Are you looking to expand your vocabulary or perhaps prepare for a game of Scrabble? This reference is perfect for you. In this reference, you will explore an array of nouns that start with S.
You’ll find common nouns, abstract nouns, positive nouns, and proper nouns all starting with S. Additionally, there is a list of these nouns along with their meanings and an image to help visualize them. Prepare to enhance your language skills with these thoughtfully categorized S nouns.
Nouns that Start with S
What Are Nouns that Start with S?
To start off, most of us reading this probably already know what a noun is, but a little refresher never hurts anything. So, what is a noun? A noun is a word that is used to identify a particular person, place, or thing. Below I’ve listed some nouns that begin with the letter S and a short meaning for each.
Discover more nouns that start with…
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Common Nouns that Start with S
Nouns | Examples |
Salad | I had a Caesar salad for lunch. |
Sand | The sand at the beach was warm and soft. |
Sandwich | I made a turkey sandwich for my lunch. |
Sapling | The sapling had just started to grow leaves. |
Satellite | The satellite orbits the Earth every 90 minutes. |
Sauce | The pasta was delicious with tomato sauce. |
School | My son goes to a school near our house. |
Science | Science is a subject that requires a lot of study and research. |
Scissors | I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper. |
Scooter | The child was riding a scooter in the park. |
Screen | The computer screen was too bright for my eyes. |
Screw | I need a screw to fix this table leg. |
Sea | We saw dolphins swimming in the sea. |
Seal | The seal was sunbathing on the rocks. |
Season | My favorite season is autumn. |
Seat | Can you save me a seat at the movie theater? |
Secretary | The secretary answered the phone and took a message. |
Seed | The seed will grow into a beautiful flower. |
Segment | The TV show is divided into different segments. |
Seminar | I attended a seminar on marketing last week. |
Sensation | The cold water gave me a sensation of shivers. |
Sentence | Can you write a sentence using this word? |
Sentiment | The sentiment in the room was one of sadness. |
Sequence | The sequence of events was unclear. |
Series | I love to binge-watch TV series on the weekends. |
Server | The server brought us our food quickly. |
Service | The customer service representative was very helpful. |
Session | I have a therapy session every Thursday. |
Setting | The setting of the movie was a small town in Texas. |
Settlement | The settlement of the dispute took several months. |
Sewing | I learned sewing from my grandmother. |
Shadow | The tree cast a long shadow on the grass. |
Shake | I like to drink a chocolate shake after dinner. |
Shape | The shape of the vase was unique. |
Shark | The shark swam close to the beach. |
Sheep | The sheep were grazing in the field. |
Sheet | Can you hand me a clean sheet for the bed? |
Shelf | I need to buy a new shelf for my books. |
Shell | The shell of the egg was cracked. |
Shelter | The homeless man found shelter in a church. |
Shift | I work the night shift at the hospital. |
Ship | The ship was sailing across the ocean. |
Shirt | My favorite shirt is blue and white striped. |
