As a member of the team, it’s important to contribute and work together. |
Memo | I wrote a memo to my boss outlining my ideas for the new project. |
Abstract Nouns that Start with M
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Majesty | The majesty of the mountains was breathtaking. |
Magnificence | The magnificence of the palace left us in awe. |
Mystery | The mystery surrounding the disappearance of the plane deepened. |
Modesty | Her modesty prevented her from accepting the compliment. |
Mercy | He begged for mercy, but it fell on deaf ears. |
Maturity | Her maturity allowed her to handle the situation calmly. |
Melancholy | The melancholy of the song moved her to tears. |
Motivation | Lack of motivation made it difficult for him to start the project. |
Movement | The movement of the dancers was mesmerizing. |
Morality | The morality of the decision was called into question. |
Mindfulness | Mindfulness meditation can reduce stress and anxiety. |
Memory | The memory of her childhood still haunts her. |
Modulation | The modulation of his voice made the speech more powerful. |
Musicianship | His musicianship was evident in his virtuosic performance. |
Morale | The team’s morale was boosted after winning the championship. |
Mastery | His mastery of the subject made him an expert. |
Misery | The misery of the refugees was heart-wrenching. |
Multitude | The multitude of options made it hard to choose. |
Modernity | The modernity of the design impressed the jury. |
Materialism | The materialism of the society was criticized by the artist. |
Mortality | The mortality of human beings is a fact we cannot deny. |
Methodology | The methodology of the experiment was flawless. |
Mundanity | The mundanity of his routine made him feel bored. |
Multiplicity | The multiplicity of meanings in the text puzzled the readers. |
Multiculturalism | Multiculturalism enriches our society. |
Mentality | His mentality is one of a winner, which is why he succeeded. |
Miraculousness | The miraculousness of the recovery amazed everyone. |
Manifestation | The manifestation of her dreams took years of hard work. |
Magic | The magic of the circus kept the children entertained. |
Metaphysics | Metaphysics deals with the nature of reality and existence. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns that Start with M
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Magic | The magician performed a stunning act of magic that left the audience in awe. |
Magnificence | The magnificence of the palace took my breath away. |
Majesty | The majesty of the mountains was a sight to behold. |
Marvel | The new superhero movie was a marvel of special effects and action. |
Mastery | The chef demonstrated his mastery of French cuisine with every dish. |
Maturity | John showed great maturity in handling the difficult situation at work. |
Meaning | The poem had a deep and profound meaning that left me pondering for days. |
Meekness | The meekness of the little lamb was in stark contrast to the ferocity of the lion. |
Mellifluousness | The singer’s mellifluousness made every note she sang sound like honey. |
Melody | The melody of the song was so catchy that it stayed stuck in my head all day. |
Mendicancy | The beggar’s mendicancy was a stark reminder of the poverty that still existed in the city. |
Mercy | The judge showed mercy to the defendant by reducing his sentence. |
Merit | The scholarship is awarded based on academic merit. |
Mirth | The group burst into laughter, filled with mirth, at the comedian’s joke. |
Modesty | Sarah showed great modesty by declining the offer to be featured in the magazine. |
Mojo | The team’s mojo was at an all-time high after winning the championship. |
Momentum | The company’s new product gained momentum quickly, becoming a bestseller. |
Montage | The movie’s montage of the couple’s trip around Europe was breathtaking. |
Morale | The manager’s speech boosted the team’s morale and motivated them to work harder. |
Motivation | She lacked the motivation to exercise regularly until she signed up for a fitness class. |
Moxie | The young entrepreneur showed great moxie in launching her own business. |
Music | The music of the symphony orchestra filled the concert hall with beauty and emotion. |
Mutuality | The mutuality of their love for each other was evident in the way they looked at each other. |
Mystery | The mystery surrounding the disappearance of the treasure still baffles investigators to this day. |
Proper Nouns that Start with M
- Michael
- Mary
- Matthew
- Madison
- Megan
- Morgan
- Mason
- Madison Square Garden
- Microsoft
- Mercedes-Benz
- Macy’s
- Marlboro
- MGM Resorts International
- McDonald’s
- Marvel Comics
- Manchester United
- Milan
- Madrid
- Mount Everest
- Mississippi River
Related: Proper Nouns
List of Nouns that Start with M
- Machine
- Machinegun
- Machinery
- Machinist
- Mackerel
- Mad
- Madam
- Madhouse
- Madman
- Madmen
- Madrigal
- Madrigaling
- Maelstrom
- Magazine
- Maget
- Magic
- Magician
- Magistrate
- Magnanimity
- Magnate
- Magnet
- Magnetism
- Magnification
- Magnificence
- Magnitude
- Magnolia
- Magnum
- Mahogany
- Mahua
- Maid
- Maiden
- Maiestie
