This reference covers common nouns, abstract nouns, positive nouns, proper nouns, and various types of nouns starting with the letter W. You can expect a list of nouns with example sentences and an image to support your learning. If you are looking for more resources related to W nouns, you will find them here. Explore this useful list to enhance your vocabulary.
Nouns That Start with W
What Are Nouns Starting with W?
A noun is a word that identifies a person, place, or thing. Nouns can be singular, referring to only one person, one place, or one thing, or they can be plural, indicating more than one person, place, or thing. For example, “wolf” is a singular noun, and “wolves” is a plural noun. Most of the time, a noun is preceded by what is called an article.
Examples of articles are “a”, “an”, and “the”: “a whale”, “an apple”, “the water”, etc. Nouns are the subject of the sentence, or what the sentence is about. Nouns can also be direct objects. In the sentence, “The water makes waves”, the subject noun of the sentence is “water” and the direct object noun is “waves” because it is the object of the verb “makes”.
Common Nouns That Start with W
Nouns | Examples |
Waitress | The waitress brought us our food with a smile. |
Water | I’m feeling thirsty, can you get me a glass of water? |
Window | Close the window, it’s getting chilly in here. |
Wall | We need to paint this wall a different color. |
Watch | I forgot my watch at home, what time is it? |
Wallet | I can’t find my wallet, have you seen it anywhere? |
Wheel | The car’s wheel was wobbling, so we took it to the mechanic. |
Wire | Can you pass me the wire so I can connect the speakers? |
Whistle | The coach blew the whistle to signal the end of the game. |
Wardrobe | My wardrobe is full of clothes I never wear. |
Web | I spend a lot of time browsing the web for new recipes. |
Wave | The surfer rode the wave all the way to the shore. |
Wind | The wind is really strong today, be careful walking outside. |
Woman | She is a strong and independent woman who runs her own business. |
Wood | The furniture is made of high-quality wood. |
World | The world is a beautiful and diverse place. |
Work | I have a lot of work to do before the deadline. |
War | The two countries were in a state of war for many years. |
Wine | This wine is delicious, where did you get it? |
Workshop | I attended a writing workshop and learned a lot. |
Warehouse | The warehouse was full of boxes waiting to be shipped. |
Weather | The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow. |
Week | I’m taking a week off from work to go on vacation. |
Writer | She is a talented writer who has published several books. |
Wish | I made a wish upon a shooting star last night. |
Walk | Let’s take a walk around the park and enjoy the scenery. |
Warlock | The warlock cast a spell on the knight, immobilizing him. |
Wilderness | The wilderness is home to many species of animals. |
Wagon | The pioneers traveled west in covered wagons. |
Worm | The fisherman used worms as bait to catch fish. |
Wing | The bird’s wing was injured, so we took it to the vet. |
Whisker | The cat’s whiskers twitched as it watched the mouse. |
Weed | The garden is full of weeds, we need to pull them out. |
Witness | The witness testified in court about what she saw. |
Worshiper | The worshiper prayed to his deity at the temple. |
Whirlpool | The boat got caught in a whirlpool and started to spin. |
Wallaby | The wallaby hopped away when it saw us approaching. |
Weasel | The weasel is known for its quick and sneaky movements. |
Warthog | The warthog dug for roots with its powerful tusks. |
Wolf | The wolf howled at the full moon, signaling its pack. |
Wildcat | The wildcat was spotted in the forest. |
Wombat | The wombat is a marsupial native to Australia. |
Warbler | The warbler’s song filled the air. |
Wren | The wren built its nest in the shrubs. |
Wallflower | She was a wallflower at the party. |
Wormhole | The concept of a wormhole is mind-bending. |
Waterfall | The waterfall was a majestic sight to behold. |
Woodpecker | The woodpecker drilled into the tree trunk. |
Abstract Nouns That Start with W
Abstract Nouns | Example Sentences |
Wisdom | His wisdom was evident in the way he handled difficult situations. |
Wealth | Her wealth was a result of years of hard work and wise investments. |