Shoe | I need to buy a new pair of shoes for my brother. |
Shore | We enjoyed a lovely picnic on the shore of the lake. |
Shortage | There’s a shortage of gasoline due to the recent oil spill. |
Shoulder | I injured my shoulder while playing basketball. |
Show | Let’s watch a show at the theater tonight. |
Shower | I need to take a quick shower before going to work. |
Side | I prefer to sit on the sunny side of the room. |
Sight | The sight of the beautiful sunset left us speechless. |
Silk | She wore a beautiful dress made of pure silk. |
Silver | The silver bracelet was a gift from her grandmother. |
Singer | My favorite singer is Beyonce. |
Sink | The kitchen sink is clogged and needs to be fixed. |
Sister | My sister is studying to become a doctor. |
Site | The construction site is noisy and dusty. |
Size | The size of the pizza was perfect for our group. |
Skill | He has great skill at playing the guitar. |
Skin | Her skin was soft and smooth to the touch. |
Skirt | She wore a short skirt to the party. |
Skull | The archaeologists found a skull during the excavation. |
Sky | The sky was a beautiful shade of blue. |
Slavery | Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865. |
Sleeve | The shirt has long sleeves to keep you warm. |
Slogan | The company’s slogan is “Think Different.” |
Slope | The slope of the hill was too steep to climb. |
Smile | A smile can brighten someone’s day. |
Smoke | The smoke from the fire filled the room. |
Snack | I like to have a healthy snack in the afternoon. |
Snake | I saw a snake in the grass while hiking. |
Sneaker | He wore a pair of bright red sneakers with his suit. |
Snow | The snow was so deep that it covered the cars. |
Soap | I need to buy some soap for the shower. |
Soccer | I play soccer every weekend with my friends. |
Society | Society has become more accepting of diverse lifestyles. |
Abstract Nouns that Start with S
Abstract Nouns | Examples Sentences |
Success | His success was due to his hard work and perseverance. |
Serenity | She found serenity in the peacefulness of the forest. |
Sympathy | She expressed her sympathy for the family’s loss. |
Solitude | He enjoyed the solitude of the countryside. |
Spirituality | Her spirituality gave her a sense of peace and purpose. |
Sensitivity | He showed sensitivity to the needs of his clients. |
Simplicity | The simplicity of the design made it easy to use. |
Strength | Her strength of character helped her overcome adversity. |
Serendipity | Their meeting was a serendipity that changed their lives. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns that Start with S
Nouns | Examples |
Smile | Her smile lit up the room. |
Success | His success was due to hard work and dedication. |
Serenity | The peaceful garden was filled with serenity. |
Strength | Her strength of character was admirable. |
Spirit | His fighting spirit never wavered. |
Satisfaction | The satisfaction of completing a task was fulfilling. |
Support | Her family provided unwavering support during tough times. |
Synergy | The synergy between the two departments was essential for the project’s success. |
Solution | The solution to the problem was finally found. |
Service | The customer service was exceptional. |
Sunlight | The warm sunlight filled the room. |
Sparkle | The ocean had a beautiful sparkle to it. |
