This reference will guide you through the different categories of PH words, helping you understand their usage and improve your English vocabulary. Explore the lists and gain confidence in using these words in your everyday conversations and writing.
PH Words
What Are PH Words?
Aspiration does not possess a phonemic sound in English. In conclusion, the letter h in ‘ph’ indicates that it is from a different language. In literature, this process is referred to as “Loan word phonology” (a second language learner can learn more about English phonology only by observing how words are anglicized/pronounced). It arises whenever terms from other languages are borrowed.
Ph terms are often derived from Greek or Latin words. They are typically pronounced as /f/unless dissimilated in particular circumstances.
Below is the list of PH words for you.
3 Letter Words with Ph
- Pha
- Phi
- Pho
- Pht
Discover more: 3 Letter Words
4 Letter Words with Ph
- Caph
- Epha
- Kaph
- Koph
- Ouph
- Phat
- Phew
- Phis
- Phiz
- Phon
- Phos
- Phot
- Phut
- Qoph
- Soph
- Syph
- Toph
- Umph
Related: 4 Letter Words
5 Letter Words with Ph
- Aleph
- Alpha
- Aphid
- Aphis
- Bumph
- Ephah
- Ephas
- Ephod
- Ephor
- Glyph
- Graph
- Humph
- Hypha
- Hyphy
- Kaphs
- Khaph
- Kophs
- Lymph
- Morph
- Nymph
- Oomph
- Ouphe
- Ouphs
- Phage
- Phase
- Phial
- Phlox
- Phone
- Phono
- Phons
- Phony
- Photo
- Phots
- Phpht
- Phuts
- Phyla
- Phyle
- Ralph
- Raphe
- Sophs
- Sophy
- Staph
- Sumph
- Sylph
- Syphs
- Tophe
- Tophi
- Tophs
Learn more: 5 Letter Words
6 Letter Words with Ph
- Alphas
- Aphids
- Aphtha
- Caliph
- Ceriph
- Cipher
- Cyphel
- Cypher
- Daphne
- Ephebe
- Ephebi
- Ephori
- Furphy
- Glyphs
- Gonoph
- Gopher
- Graphs
- Humphs
- Hyphae
- Hyphal
- Hyphen
- Imphee
- Joseph
- Kaliph
- Khaphs
- Klepht
- Lymphs
- Morpho
- Morphs
- Murphy
- Nephew
- Nympha
- Nympho
- Nymphs
- Oomphs
- Ophite
- Orphan
- Orphic
- Paraph
- Phalli
- Pharos
- Phased
- Phases
- Phasic
- Phasis
- Phatic
- Phenix
- Phenol
- Phenom
- Phenyl
- Phials
- Phizes
- Phlegm
- Phloem
- Phobia
- Phobic
- Phoebe
- Phonal
- Phoned
- Phones
- Phoney
- Phonic
- Phonon
- Phonos
- Phooey
- Photic
- Photog
- Photon
- Photos
- Phrase
- Phreak
- Phylic
- Phyllo
- Phylum
- Physic
- Phytol
- Phyton
- Raphia
- Rhaphe
- Seraph
- Siphon
- Sphene
- Sphere
- Sphery
- Sphinx
- Sphynx
- Sulpha
- Sypher
- Syphon
- Tephra
- Teraph
- Tophus
- Trophy
- Typhus
- Upheld
- Uphill
- Uphold
- Zephyr
Find out more: 6 Letter Words
7 Letter Words with Ph
- Agrapha
- Alphorn
- Aphagia
- Aphasia
- Aphasic
- Aphelia
- Apheses
- Aphesis
- Aphetic
- Aphides
- Aphonia
- Aphonic
- Aphotic
- Aphthae
- Aphylly
- Asphalt
- Asphyxy
- Atrophy
- Bimorph
- Camphol
- Camphor
- Cepheid
- Ciphers
- Ciphony
- Daphnia
- Dauphin
- Delphic
- Digraph
- Dimorph
- Diphase
- Dolphin
- Edaphic
- Ephebic
- Ephebus
- Ephedra
- Ephoral
- Epitaph
- Euphony
- Galumph
- Glyphic
- Graphic
- Grumphy
- Gryphon
- Hophead
- Humphed
- Inphase
- Josephs
- Morphia
- Naphtha
- Nephric
- Nephron
- Nymphal
- Nymphet
- Oophyte
- Ophitic
- Orphrey
- Oxyphil
- Pemphix
- Phaeton
- Phalanx
- Phallic
- Phallus
- Phantom
- Pharaoh
- Pharynx
- Phasmid
- Phellem
- Phenoxy
- Philter
- Phlegmy
- Phloxes
