Phrasal verbs with “go” can be tricky because their meanings change with different particles. This reference covers essential phrasal verbs like Go After, Go Against, Go Ahead, and more. You’ll learn what each verb means and how to use them correctly.
Reading this reference will help you communicate more effectively in English. With practice, you’ll feel more confident using these verbs in everyday conversations.
Phrasal Verbs with GO
Go After
Go After
- Meaning: To try to get or obtain something or someone.
- Example: I’m going after that job promotion.
Go After
- Meaning: To pursue or chase someone or something.
- Example: The company is going after a younger demographic.
Go Against
Go Against
- Meaning: To go against something, you resist or oppose it.
- Example: She wouldn’t go against her principles and pay for hospital treatment.
Go Against
- Meaning: To be opposed to something or not fit or agree with it.
- Example: His thinking goes against all logic.
Go Ahead
Go Ahead
- Meaning: To start or proceed with something, usually after receiving permission or approval.
- Example: You can go ahead and start the meeting without me.
Go Ahead
- Meaning: To continue with something that was previously planned or agreed upon.
- Example: Despite the bad weather, the concert promoter decided to go ahead with the outdoor event.
Go All Out
- Meaning: To put all of your effort and energy into something, to give it your best shot, or to do something to the fullest extent possible.
- Example: He went all out to impress his girlfriend on their anniversary.
Go Along
Go Along
- Meaning: To make progress or develop.
- Example: Your project is going along nicely.
Go Along
- Meaning: To agree or comply with something/someone.
- Example: I don’t really like the movie, but I’ll go along with the group’s choice.
Go Around
Go Around
- Meaning: To move or travel around something.
- Example: You can go around the building to get to the entrance on the other side.
Go Around
- Meaning: To spread from person to person, like a rumor.
- Example: There’s a rumor going around that the CEO is stepping down.
Go At
Go At
- Meaning: To attack or criticize someone or something with energy and enthusiasm.
- Example: The boss went at the employees for not meeting their targets.
Go At
- Meaning: To start doing something with determination
- Example: I need to go at studying for my exam if I want to pass.
Go At
- Meaning: To approach a task with enthusiasm.
- Example: She went at the project with a positive attitude and finished it ahead of schedule.
Go Away
Go Away
- Meaning: To leave a place or to disappear.
- Example: You should go away for a few days to relax.
Go Away
- Meaning: To become less intense or severe
- Example: The storm finally went away after several hours.
Go Away
- Meaning: To stop bothering someone
- Example: Please go away and leave me alone.
Go Away
- Meaning: To fade or disappear gradually
- Example: The scent of the flowers will go away soon.
Go Away
- Meaning: To become lost or forgotten
- Example: The memory of that day will never go away.
Go Away
- Meaning: To refuse an offer or invitation
- Example: I’m sorry, but I’ll have to go away on that proposal.
Go Back
Go Back
- Meaning: To return to a previous place or situation.
- Example: You can go back to the store and get a refund if you’re not satisfied with the product.
Go Back
- Meaning: To change a decision or opinion and revert to a previous one.
- Example: He went back to his old job after realizing that he made a mistake by quitting.
Go By
- Meaning: To pass or to elapse. It is often used to describe the passage of time.
- Example: The days seem to go by so slowly when you’re waiting for something.
Go Down
Go Down
- Meaning: To fall to the ground
- Example: She tripped and went down with a bump.
Go Down
- Meaning: To sink below the water
- Example: The ship went down in a storm.
Go Down
- Meaning: To disappear below the horizon
- Example: The sun went down behind the mountains.
Go Down
- Meaning: To be easy or difficult to swallow
- Example: This pill is too big to go down.
Go For
Go For
- Meaning: To apply to someone or something.
- Example: The same goes for many other countries.
Go For
- Meaning: To go to a place and bring someone or something back.
- Example: I’ll go for the pizza.
Go For
- Meaning: To be attracted by someone or something, or to like or prefer someone or something.
- Example: He goes for women with a good sense of humor.
Go For
- Meaning: To like or prefer someone or something.
- Example: I usually go for action movies.
Go In
Go In
- Meaning: To enter a place or a building.