Soulmate | She found her soulmate in college. |
Sensation | The sensation of warm sand between her toes was comforting. |
Sweetness | The sweetness of the dessert was perfect. |
Sincerity | His sincerity made him trustworthy. |
Sensitivity | Her sensitivity to others’ needs made her a great leader. |
Spark | The spark between them was undeniable. |
Security | The security of her job allowed her to relax. |
Sympathy | The sympathy shown by her friends was heartwarming. |
Simplicity | The simplicity of the design was elegant. |
Superpower | Her superpower was her ability to empathize with others. |
Selflessness | Her selflessness in volunteering was inspiring. |
Stamina | His stamina allowed him to run marathons. |
Stability | The stability of the foundation ensured the building’s safety. |
Sublime | The sunset was a sublime experience. |
Splendor | The splendor of the palace was breathtaking. |
Proper Nouns that Start with S
- Sarah
- Steven
- Samantha
- Sydney
- Singapore
- Santiago
- San Francisco
- Seattle
- Shanghai
- Stockholm
- Sofia
- Sao Paulo
- Sydney Opera House
- Statue of Liberty
- Saint Petersburg
- Sahara Desert
- Sierra Leone
- South Africa
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Scotland
- Sherlock Holmes
- Star Wars
- Super Mario Bros
Related: Proper Nouns
List of Nouns that Start with S
- Saber
- Sable
- Sabotage
- Sabre
- Sac
- Sachet
- Sack
- Sacker
- Sacrament
- Sacrifice
- Sacrilege
- Saddle
- Sadism
- Sadist
- Sadness
- Safari
- Safe
- Safeguard
- Safety
- Saffron
- Saga
- Sage
- Sagebrush
- Sago
- Sail
- Sailboat
- Sailing
- Sailor
- Saint
- Sainthood
- Sake
- Salad
- Salamander
- Salami
- Salary
- Sale
- Salesgirl
- Saleslady
- Salesman
- Salesmanship
- Salesmen
- Saltiness
- Sandstorm
- Sanity
- Sap
- Sapling
- Sarcasm
- Sari
- Sash
- Sashimi
- Sassing
- Satellite
- Satiety
- Satin
- Satire
- Satirist
- Satisfaction
- Satsuma
- Saturation
- Sauce
- Saucepan
- Sauerkraut
- Sausage
- Saver
- Saving
- Savior
- Savor
- Saw
- Sawdust
- Sawing
- Sawmill
- Sawtimber
- Sax
- Saxophone
- Saxophonist
- Say
- Saying
- Sba
- Scale
- Scandal
- Scarlet
- Schemer
- Scholar
- Scholarship
- School
- Schoolboy
- Schoolchildren
- Schoolgirl
- Schoolhouse
- Schooling
- Schoolmaster
- Schoolmate
- Schoolroom
- Schoolwork
- Script
- Scripture
- Scrivener
- Scrub
- Scrubbing
- Scrupulosity
- Scrutiny
- Scuffle
- Sculptor
- Sculpture
- Scurvy
- Sea
- Seacoast
- Seafood
- Seahorse
- Seal
- Sealing
- Seam
- Seaman
- Seamanship
- Seamen
- Seaquake
- Search
- Searching
- Searchlight
- Seashore
- Seaside
- Season
- Seasoning
- Seat
- Secret
- Seeker
- Segment
- Seizure
- Selection
- Selectivity
- Self
- Selfishness
- Sell
- Seller
- Selling
- Sellout
- Semblance
- Semester
- Seminar
- Seminary
- Semitrance
- Senate
- Senator
- Sending
- Senior
- Seniority
- Senora
- Sensation
- Sensationalism
- Sense
- Sensibility
- Sensing
- Sensitivity
- Sensor
- Sensuality
- Sentence
- Sentiment
- Sentimentality
- Sentinel
- Sentry
- Separation
- Sepia
- Septa
- Septation
- September
- Septum
- Sequel
- Sequence
- Sequestration
- Sera
- Seraphim
- Serenade
- Serenity
- Serge
- Sergeant
- Serial
- Sermon
- Serpent
- Serum
- Servant
- Service
- Servicemen
- Servicing
- Serving
- Servo
- Sesame
- Session
- Set
- Setback
- Setsw
- Setting
- Settlement