- Mailbox
- Mailing
- Mailman
- Main
- Mainland
- Mainstream
- Maintenance
- Majesty
- Major
- Majority
- Majuh
- Make
- Maker
- Makeup
- Making
- Maladjustment
- Malady
- Malaise
- Malapropism
- Malaria
- Male
- Malediction
- Malevolence
- Malfeasant
- Malfunctioning
- Malice
- Malignancy
- Malingering
- Mall
- Malnutrition
- Malocclusion
- Malt
- Mama
- Mammal
- Man
- Mana
- Management
- Manager
- Mandrel
- Maneuver
- Maneuverability
- Maneuvering
- Manganese
- Manhood
- Mango
- Mania
- Maniac
- Manifestation
- Manifold
- Manipulation
- Mankind
- Mannequin
- Manner
- Mansion
- Mantel
- Mantle
- Manual
- Manufacture
- Manufacturer
- Manufacturing
- Manumission
- Manure
- Manuscript
- Manzanita
- Map
- Maple
- Mapping
- Marathon
- Marble
- March
- Mare
- Margin
- Marginality
- Marijuana
- Marimba
- Marina
- Marinade
- Marine
- Mariner
- Mark
- Marker
- Market
- Marketability
- Marketing
- Marketplace
- Marking
- Marksman
- Marksmanship
- Marmalade
- Marriage
- Marrow
- Marshal
- Martingale
- Martini
- Marvel
- Mascara
- Masculinity
- Mash
- Mask
- Masking
- Masonry
- Masquerade
- Massage
- Masseur
- Massuh
- Mast
- Master
- Masterpiece
- Mastery
- Mastic
- Mastiff
- Mat
- Match
- Matchmaker
- Matchmaking
- Mate
- Material
- Materialism
- Materiel
- Math
- Mathematician
- Matter
- Matting
- Maturation
- Maturity
- Maw
- Maxim
- Maximization
- Maximum
- Mayonnaise
- Mayor
- Mayorship
- Maze
- Meal
- Mealtime
- Mean
- Meaning
- Meantime
- Measure
- Measurement
- Meat
- Mechanic
- Mechanism
- Mechanist
- Medal
- Media
- Median
- Medication
- Medicine
- Mediocrity
- Meditation
- Medium
- Mediumship
- Medley
- Meet
- Meeting
- Melodrama
- Melody
- Melon
- Melting
- Member
- Membership
- Memo
- Memorial
- Memorization
- Memorizing
- Memory
- Men
- Mentality
- Mention
- Mentioning
- Mentor
- Menu
- Merchant
- Mercury
- Mercy
- Merger
- Merging
- Merit
- Mermaid
- Merriment
- Mesh
- Message
- Messenger
- Metabolism
- Metal
- Metaphor
- Meteorite
- Meter
- Method
- Methodology
- Metre
- Mica
- Mice
- Micelle
- Microscope
- Microwave
- Midday
- Middle
- Midmorning
- Midnight
- Midst
- Might
- Mike
- Milestone
- Militant
- Militarism
- Militarist
- Military
- Milk
- Mill
- Mind
- Mine
- Miner
- Mineral
- Minimum
- Minister
- Ministry
- Minor
- Minority
- Mint
- Minter
- Minute
- Miracle
- Mirror
- Misbehavior
- Mischief
- Misfortune
- Missing
- Mission
- Mist
- Mistake
- Mistaking
- Mistrust
- Misunderstanding
- Misuse
- Mitigation
- Mitre
- Mix
- Mixer
- Mixing
- Mixture
- Mode
- Model
- Moderation
- Moderator
- Modernism
- Modernity
- Modernization
- Modernizing
- Modification
- Modifier
- Moisture
- Mold
- Mole
- Mom
- Moment
- Momentum
- Monacle
- Money
- Monitor
- Monitoring
- Monk
- Monkey
- Monologist
- Monotony
- Monsoon
- Monster
- Monstrosity
- Month
- Monument
- Monumentality
- Mood
- Moon
- Moonlight
- Moontrack
- Mop
- Moral
- Morale
- Moralist
- Morality
- Morning
- Morphology
- Morrow
- Mortality
- Mortar
- Mortgage
- Mortification
- Mosaic
- Mosque
- Mosquito
- Motel
- Moth
- Mother
- Motherhood
- Motherland
- Motion
- Motivation
- Motive
- Motor
- Motorist
- Motto
- Mough
- Moulding
- Mount
- Mountain
- Mouse
- Moustache
- Mouth
- Mouthful
- Move
- Movement
- Movie
- Moving
- Mucker
- Mud
- Mug
- Mulch
- Mule
- Multiplication
- Multiplicity
- Mural
- Murder
- Murderer
- Muscle
- Muse
- Museum
- Mushroom
- Music
- Musical
- Musicality
- Musician
- Musicianship
- Musket
- Must
- Mustache
- Mustard
- Muster
- Mutilation
- Mutineer
- Mutiny
- Muttering
- Mutton
- Mutuality
- Muzzle
- Myriad
- Myrrh
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Mysticism
- Myth
- Mythology
Learn more with the list of words that start with M.
Nouns that Start with M with their Meanings
Below you will find a whole list of nouns that start with m. If you can’t find a single noun that doesn’t excite you then maybe the letter m is just not a good letter for you. There are many great letters to choose from but let us first go over m.
- Media – media is any entity that communicates information. Most commonly known as the news but a movie or television show can also be classified as the media.
- Medicine – Everyone knows how important medicine is, it is what keeps us healthy and alive. Anyone that doesn’t take their medicine, whether as a syrup or shot, is a foolish person.
- Menu – In my opinion, menus are underrated. Menus guide us through the kitchen of any establishment and allow us to pick and choose what it is that we like. In short, a menu is a list of available choices.
- Metal – Metal is the powerful material that is used around the world to build the vehicles and bridges that help us travel. Metal is the lifeblood of any sturdy equipment.
There you have it, did you find what you were looking for? Nouns are important and now you have got a foothold within them.
Resources related to M nouns:
- Verbs that Start with M
- Things that Start with M
- Adjectives that Start with M
- Words that Start with M
- Positive Words that Start with M
- Foods that Start with M
- Animals that Start with M
- Girl Names that Start with M
- Fruits that Start with M
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