- Phocine
- Phoenix
- Phonate
- Phoneme
- Phonics
- Phorate
- Phoresy
- Phratry
- Phrenic
- Physics
- Prophet
- Raphide
- Saphead
- Sophism
- Sophist
- Sphenic
- Spheral
- Strophe
- Sulphur
- Sylphid
- Syrphid
- Telpher
- Triumph
- Trophic
- Typhoid
- Typhoon
- Upheave
- Whoomph
- Xiphoid
Study more: 7 Letter Words
8 Letter Words with Ph
- Alphabet
- Amphioxi
- Amphipod
- Antiphon
- Aphelion
- Aphorism
- Aphorize
- Aspheric
- Asphodel
- Asphyxia
- Basophil
- Biomorph
- Biphasic
- Biphenyl
- Cenotaph
- Cephalad
- Cephalic
- Colophon
- Coryphee
- Dauphine
- Decipher
- Diphenyl
- Drophead
- Earphone
- Elephant
- Emphasis
- Emphatic
- Epigraph
- Epiphany
- Epiphyte
- Euphoria
- Geophagy
- Geophone
- Grapheme
- Graphite
- Humphing
- Iodophor
- Isomorph
- Jatropha
- Klephtic
- Kyphosis
- Kyphotic
- Loophole
- Lymphoid
- Lymphoma
- Mephitic
- Mephitis
- Metaphor
- Morpheme
- Morphine
- Myomorph
- Naphthol
- Neophyte
- Nephrite
- Ophidian
- Pamphlet
- Peephole
- Phalange
- Phantasm
- Phantasy
- Pharisee
- Pharmacy
- Pharming
- Phaseout
- Pheasant
- Phenazin
- Phenolic
- Pheresis
- Philomel
- Phimosis
- Phonemic
- Phonetic
- Phosgene
- Phosphor
- Photopia
- Photoset
- Phrasing
- Phreatic
- Phthalic
- Phylaxis
- Phyllite
- Physical
- Physique
- Porphyry
- Prophage
- Prophase
- Prophecy
- Prophesy
- Rephrase
- Samphire
- Sapphire
- Scaphoid
- Shepherd
- Sphagnum
- Sphenoid
- Spherics
- Spheroid
- Spherule
- Sphygmic
- Strophic
- Sulphate
- Sulphide
- Sulphite
- Symphony
- Syphilis
- Upheaval
- Zoomorph
- Zoophile
- Zoophily
- Zoophobe
- Zoophyte
Related: 8 Letter Words
9 Letter Words with Ph
- Aliphatic
- Amphioxus
- Apheresis
- Aphrodite
- Autograph
- Auxotroph
- Biography
- Biosphere
- Blaspheme
- Blasphemy
- Cacophony
- Caliphate
- Cellphone
- Diaphragm
- Dimorphic
- Diphthong
- Dysphagia
- Dysphonia
- Dysphoria
- Dystrophy
- Ecosphere
- Emphasize
- Emphysema
- Endorphin
- Esophagus
- Euphemism
- Euphemize
- Euphorbia
- Flophouse
- Geography
- Haphazard
- Hyphenate
- Ionophore
- Kymograph
- Lymphatic
- Megaphone
- Metaphase
- Monograph
- Morphosis
- Mycophagy
- Nephritis
- Ophiolite
- Orphanage
- Oxyphilic
- Paragraph
- Pedophile
- Pemphigus
- Pemphixes
- Perilymph
- Periphery
- Phalanges
- Phenazine
- Phenazins
- Phenomena
- Phenotype
- Phenylene
- Phenytoin
- Pheromone
- Philology
- Phlebitis
- Phonetics
- Phonogram
- Phonology
- Phosphate
- Phosphide
- Phosphine
- Phosphite
- Photocell
- Photocopy
- Photolyze
- Photomask
- Photonics
- Phthalate
- Phylogeny
- Physician
- Physicist
- Physiques
- Polygraph
- Polymorph
- Polyphase
- Polyphony
- Pompholyx
- Porphyria
- Porphyrin
- Prophetic
- Saphenous
- Saxophone
- Scrapheap
- Semaphore
- Serigraph
- Sophistry
- Sophomore
- Spherical
- Sphincter
- Subphylum
- Sycophant
- Symphonic
- Telegraph
- Telephone
- Telephony
- Telephoto
- Theosophy
- Topograph
- Toxaphene
- Triumphal
- Xylograph
- Xylophone
- Zoophilic
Learn more: 9 Letter Words
10 Letter Words with Ph
- Amphimixis
- Apocryphal
- Atmosphere
- Audiophile
- Biographer
- Buzzphrase
- Cellophane
- Cephalexin
- Cypherpunk
- Dimorphism
- Diphtheria
- Drosophila
- Eosinophil
- Geographic
- Geomorphic
- Gramophone
- Graphology
- Hemophilia
- Holography