- Settler
- Setup
- Severalty
- Severing
- Severity
- Sewage
- Sewer
- Sforzando
- Shack
- Shade
- Shading
- Shadow
- Shadowing
- Shaft
- Shag
- Shake
- Shaker
- Shaking
- Sham
- Shame
- Shampoo
- Shamrock
- Shank
- Shanty
- Shape
- Shaping
- Share
- Sharecrop
- Shareholder
- Sharing
- Sharpening
- Shawl
- Shea
- Sheaf
- Shear
- Sheath
- Sheathing
- Shed
- Sheen
- Sheep
- Sheepskin
- Sheet
- Sheeting
- Sheik
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shelter
- Shepherd
- Sheriff
- Sherry
- Shibboleth
- Shield
- Shielding
- Shift
- Shill
- Shimmer
- Shin
- Shinbone
- Shine
- Ship
- Shipboard
- Shipbuilding
- Shipmate
- Shipment
- Shipper
- Shipping
- Shipwreck
- Shirt
- Shirtfront
- Shirtsleeve
- Shish
- Shit
- Shiver
- Shock
- Shocker
- Shockwave
- Shoe
- Shoelace
- Shoestring
- Shoot
- Shooter
- Shooting
- Shop
- Shopper
- Shopping
- Shore
- Shoreline
- Shortage
- Shortcut
- Shorthand
- Shortstop
- Shot
- Shotgun
- Shoulder
- Shout
- Shouting
- Shovel
- Show
- Showcase
- Showdown
- Shower
- Showerhead
- Showing
- Showman
- Showmanship
- Showmen
- Showpiece
- Showroom
- Shrapnel
- Shred
- Shredder
- Shriek
- Shrieking
- Shrimp
- Shrine
- Shrinkage
- Shrub
- Shrubbery
- Shrug
- Shuffle
- Shunt
- Shutdown
- Shutter
- Sickroom
- Side
- Sideboard
- Sidelight
- Sideline
- Sidemen
- Sideshow
- Sidewalk
- Sidewinder
- Siding
- Siege
- Sienna
- Siesta
- Sieve
- Sifting
- Sigh
- Sight
- Sighting
- Sign
- Signal
- Signaling
- Signature
- Signboard
- Significance
- Signing
- Signpost
- Silence
- Silhouette
- Silica
- Silicon
- Silicone
- Silk
- Sill
- Silo
- Silver
- Similarity
- Simile
- Similitude
- Simpleton
- Simplicity
- Simulation
- Sin
- Sincerity
- Sine
- Singer
- Singing
- Single
- Singularity
- Sink
- Sinkhole
- Sinking
- Sinner
- Sip
- Sir
- Siren
- Sister
- Site
- Sitter
- Sitting
- Situation
- Size
- Skeet
- Skeleton
- Skepticism
- Sketch
- Sketchbook
- Skewer
- Ski
- Skid
- Skiff
- Skiing
- Skill
- Skillet
- Skimming
- Skin
- Skipper
- Skirmish
- Skirmishing
- Skirt
- Skit
- Skull
- Skullcap
- Sky
- Skylight
- Skyline
- Skyscraper
- Skywave
- Slab
- Slack
- Slander
- Slanderer
- Slang
- Slant
- Slapstick
- Slat
- Slate
- Slaughter
- Slave
- Slavery
- Slaying
- Sledding
- Sleep
- Sleeping
- Sleepwalker
- Sleet
- Sleeve
- Sleuthing
- Slice
- Slick
- Slicker
- Slide
- Slight
- Sling
- Slingshot
- Slip
- Slippage
- Slipper
- Slipstream
- Slit
- Slitter
- Slob
- Sloe
- Slogan
- Sloop
- Slop
- Slope
- Slot
- Slouch
- Slowing
- Sludge
- Slug
- Slugger
- Sluice
- Slum
- Slumber
- Slump
- Small
- Smallpox
- Smalltime
- Smash
- Smear
- Smell
- Smile
- Smirk
- Smithy
- Smog
- Smoke
- Smokehouse
- Smoker
- Smokescreen
- Smoothbore
- Snack
- Snail
- Snake
- Snap
- Snapback
- Snapper
- Snapping
- Snare
- Sneak
- Sneaker
- Sneer
- Snick
- Sniper
- Sniping
- Snobbery
- Snoring
- Snort
- Snout
- Snow
- Snowball
- Snowfall
- Snowstorm
- Snuffer
- Soaking
- Soap
- Sobriety
- Sobriquet
- Soccer
- Sociability
- Social
- Socialism
- Socialist
- Sociality
- Socialization
- Society
- Sociologist
- Sociology
- Sock
- Socket
- Sod
- Soda
- Sodium
- Sofa
- Softener
- Softening
- Softwood
- Soil
- Sojourn
- Sojourner
- Solace
- Solder
- Soldier
- Soldiery
- Sole
- Solemnity
- Solenoid
- Solicitor
- Solicitude
- Solid
- Solidarity
- Solidity
- Solipsism
- Solitary
- Solitude
- Solo
