A noun that starts with “n” is an umbrella word for a diverse group of things. These words often come from the Latin nomen, meaning “name.”
Nouns often have a form or shape derived from generative morphology and are usually composed of three parts: the head, which contains less semantic content; the body, where additional semantic content is found; and modifiers that modify other words in either head or body to change their meaning.
This article explores various nouns that start with n.
Nouns that Start with N
What Are Nouns that Start with N?
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can also be called ‘words denoting persons and things” because they usually name people or things. Usually a noun can have only one referent: the same person or thing. Nouns are usually characterized in terms of their number (singular and plural), their case , (possessive, associative, dative), and the grammatical gender and form of the noun.
Common Nouns That Start with N
Nouns | Examples |
Name | My name is John. |
Nature | I love spending time in nature. |
Nation | The United States is a nation. |
Night | The stars are bright at night. |
Note | Can you write down a note for me? |
Novel | I’m reading a great novel right now. |
Nurse | The nurse helped me with my medicine. |
North | Canada is to the north of the United States. |
Nose | She has a cute little nose. |
Noodle | I’m going to make some noodle soup for dinner. |
Necklace | She wore a beautiful necklace to the party. |
Nest | There are baby birds in the nest. |
Needle | I need a needle to sew this button back on. |
Network | We have a network of friends who can help us. |
Newspaper | I read the newspaper every morning. |
Nut | I like to eat nuts for a snack. |
Nail | I need to hammer this nail into the wall. |
Navy | My grandfather served in the Navy. |
Neighborhood | I love my neighborhood because it’s so peaceful. |
Newcomer | The newcomer to the company is doing a great job. |
Narrator | The narrator of the story had a soothing voice. |
Nursery | The nursery is where we keep the baby’s toys. |
Nectar | The bees were gathering nectar from the flowers. |
Notebook | I always carry a notebook with me to jot down ideas. |
Numerator | The numerator is the top number in a fraction. |
Nanny | The nanny took care of the children while their parents were at work. |
Nucleus | The nucleus is the center of an atom. |
Nutrient | Fruits and vegetables are full of essential nutrients. |
Novice | The novice skier was a bit nervous on the slopes. |
Nobility | The nobility in medieval times had a lot of power and wealth. |
Abstract Nouns That Start with N
Nouns | Examples |
Necessity | Education is a necessity for every child. |
Negativity | Her constant negativity is really bringing down the team. |
Neighborliness | We appreciate the neighborliness of the people in this community. |
Neutrality | The judge maintained strict neutrality during the trial. |
Newness | The newness of the product was a major selling point. |
Nobility | The nobility of the character in the novel was inspiring. |
Nonconformity | His nonconformity made him stand out from the crowd. |
Nonviolence | The movement advocated for nonviolence in protests. |
Normativity | The social normativity of gender roles is being challenged. |
Novelty | The novelty of the restaurant’s concept drew in many customers. |
Nurture | Parents play a key role in the nurture and development of their children. |
Nurturing | The teacher’s nurturing approach helped the students thrive. |
Nostalgia | The old photographs brought back feelings of nostalgia. |
Notion | The notion that money can’t buy happiness is a common saying. |
Novelty | The novelty of the idea was intriguing to the investors. |
Numbness | The numbness in her hand persisted for several days. |
Nutrition | Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy body. |
Nuance | The film’s director paid close attention to the nuance in the performances. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns That Start with N
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Nourishment | Eating a balanced diet is essential for proper nourishment. |
Nirvana | After years of meditation, he finally reached a state of nirvana. |
Newness | The newness of the job was exciting, but also a bit overwhelming. |
Novelty | The novelty of the new gadget wore off quickly. |
Nobility | She carried herself with the grace and dignity befitting her nobility. |
Nicety | He always paid attention to the small niceties that made people feel welcome. |
Neighborliness | We always try to foster a sense of neighborliness in our community. |
Neatness | His desk was always organized with military precision and neatness. |
Nobleness | She was admired by everyone for her nobleness and courage. |
Nonpareil | The view from the top of the mountain was nonpareil. |
Nurturing | She had a way of nurturing even the most difficult of students. |
Nimbleness | His nimbleness on the dance floor was the envy of everyone. |
Notability | The notability of his achievements cannot be denied. |
Novelization | The novelization of the movie was a best-seller. |
Nascence | The nascence of the Internet has changed the world forever. |
Naturalness | His naturalness and ease in front of the camera was impressive. |
Numinousness | The beauty of the sunset was imbued with a sense of numinousness. |
Nurture | It’s important to nurture our relationships with family and friends. |
Proper Nouns That Start with N
- New York City
- Nelson Mandela
- North Korea
- Nike
- Nokia
- Nintendo
- National Geographic
- Niagara Falls
- Notre Dame
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Nancy Pelosi