- Homophobia
- Homophonic
- Hydrophone
- Hyphenated
- Interphase
- Ionosphere
- Kymography
- Lipophilic
- Lithograph
- Lymphocyte
- Lyophilize
- Macrophage
- Micrograph
- Microphone
- Mimeograph
- Monophonic
- Morphology
- Multiphase
- Nephrology
- Neutrophil
- Oesophagus
- Ophthalmic
- Oropharynx
- Pantograph
- Paraphrase
- Pedophilia
- Peripheral
- Petroglyph
- Pharmacist
- Phenomenal
- Phenomenon
- Philosophe
- Philosophy
- Phlebotomy
- Phlegmatic
- Phlogiston
- Phlogopite
- Phonograph
- Phosphoric
- Phosphorus
- Photodiode
- Photogenic
- Photograph
- Photolysis
- Photolyzed
- Photometer
- Photometry
- Phrenology
- Phyllotaxy
- Phylloxera
- Physiology
- Pictograph
- Polyphenol
- Polyphonic
- Prophetess
- Radiograph
- Rhizomorph
- Scyphozoan
- Sonography
- Sophomoric
- Sphalerite
- Sphinxlike
- Sulphurous
- Sycophancy
- Syphilitic
- Telegraphy
- Telephonic
- Tocopherol
- Tomography
- Topography
- Triumphant
- Tryptophan
- Typography
- Upholstery
- Vibraphone
- Videophone
- Xerography
- Xylography
- Xylophonic
- Zoomorphic
- Zygomorphy
Explore more: 10 Letter Words
11 Letter Words with Ph
- Acidophilic
- Amphiphilic
- Atmospheric
- Cacophonous
- Calligraphy
- Cartography
- Catchphrase
- Cephalothin
- Coronagraph
- Elephantine
- Epinephrine
- Filmography
- Flexography
- Hemophiliac
- Holographic
- Hydrography
- Hydrophilic
- Hydrophobia
- Hydrophobic
- Hypertrophy
- Hypopharynx
- Iconography
- Kymographic
- Lithography
- Lithosphere
- Lymphocytic
- Lyophilized
- Metamorphic
- Metaphysics
- Microsphere
- Monomorphic
- Morphometry
- Mythography
- Naphthalene
- Nasopharynx
- Necrophilia
- Nephropathy
- Nephrotoxic
- Orthography
- Pamphleteer
- Petrography
- Pharyngitis
- Philosopher
- Phosphatase
- Phosphorous
- Photocopier
- Photography
- Photolyzing
- Photophobia
- Photoresist
- Phraseology
- Physiatrist
- Physicalize
- Physiognomy
- Pornography
- Porphyritic
- Prophylaxis
- Radiography
- Reupholster
- Sarcophagus
- Scenography
- Seismograph
- Sheepherder
- Shepherdess
- Sphingosine
- Stenography
- Technophile
- Telegraphic
- Topographer
- Trophoblast
- Troposphere
- Typographer
- Upholsterer
- Videography
- Xylographic
- Zygomorphic
Find out more: 11 Letter Words
12 Letter Words with Ph
- Biographical
- Diastrophism
- Electrophile
- Eosinophilia
- Fluorography
- Fluphenazine
- Hieroglyphic
- Lymphography
- Metaphysical
- Microcephaly
- Microphysics
- Monophyletic
- Mythographer
- Necrophagous
- Nucleophilic
- Oligotrophic
- Orthographic
- Oscillograph
- Periphrastic
- Phentolamine
- Philadelphus
- Philanthropy
- Philharmonic
- Philodendron
- Philosophize
- Phlebotomist
- Phospholipid
- Phosphoresce
- Photobiology
- Photocathode
- Photocurrent
- Photographic
- Photogravure
- Photonuclear
- Photovoltaic
- Phylogenetic
- Physiography
- Polarography
- Prophylactic
- Pyrophyllite
- Scenographic
- Sophisticate
- Spectrograph
- Stenographer
- Stereophonic
- Stratigraphy
- Stratosphere
- Theophylline
- Thermophilic
- Thermosphere
- Triphosphate
Explore more: 12 Letter Words
13 Letter Words with Ph
- Hydrocephalus
- Lexicographer
- Lexicographic
- Lymphocytosis
- Lymphographic
- Metaphysician
- Phallocentric
- Phencyclidine
- Phenylephrine
- Photovoltaics
