“On Track” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The phrase “on track” is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing. It signifies that something is progressing as planned or expected. In this reference, you will discover what it means, examples of how to use the phrase properly in different conversations or statements, and alternative ways to express the same idea.

By reading this reference, you’ll gain a clear grasp of how to use “on track” in your daily language. You’ll be better equipped to understand and implement this phrase with confidence.

On Track Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • “On track” means progressing as planned or moving in the right direction toward a goal or objective.
On Track Meaning
On Track Meaning – Created by 7ESL

On Track Meaning

“On track” means making progress or moving in the right direction towards a goal or objective. It indicates that things are going according to plan or schedule.

For example:

  • “The project is on track to be completed by the deadline.”
  • “She’s on track to graduate next year.”

Origin of this Idiom

The word track was used in the late 15th century to mean following in the footsteps of something or someone. The phrase “on track” was derived from this meaning to say that someone was following in the footsteps of someone who went before them and succeeded by following the same path.

Usage of “On Track”

Here are examples of how “on track” can be used:

  1. Referring to a project or goal:
    • “The team is on track to finish the project by the end of the month.”
  2. Talking about personal progress:
    • “With her study plan, she’s on track to pass the final exam.”
  3. Discussing business or financial goals:
    • “The company is on track to meet its revenue targets for the year.”
  4. In sports or fitness:
    • “After recovering from his injury, he’s back on track with his training schedule.”
  5. Describing future plans:
    • “They’re on track to launch the new product by spring.”

Related Terms to “On Track”

  • On schedule – Progressing according to the planned timeline.
  • Making progress – Advancing toward a goal or objective.
  • In line with – Consistent with expectations or plans.
  • On course – Moving in the right direction toward a goal.
  • Moving forward – Continuing to progress toward a desired outcome.
  • In the right direction – Proceeding toward the intended goal or outcome.
  • On target – Meeting specific goals or milestones as planned.
  • Staying the course – Continuing on a chosen path or plan without deviation.
  • In good shape – Progressing well or as expected.
  • On the right path – Following the correct or intended course toward a goal.

Other Ways to Say “On Track”

As with most phrases, there are many alternative ways to say them while still conveying the same meaning. Some alternative things you could say instead of “on track” include:

  • On schedule
  • On the path to success
  • On the same page
  • Making good progress
  • On the right way

“On Track” Examples

Examples in Statements

A statement made by the weatherman during his 5 o’clock forecast.

  • “I am predicting that we will see a lot of snow this winter. Based on the weather we have been experiencing over the last couple of weeks, I think that the forecast for the future is right on track based on the analysis of past weather patterns.”

A statement made by a celebrity to a popular entertainment magazine.

  • “Everything in my career is right on track. In my family life as well. I could not be any happier than I am right now.”

Examples in Conversations

A conversation between a student and a teacher.

  • Student: Ms. Collins, can I talk to you for a moment.
  • Teacher: Sure, Callie. What can I do for you?
  • Student: Well, I know I missed a lot of time and fell behind. I was wondering what I could do to get back on track in your class.
  • Teacher: Callie, I’ll tell you what. I will give you some things to do for extra credit and you just keep doing what you’re doing. You will be back on track in no time at all.

A conversation between two co-workers working on a project.

  • Co-worker 1: This project is not going to be completed by the deadline.
  • Co-worker 2: It will if we have a team meeting and get everyone back on track.
  • Co-worker 1: Good idea! I will send out an email to all team members tonight before I leave for a meeting in the morning.

More helpful examples:

  • I tried to get my life back on track after my divorce.
  • I have to get my life back on track and the first step is finding satisfaction through work.
  • Is our investment portfolio on track to accomplish our retirement goals?
  • It may take some time to get the British economy back on track.
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