Warmth | The warmth of the fire was a welcome relief from the cold. |
Willpower | She relied on her willpower to overcome her addiction. |
Willingness | His willingness to help others was well-known in the community. |
Wit | Her quick wit made her popular among her friends. |
Weariness | The long journey left him with a sense of weariness. |
Weakness | His weakness for sweets often got the better of him. |
Workmanship | The quality of the workmanship was evident in the fine details. |
Wilderness | The vast wilderness was both beautiful and dangerous. |
Worship | His daily worship brought him peace and comfort. |
Worth | The painting was of great worth to the art collector. |
Weight | The weight of the responsibility was overwhelming. |
Wakefulness | His wakefulness was due to the excitement of the upcoming trip. |
Watchfulness | The watchfulness of the security guard ensured the safety of the building. |
Water | The water in the lake was crystal clear. |
Whimsy | The whimsy of the children’s book delighted young readers. |
Warning | The warning on the label cautioned against misuse of the product. |
Waywardness | The waywardness of the teenager caused concern for his parents. |
Willfulness | Her willfulness often clashed with her parents’ expectations. |
Wariness | His wariness of strangers was a result of past experiences. |
Wistfulness | The wistfulness in his voice betrayed his longing for the past. |
Wonderment | The wonderment in her eyes at the sight of the ocean was unforgettable. |
Related: Abstract Nouns
Positive Nouns That Start with W
Nouns | Example Sentences |
Warmth | The warmth of the sun on my face felt wonderful. |
Wisdom | She showed great wisdom in her decision-making. |
Wealth | He amassed great wealth through his successful business. |
Willpower | She relied on her willpower to overcome the challenge. |
Winning | His winning attitude helped him succeed in sports. |
Wonderment | The child looked at the fireworks with wonderment. |
Wholeness | The holistic approach to healthcare focuses on wholeness. |
Wit | His wit and humor kept the audience entertained. |
Wonderfulness | The wonderfulness of the view left me speechless. |
Workmanship | The workmanship of the handmade furniture was impressive. |
Worthiness | Her dedication and hard work proved her worthiness. |
Worth | The painting was of great worth to the art collector. |
Waterfall | The waterfall cascaded down the rocky cliff. |
Wanderlust | She had a strong wanderlust and traveled the world. |
Wonderworker | The magician was known as a wonderworker for his tricks. |
Waltz | The couple danced a graceful waltz around the ballroom. |
Watchfulness | The guard’s watchfulness prevented a break-in. |
Whimsey | The artist’s paintings were known for their whimsy. |
Wildlife | The national park was home to a diverse range of wildlife. |
Willingness | His willingness to help others made him a great volunteer. |
Windfall | The inheritance was an unexpected windfall for her. |
Wonderer | The wonderer gazed at the stars in amazement. |
Warmheartedness | Her warmheartedness made her a beloved community leader. |
Proper Nouns That Start with W
- Washington
- Walt Disney
- Wonder Woman
- Winston Churchill
- Wyoming
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Whitney Houston
- White House
- William Shakespeare
- World Health Organization
Related: Proper Nouns
Types of Nouns that Start with W
There are five common classifications of nouns that are widely used.
- Common nouns are those words that refer to general things. For example, “state” instead of “Wisconsin”, or “girl” instead of “Wanda”.
- Proper nouns are nouns naming specific people, places, or things. For example, “William”, “Wales”, “World War II”, etc.
- Collective nouns refer to large groups of things. An example of this would be a “wolfpack”.
- Possessive nouns are nouns that demonstrate ownership, such as “Wakanda’s warriors”- “Wakanda’s” is the possessive noun indicating that the warriors belong to Wakanda.
- Abstract nouns cannot be touched, or are theoretical. Nouns like “worry” and “wonder” are ideas, not tangible objects.
List of Nouns that Start with W
The list below is common nouns in the English language that start with w. Remember that this is not a complete list, but does represent many of the most common words.
