Octopi or Octopuses: Which Is the Correct Plural?

As an English learner, you might wonder whether to use octopi or octopuses when talking about more than one octopus. The reference is designed to guide you through this common question. It covers key takeaways, definitions, usage with examples, and tips to remember the difference.

The Difference between Octopi and Octopuses

Key Takeaways

  • Origin: “Octopi” stems from the mistaken notion that ‘octopus’ is Latin and thus should have a plural ending in ‘i’, even though ‘octopus’ is actually of Greek origin.
  • Usage: “Octopuses” is widely considered correct in modern English usage and is the more common plural form in edited works.
Octopi or Octopuses
Octopi or Octopuses – Created by 7ESL

Octopi or Octopuses: the Definition

Both “octopi” and “octopuses” are considered correct, but “octopuses” is more widely accepted in modern English.

What Does Octopi Mean?

Octopi is a term that some people use when referring to more than one octopus. It’s derived from the incorrect assumption that octopus is a Latin word that should follow Latin rules for pluralization. Despite the term being widely recognized, it’s not traditionally correct because “octopus” originates from Greek, not Latin.

What Does Octopuses Mean?

Octopuses is the English plural form of octopus. It follows the conventional rules of English pluralization, where we typically add an -es to words that end in -us. This form is broadly accepted and used by English speakers. It aligns with the grammatical standards for creating plurals in English.

For scientific and formal contexts, “octopuses” is preferred.

Octopi or Octopuses: Usage and Examples

When we talk about multiple octopus animals, we often encounter a bit of confusion over what term to use—should we say “octopi” or “octopuses”? We’re here to shed light on this, along with some helpful examples.

  • Octopuses: This is actually our standard go-to plural form in English. It’s straightforward and has been widely accepted for over a century. When talking about these fascinating eight-armed creatures in most contexts, we use “octopuses.” For example:
    • “During our dive, we saw a group of octopuses camouflaging themselves among the corals.”
  • Octopi: You might encounter “octopi” in more casual or conversational settings. An example sentence might be:
    • “The kids were delighted to learn that octopi can change color to match their surroundings.”

For clarity and correctness, we recommend sticking with “octopuses.” But don’t be surprised if “octopi” surfaces in colloquial speech. It’s part of the richness and evolution of our language.

Tips to Remember the Difference

  • Remember the Source: ‘Octopus’ has Greek roots, so “octopuses” aligns better with English pluralization rules.
  • Common Usage: Stick with “octopuses” in your writing, as it’s more widely accepted and understood.

Octopi or Octopuses: Examples

Example Sentences Using Octopi

  • In the aquarium, several colorful octopi caught our attention with their graceful movements.
  • We couldn’t decide which of the octopi was more fascinating, the ones camouflaging or the ones hunting.
  • At our ocean club’s last meeting, we learned that octopi have three hearts.
  • The children were delighted at the sight of the octopi during our visit to the seaside.
  • When researching cephalopods, we found that octopi have surprisingly complex nervous systems.

Example Sentences Using Octopuses

  • The documentary revealed how octopuses can escape through incredibly small openings.
  • We were amazed to learn that octopuses have blue blood, which helps them survive in deep waters.
  • Our biology teacher showed us a video of octopuses changing their skin color and texture.
  • While snorkeling, we encountered a variety of octopuses nestled among the coral reefs.
  • It’s fascinating how intelligent octopuses are; some species even use tools to solve problems.

Related Confused Words 

Octopuses vs. Squids

  • Octopuses: Plural for ‘octopus’, a cephalopod with eight arms.
  • Squids: A different type of cephalopod with ten limbs (eight arms plus two tentacles).

Though both are cephalopods, squids differ from octopuses not only in the number of limbs but also in their body structure and behavior.

Octopuses vs. Jellyfish

  • Octopuses: Soft-bodied, eight-armed cephalopods.
  • Jellyfish: Gelatinous, umbrella-shaped creatures with trailing tentacles.

Octopuses are often confused with jellyfish due to their soft bodies and marine habitat, yet they are very different in terms of anatomy, with octopuses having a defined head and arms, unlike the simpler body form of jellyfish.