- Neil Armstrong
- Nova Scotia
- Nashville
- Newark
- New Jersey
- New Orleans
- Nicaragua
- Nepal
- Nigeria
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Niagara-on-the-Lake
- New Hampshire
- Nebraska
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Niagara Escarpment
- Niagara River
Related: Proper Nouns
List of Nouns that Start with N
- Nab
- Nadir
- Naebm
- Nagging
- Nahb
- Nail
- Nair
- Nairo
- Naivete
- Name
- Namesake
- Naming
- Nap
- Napkin
- Narcotic
- Nareb
- Narration
- Narrative
- Narrator
- Narrowing
- Nation
- National
- Nationalism
- Nationalist
- Nationality
- Nationhood
- Native
- Nato
- Naturalism
- Naturalist
- Nature
- Naturopath
- Nausea
- Navel
- Navigation
- Navigator
- Navy
- Nebula
- Necessity
- Neck
- Necklace
- Neckline
- Necktie
- Necropsy
- Nectar
- Need
- Needle
- Negation
- Negative
- Negativism
- Neglect
- Negligence
- Negotiation
- Neighbor
- Neighborhood
- Neighbourhood
- Neocortex
- Neon
- Nephew
- Nerve
- Nest
- Nester
- Nestling
- Net
- Network
- Neuralgia
- Neurasthenic
- Neurologist
- Neuron
- Neuropathology
- Neurotic
- Neutralism
- Neutralist
- Neutrality
- Neutralization
- Neutron
- Newcomer
- Newel
- Newlywed
- Newsboy
- Newsletter
- Newsman
- Newsmen
- Newspaper
- Newspaperman
- Newspapermen
- Newsreel
- Newsstand
- Newt
- Niche
- Nickel
- Nickname
- Niece
- Night
- Nightclub
- Nightfall
- Nightingale
- Nightmare
- Nightshirt
- Nihilism
- Nihilist
- Nil
- Nip
- Nirvana
- Nitrate
- Nitrogen
- Nitroglycerine
- Nobility
- Nobleman
- Noblesse
- Nod
- Noise
- Nomenclature
- Nomination
- Nominee
- Nonce
- Noncompliance
- Nonconformist
- Nondefeatist
- Nondriver
- Nonequivalence
- Nonfiction
- Nonfood
- Nonism
- Nonoccurrence
- Nonogenarian
- Nonpayment
- Nonreactivity
- Nonsense
- Nonstop
- Noon
- Noontime
- Noose
- Nop
- Norad
- Noradrenalin
- Norethandrolone
- Norm
- Normalcy
- North
- Northerner
- Nose
- Nosebag
- Nosebleed
- Nostalgia
- Nostril
- Notation
- Notch
- Note
- Notebook
- Notice
- Notification
- Notion
- Notoriety
- Noun
- Nourishment
- Novel
- Novelist
- Novelty
- Novice
- Novitiate
- Nowhere
- Nozzle
- Nuance
- Nuclei
- Nucleoli
- Nucleotide
- Nuclide
- Nudge
- Nudism
- Nudist
- Nudity
- Nugget
- Nuisance
- Null
- Nullity
- Number
- Numbering
- Numerology
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nursery
- Nurture
- Nut
- Nutmeg
- Nutrition
- Nutshell
- Nux
- Nylon
- Nymph
- Nymphomaniac
Nouns that Start with N with Meanings
Niche: A niche is an area or environment in which a certain species of animal lives and finds food. For example, a polar bear has a niche in the Arctic.
Nickname: A nickname is an informal name that people use for someone instead of his real name.
Niece: A niece is a daughter of one’s sibling or one’s sibling’s partner.
Night: Night is the interval of time between sunset and sunrise while nightfall is the time at which it becomes dark.
Nightclub: A night club is a place that is opened for dancing and entertainment during the night.
Nightfall: This phenomenon is the moment when it gets dark; it is also known as dusk or sundown.
Nightmare: A nightmare is a frightening vision that appears in a person’s dream. It may also be an experience in which something happens, but no one knows what happened nor how to make things right.
Nightshirt: A nightshirt is a long loose sleeved garment that could be worn at night.
Nihilism: Nihilism is the philosophical view that nothing exists except matter and energy, and that all meaning, truth, morality, and value are subjective concepts.
Nil: Nil is an answer that indicates “nothing”.
Nip: To nip means to take hold of something in an abrupt way or to bite briefly or slightly.
Nirvana: Nirvana is a concept in Buddhism which means extinguishing worldly desires and conquering the cycle of life and death so as to reach enlightenment (nirvana).
Nitrate: Nitrate is a salt that is dissolved in water and used in the production of explosives.
Nitroglycerine: This chemical compound produces nitric oxide that has an effect on smooth muscle and heart muscles to increase their ability to contract.
Nuclei: Nuclei are the fundamental units of a cell that contain most of the cell’s genetic material (DNA). The nucleus is divided into two parts—the nuclear envelope, which surrounds the chromosomes, and the nucleolus, which contains ribosomes.
Nucleoli: Nucleoli are small bodies found within cells that function in ribosome production. They contain RNA, small RNA molecules and proteins.
Nucleotide: Nucleotides are the building blocks of RNA and DNA, which are the primary molecules of genetic information.
Nuclide: This is a particle of an element that has a specific number of protons within its nucleus.
Nuclear: Nuclear refers to the central part of either a cell or an atom in which most chemical reactions take place.
Nuisance: A nuisance is something that causes annoyance or irritation and can be annoying, annoying in nature or irritating in nature, etc.
Null: This word means “having zero value”.
Nullity: This word means “the state of being nothing or zero”.
Number: A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label objects.
Nouns can be categorized into several types such as proper nouns which are used to identify specific objects and individuals, common nouns which are used to name anything in the world, collective nouns which refer to a group of people, animals or things in general and descriptive nouns which is a more loose term. Nouns come in many different shapes and forms and they serve many different functions within a language.
Resources Related to N Nouns
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