- Soloist
- Solstice
- Solution
- Solvency
- Solvent
- Soma
- Someplace
- Somersault
- Somewhere
- Sommelier
- Somnolence
- Son
- Sonar
- Sonata
- Song
- Songbook
- Sonnet
- Sonny
- Sonofabitch
- Sonogram
- Sonority
- Soot
- Sop
- Sophisticate
- Sophistication
- Sophomore
- Soprano
- Sorghum
- Sorority
- Sorption
- Sorrel
- Sorrow
- Sort
- Sortie
- Soubriquet
- Souffle
- Soul
- Sound
- Soup
- Source
- Sourdough
- Soutane
- Southpaw
- Souvenir
- Sovereign
- Sovereignty
- Soviet
- Sowbelly
- Sowing
- Soy
- Soybean
- Spa space
- Spacecraft
- Spacer
- Spaceship
- Spacesuit
- Spacing
- Spade
- Spaghetti
- Span
- Spangle
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spasm
- Spat
- Spate
- Spatiality
- Spatter
- Speaker
- Speaking
- Spear
- Special
- Specialist
- Specialization
- Specialty
- Specification
- Specificity
- Specimen
- Speck
- Spectacle
- Spectator
- Specter
- Spectra
- Spectrometer
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectroscopy
- Spectrum
- Speculation
- Speculator
- Speech
- Speed
- Speedboat
- Speedometer
- Spell
- Spelling
- Spending
- Sphere
- Spice
- Spider
- Spike
- Spin
- Spinach
- Spindle
- Spine
- Spinneret
- Spiral
- Spire
- Spirit
- Spirituality
- Spit
- Spite
- Spittle
- Splash
- Spleen
- Splendor
- Splenomegaly
- Splice
- Splicing
- Splinter
- Split
- Splurge
- Spoilage
- Spoke
- Spokesman
- Spokesmen
- Sponge
- Sponging
- Sponsor
- Sponsorship
- Spontaneity
- Spoof
- Spoon
- Spoonful
- Sport
- Sportsman
- Sportsmanship
- Sportsmen
- Sportswriter
- Spot
- Spotlight
- Spouse
- Spout
- Sprawl
- Spray
- Spraying
- Spread
- Spreader
- Spreading
- Spree
- Sprig
- Spring
- Springboard
- Springtime
- Sprinkle
- Sprinkling
- Sprouting
- Spruce
- Sprue
- Spume
- Spur
- Spurt
- Sputnik
- Spy
- Squabbling
- Squad
- Squadron
- Squall
- Square
- Squash
- Squat
- Squaw
- Squeak
- Squeaking
- Squeal
- Squeeze
- Squire
- Squirrel
- Squirt
- Stab
- Stability
- Stabilization
- Stable
- Stableman
- Staccato
- Stack
- Stadium
- Staff
- Stag
- Stage
- Stagecoach
- Stager
- Stagnation
- Stain
- Staining
- Stair
- Staircase
- Stairway
- Stake
- Stalemate
- Stall
- Stallion
- Stamina
- Stamp
- Stampede
- Stamping
- Stance
- Stand
- Standard
- Standby
- Standing
- Standpoint
- Standstill
- Staple
- Stapling
- Star
- Starch
- Stardom
- Stare
- Starlet
- Starlight
- Start
- Starter
- Starting
- Starvation
- State
- Statement
- Stateroom
- Statesman
- Statesmanship
- Statesmen
- Static
- Station
- Stationery
- Stationmaster
- Stator
- Statuary
- Statue
- Statuette
- Stature
- Statute
- Stay
- Stead
- Steak
- Stealer
- Stealing
- Stealth
- Steam
- Steamboat
- Steamer
- Steamship
- Steed
- Steel
- Steelmaker
- Steep
- Steeple
- Steer
- Stein
- Stem
- Stench
- Stenography
- Step
- Stepchild
- Stepmother
- Stepson
- Stereo
- Stereotype
- Sterility
- Sterilization
- Stern
- Sternum
- Steroid
- Stethoscope
- Stevedore
- Stew
- Steward
- Stewardship
- Stick
- Stickler
- Stickman
- Stickpin
- Stiff
- Stiffening
- Stigma
- Stigmata
- Stiletto
- Still
- Stimulant
- Stimulation
- Stimuli
- Sting
- Stink
- Stint
- Stipulation
- Stirring
- Stirrup
- Stitch
- Stock
- Stockade
- Stockbroker
- Stockholder
- Stockpiling
- Stockroom
- Stoicism
- Stoker
- Stomach
- Stone
- Stoneware
- Stool
- Stoop
- Stop
- Stopover
- Stoppage
- Stopper
- Storage
- Store
- Storefront