- Physicalizing
- Physiological
- Physiotherapy
- Psychrophilic
- Schizophrenia
- Sophisticated
- Stratospheric
- Tachyphylaxis
Related: 13 Letter Words
Words with PH with Meaning and Examples
- A device used for voice communication.
- She called her friend on the phone to catch up.
- A picture taken with a camera.
- He took a photo of the beautiful sunset.
- A small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit.
- The phrase “break a leg” means “good luck.”
- A ghost or an illusion
- They thought they saw a phantom in the old house.
- A place where medicines are dispensed.
- She went to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription.
- The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
- He is majoring in philosophy at the university.
- The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- She has a keen interest in studying physics.
- A small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit.
- The phrase “a stitch in time saves nine” is a proverb.
- An extreme or irrational fear of something.
- She has a phobia of heights.
- A set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic sounds of a language.
- The English alphabet has 26 letters.
- A large mammal with a trunk, native to Africa and Asia.
- The elephant is known for its intelligence and memory.
- A diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things.
- The graph showed the increase in sales over the year.
- The desire to promote the welfare of others, typically through the donation of money to good causes.
- His philanthropy helped build a new library in the community.
- Having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
- She looked very sophisticated in her evening gown.
- A picture made using a camera.
- He framed a photograph of his family to hang on the wall.
- A person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.
- Socrates is one of the most famous philosophers in history.
- A cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
- She proudly displayed her trophy from the tennis tournament.
- An elaborate musical composition for full orchestra.
- They attended a symphony concert at the grand hall.
- A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
- “Time is a thief” is a metaphor.
- Relating to speech sounds
- The phonetic alphabet is used to spell out words clearly over the radio.
Therefore, double consonant phi from Greek has been transliterated into English as the letter Ph. The ancient Greeks interpreted the sound of the letter f as an aspirated p. In classical times, their alphabet did not have a letter for the letter f.
To condense a lengthy explanation into a sound bite, it should be noted that the phi spelling is preserved in all English nouns deriving from Greek.
Related links:
- Words that Start with P
- Words that Start with H
- Words that Start with PH
- Words that End in P
- Words that End in H
- Words that End in PH
- 5 Letter Words that Start with P
- 5 Letter Words that Start with H
- 5 Letter Words Ending in P
- 5 Letter Words Ending in H
- 5 Letter Words Ending in PH
- 5 Letter Words Ending in Ymph
- 5 Letter Words with H
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