- Wafer
- Wage
- Wager
- Wagon
- Wail
- Waist
- Waistcoat
- Wait
- Waiter
- Waiting
- Wake
- Walk
- Walker
- Walkout
- Walkover
- Wall
- Wallboard
- Wallet
- Wallop
- Wallpaper
- Walnut
- Waltz
- Wand
- Wanderer
- Wandering
- Want
- War
- Ward
- Warden
- Wardrobe
- Wardroom
- Ware
- Warehouse
- Warfare
- Warfront
- Warhead
- Warmth
- Warmup
- Warning
- Warp
- Warrant
- Warranty
- Warren
- Warrior
- Wart
- Wartime
- Wash
- Washbasin
- Washboard
- Washbowl
- Washer
- Washing
- Wasp
- Wastage
- Waste
- Wasteland
- Wastewater
- Wastrel
- Watch
- Watchdog
- Watching
- Watchmaker
- Watchmen
- Water
- Watercolor
- Watercolorist
- Waterfall
- Waterfront
- Waterline
- Watermelon
- Waterproofing
- Watershed
- Waterside
- Waterway
- Watt
- Wave
- Wavelength
- Waver
- Waving
- Wax
- Way
- Wayside
- Weakening
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weapon
- Weaponry
- Wear
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weave
- Web
- Website
- Wedding
- Wedge
- Wedlock
- Week
- Weekday
- Weekend
- Weekly
- Weeping
- Weight
- Weighting
- Weir
- Weirdy
- Welcome
- Welding
- Welfare
- Well
- Wellbeing
- Welter
- West
- Wetting
- Whack
- Whale
- Whaler
- Wharf
- Wheat
- Wheel
- Wheelbarrow
- Whiff
- While
- Whim
- Whine
- Whinny
- Whip
- Whiplash
- Whir
- Whirl
- Whirling
- Whirlwind
- Whiskey
- Whisky
- Whisper
- Whispering
- Whistle
- Whit
- White
- Whiteface
- Whitetail
- Whiz
- Whodunnit
- Whole
- Wholewheat
- Whoop
- Whore
- Wick
- Wicker
- Wicket
- Widow
- Widower
- Widowhood
- Width
- Wielder
- Wife
- Wig
- Wiggle
- Wigmaker
- Wildcat
- Wildcatter
- Wildlife
- Will
- William
- Willow
- Wilt
- Wind
- Windbag
- Winder
- Windfall
- Windmill
- Window
- Windshield
- Windstorm
- Windup
- Wine
- Winehead
- Wing
- Wingback
- Wingman
- Wink
- Winner
- Winter
- Wintertime
- Wire
- Wireless
- Wiring
- Wisdom
- Wisenheimer
- Wish
- Wisp
- Wit
- Witch
- Withdrawal
- Withholding
- Witness
- Wizard
- Wlib
- Woe
- Wolf
- Woman
- Womanhood
- Womb
- Wombat
- Women
- Wonder
- Wondering
- Wood
- Woodcarver
- Woodgraining
- Woodland
- Woodpecker
- Woodshed
- Woodsmoke
- Woodwind
- Woodwork
- Wool
- Woolen
- Woomera
- Word
- Wording
- Work
- Workbench
- Workday
- Worker
- Workforce
- Workingmen
- Workman
- Workmanship
- Workmen
- Workout
- Workpiece
- Workplace
- Worksheet
- Workshop
- Worktable
- World
- Worm
- Worry
- Worship
- Worsted
- Worth
- Wound
- Wrack
- Wrangler
- Wrapper
- Wrapping
- Wrath
- Wreath
- Wreck
- Wreckage
- Wrestler
- Wretch
- Wrinkle
- Wrist
- Wristwatch
- Writ
- Writer
- Writhing
- Writing
- Wrong
- Wrongdoer
- Wrongdoing
Nouns that Start with W with Example Sentences
- My dad loves his workshop.
- I’d like to paint my wall blue.
- Traveling around the world sounds fun!
- Wombats make square poop.
- They enjoy watching the waves.
- Can you help me navigate this website?
- I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.
- The window is too dirty to see through.
- Wisconsin is famous for cheese.
- The wrestler’s mask is scary.
- The universe is full of wonder.
- The weight of the world is on his shoulders.
- It’s only fair to pay them equal wages.
- The worm came out after it rained.
- Walking on a wire looks very difficult.
- A bicycle has two wheels, while a unicycle only has one.
- Wonder Bread is the only bread we eat.
- Residents of Detroit need clean drinking water.
- Are you going to their wedding?
- Trying to write so many words to explain a simple concept can cause worry.
Nouns That Start With W | Image
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