- Storehouse
- Storeroom
- Storm
- Story
- Storyline
- Storyteller
- Stove
- Straightaway
- Strain
- Strait
- Stramonium
- Strand
- Stranger
- Strangulation
- Strap
- Strata
- Stratagem
- Strategy
- Stratification
- Stratosphere
- Stratum
- Straw
- Stray
- Streak
- Stream
- Streamer
- Streamliner
- Streamside
- Street
- Streetcar
- Streetlight
- Strength
- Strengthening
- Stretch
- Stretcher
- Stretching
- Stride
- Strife
- Strike
- Striking
- String
- Strip
- Stripe
- Striptease
- Striving
- Stroke
- Stroking
- Stroll
- Stronghold
- Strophe
- Structure
- Struggle
- Strut
- Strychnine
- Stub
- Stubble
- Stucco
- Stud
- Student
- Studio
- Study
- Stuff
- Stump
- Stumpage
- Stupidity
- Stupor
- Sturgeon
- Style
- Styling
- Stylist
- Stylization
- Styrene
- Suability
- Suavity
- Sub
- Subaltern
- Subcommittee
- Subcontinent
- Subdivision
- Subject
- Subjectivist
- Subjectivity
- Subjugation
- Sublease
- Sublimate
- Sublime
- Submarine
- Submission
- Submitting
- Submucosa
- Subordinate
- Subordinator
- Subparagraph
- Subrogation
- Subroutine
- Subscription
- Subsection
- Subservience
- Subsidiary
- Subsidy
- Subsistence
- Subsoil
- Subspace
- Substance
- Substantiation
- Substitute
- Substitution
- Substrate
- Substratum
- Substructure
- Subsystem
- Subtlety
- Subtraction
- Subtype
- Suburb
- Suburbanite
- Suburbia
- Subversion
- Subway
- Succession
- Successor
- Successorship
- Succor
- Suction
- Sudden
- Suey
- Sufferer
- Suffering
- Sufficiency
- Suffix
- Suffocating
- Suffocation
- Suffrage
- Sugar
- Suggestibility
- Suggestion
- Suicide
- Suit
- Suitability
- Suitcase
- Suite
- Suitor
- Sulfide
- Sulfur
- Sum
- Sumac
- Summarization
- Summary
- Summation
- Summer
- Summertime
- Summit
- Summitry
- Sun
- Sunbonnet
- Sunburn
- Sundown
- Sunlight
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshield
- Sunshine
- Sunspot
- Suntan
- Superego
- Superficiality
- Superintendent
- Superior
- Superiority
- Supermachine
- Supermarket
- Supernatant
- Supernatural
- Superposition
- Superstition
- Superstructure
- Supervision
- Supervisor
- Supper
- Supplement
- Supplier
- Supply
- Support
- Supporter
- Suppression
- Supremacy
- Surcease
- Surf
- Surface
- Surfactant
- Surge
- Surgeon
- Surgery
- Surname
- Surprise
- Surrealism
- Surrender
- Surtout
- Surveillance
- Survey
- Surveyor
- Survivability
- Survival
- Survivalist
- Survivor
- Susceptibility
- Suspect
- Suspense
- Suspension
- Suspensor
- Suspicion
- Sustenance
- Suzerain
- Suzerainty
- Swallow
- Swami
- Swamp
- Swan
- Swao
- Swarm
- Swastika
- Swath
- Sway
- Swearing
- Swearinge
- Sweat
- Sweatband
- Sweater
- Sweatshirt
- Sweep
- Sweetheart
- Swell
- Swelling
- Swerve
- Swig
- Swim
- Swimsuit
- Swine
- Swing
- Swipe
- Swirl
- Switch
- Switchblade
- Switchboard
- Switchgear
- Switching
- Swivel
- Swoop
- Sword
- Sworde
- Syllabicity
- Syllable
- Symbol
- Symbolism
- Symmetry
- Sympathy
- Symphony
- Symposium
- Symptom
- Synagogue
- Synchronism
- Synchrony
- Syndicate
- Syndication
- Syndrome
- Synergism
- Synonym
- Synonymy
- Syntax
- Synthesizine
- Syringa
- Syringe
- Syrup
- System
- Systematization
- Systemization
Nouns that Start with S with their Meanings
Sable: a mammal of Japan or Siberia with dark brown fur
Sachet: a small perfumed bag used in the 19th century
