What does the slang o7 mean? Before the invention of smartphones, we had to use letters, numbers, and punctuations to make up our emojis, like 🙂 or ;). You often see users using emoticons in online web forums and video games. It’s easier to use shorthand when trying to type using a video game controller. Trust me on that.
“O7” Meaning and Origin
- “O7” is an emoticon representing a person saluting, often used in online communities or gaming to show respect, acknowledgment, or solidarity.
What Does “o7” Mean?
“O7” is an emoticon that means to salute a person.
You might also see it written as 07 or O7. It’s frequently used in simulation video games like Elite Dangerous or EVE online. Another way it’s written is 07/O>/o7/o>.
o7 is often accompanied by other emoticons or acronyms. For instance, o7 m8 means salute mate.
Origin of o7
The origin of “o7” comes from early internet culture and online gaming communities, where it emerged as a simple text-based emoticon representing a person saluting. The “o” symbolizes a head, and the “7” represents an arm raised in a salute.
It gained popularity in games like “EVE Online” and other multiplayer environments where players would use it to show respect, camaraderie, or acknowledgment of other players. Over time, it spread to broader internet use, retaining its original meaning of respect or recognition.
Other Meanings of O7
O7 might also refer to the pay grade of a person in the US uniformed services such as a Brigadier General in the Air Force, Marine Corps, or Army. Or a rear admiral in the Coast Guard, Navy, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps. There is also a subclass of stars called O-type stars that are referred to as O7.
Related Terms to o7
Here are some related terms to “o7”:
- o/ – An emoticon representing a wave, where “o” is the head and “/” is the arm, often used to say hello or goodbye.
- 7o – The inverse of “o7,” symbolizing a left-handed salute, used humorously or stylistically in online communities.
- /salute – A command or phrase often used in gaming or chat to signify a salute or show respect.
- GG (Good Game) – A term used at the end of an online match or game to show sportsmanship and mutual respect among players.
- 07 – Similar to “o7,” but using the number “0” as the head, representing a salute.
- o> – A variation of “o7,” where the “>” symbolizes a pointed salute or hand gesture.
- \o/ – An emoticon representing a cheer or celebration, with “o” as the head and “” and “/” as raised arms.
- F – Originating from the phrase “Press F to pay respects,” it is used to show respect or acknowledge something sad or serious, especially in gaming contexts.
Conversation example using o7
Example 1
- Fred: It’s time to take the ship. You go high. I’ll hit low
- Joe: roger that. o7 CMDR
*CMDR = Commander
In this example, Fred and Joe are playing a game and they’re discussing their attack strategy. Fred, who’s clearly in charge, gives the orders and Joe offers a salute and confirmation that he understands his mission.
Example 2
- Player1: Just finished the toughest mission ever!
- Player2: Nice work, Commander! o7
- Player3: Congrats! You really pulled it off. o7
- Player1: Thanks, everyone! Couldn’t have done it without the team’s support!
- Player2: Anytime, we’re always here for each other. o7
In this example, “o7” is used to salute or show respect and acknowledgment between the players.
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