Saddle: a seat for horseback riding, the lower part of a ridge, a support for a cable or pipe
Sadness: the quality or state of being sad
Saga: medieval stories or series of events
Saltiness: the condition or state of being salty
Sandstorm: a windstorm usually in a dessert with very strong winds carrying large clouds of dust
Satsuma: simple Japanese poetry or a small tangerine like Japanese fruit
Scale: Bony like feature on a fish used to protect their outer layer, a flaky like covering
Scandal: rumors or gossip that cause an outrage or humilifying public event
Scarlet: used a lot in medieval, a bright red color
Schemer: someone that makes secret unknown plans
Script: written characters usually in a play
Sculpture: a two or three dimensional work of art usually made out of wood or clay
Seashore: an area that borders the sea usually rocky and sandy
Season: one of the four times of the year usually used to measure when fruit or vegetables come in or when certain sports are played
Secret: something that is kept from being know; a mystery
Seeker: someone who attempts to find something
Selfishness: The quality or state of being selfish
Sensation: a very aware feeling that happens when something comes in contact with your skin or body
September: the first month of fall or autumn and the ninth month in the year
Shade: a low or dark color, a shelter type place to guard off sunlight
Shadow: a dark shape that appears when something comes in between a ray of light and a surface
Shelter: something that can protect you against bad weather or upcoming danger
Signal: a gesture or a radio wave used to convey certain information
Silence: abstaining from talking; the absence of sound
Silver: atomic element number 47; a shiny metal
Singer: a professional that sings for a living
Skeleton: the body of an animal or plant; a framework of bone
Skyline: the outline where buildings and sky meet
Slander: damaging ones reputation by making false accusations
Smoker: something that is used to smoke meat; someone who uses tobacco
Now that we have brushed up on some of your literature skills and reminded ourselves what a noun is, along with learning some common used nouns that start with an s, we should be ready for that upcoming family game night of scrabble and ready to win.
Resources related to S nouns:
- Verbs that Start with S
- Things that Start with S
- Adjectives that Start with S
- Words that Start with S
- Positive Words that Start with S
- Foods that Start with S
- Animals that Start with S
- Girl Names that Start with S
- Countries that Start with S
- Fruits that Start with S
Explore more nouns that start with…
- Nouns that Start with A
- Nouns that Start with B
- Nouns that Start with C
- Nouns that Start with D
- Nouns that Start with E
- Nouns that Start with F
- Nouns that Start with G
- Nouns that Start with H
- Nouns that Start with I
- Nouns that Start with J
- Nouns that Start with K
- Nouns that Start with L
- Nouns that Start with M
- Nouns that Start with N
- Nouns that Start with O
- Nouns that Start with P
- Nouns that Start with Q
- Nouns that Start with R
- Nouns that Start with S
- Nouns that Start with T
- Nouns that Start with U
- Nouns that Start with V
- Nouns that Start with W
- Nouns that Start with X
- Nouns that Start with Y
- Nouns that Start with Z
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