- Example: You can go in now, the door is unlocked.
Go In
- Meaning: To participate in an activity or an event.
- Example: If you want to win the prize, you have to go in the competition.
Go In
- Meaning: To become involved in a situation or a discussion.
- Example: You should go in and talk to your boss about the problem.
Go Into
Go Into
- Meaning: To enter a place
- Example: You can go into the museum and see the exhibition.
Go Into
- Meaning: To join or enter an organization or group
- Example: He decided to go into business with his friend.
Go Into
- Meaning: To start discussing a topic or subject in detail
- Example: Let’s go into the reasons why the project failed.
Go Into
- Meaning: To become involved in a particular situation or activity
- Example: She didn’t want to go into the risky investment.
Go Off
Go Off
- Meaning: To explode or to make a sudden loud noise
- Example: The fireworks went off and lit up the sky.
Go Off
- Meaning: To sound an alarm or signal
- Meaning: The alarm clock went off and woke me up.
Go Off
- Meaning: To be fired
- Meaning: He went off from his job because of his inappropriate behavior.
Go On
Go On
- Meaning: To continue doing something, especially after a pause or interruption.
- Example: I need to go on with my work even though I’m tired.
Go On
- Meaning: To talk for a long time, often in a boring or annoying way.
- Example: She always goes on about her problems, but never listens to anyone else.
Go On
- Meaning: To happen or occur
- Example: I’m not sure what’s going on, but it seems like there’s a lot of commotion outside.
Go Out
Go Out
- Meaning: To leave a building or a room
- Example: I need to go out and buy some groceries.
Go Out
- Meaning: To stop burning or shining
- Example: The fire in the fireplace went out after a few hours.
Go Out
- Meaning: To be extinguished
- Example: The light bulb went out and we had to replace it.
Go Out
- Meaning: To date someone
- Example: Are you still going out with that guy from your office?
Go Over
Go Over
- Meaning: To review or examine something in detail
- Example: I need to go over my notes before the exam.
Go Over
- Meaning: To visit someone or something
- Example: I’m going to go over to my friend’s house tonight.
Go Over
- Meaning: To be received or accepted well
- Example: The new product went over well with the customers.
Go Over
- Meaning: To cross or pass over something
- Example: We need to go over the bridge to get to the other side.
Go Over
- Meaning: To exceed or surpass something:
- Example: The project went over budget and we had to cut some costs.
Go So Far As
- Meaning: To do something extreme or drastic. It is often used to indicate that someone is willing to do something that is unexpected or surprising.
- Example: You wouldn’t go so far as to steal from your own family, would you?
Go Through
Go Through
- Meaning: To use up or finish something completely.
- Example: She went through a lot of tissues while watching the sad movie.
Go Through
- Meaning: To examine or scrutinize something carefully.
- Example: The company is going through a difficult time due to the economic crisis.
Go Through
- Meaning: To experience something difficult or unpleasant.
- Example: The company is going through a difficult time due to the economic crisis.
Go Through
- Meaning: To pass through a place or an area.
- Example: We went through a dark tunnel to get to the other side of the mountain.
Go Through With
Go Through With
- Meaning: To do something that you have previously planned or agreed to do, especially after feeling unsure about it.
- Example: I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to the party, but I decided to go through with it.
Go Through With
- Meaning: To complete a task or follow through with a decision.
- Example: Despite feeling nervous, she knew she had to go through with the surgery.
Go Towards
Go Towards
- Meaning: To move or travel in the direction of something or someone.
- Example: You can go towards the beach to watch the sunset.
Go Towards
- Meaning: To contribute or help in achieving a particular goal or outcome.
- Example: Your efforts will go towards making the project a success.
Go Under
Go Under
- Meaning: To fail financially or go bankrupt
- Example: Many small businesses go under because they cannot compete with larger companies.
Go Under
- Meaning: To be known or called by a particular name.
- Example: He goes under the name of King Creole.
Go Up
Go Up
- Meaning: To increase in quantity, level, or price
- Example: The cost of living in the city has gone up significantly over the past few years.
Go Up
- Meaning: To be built or constructed
- Example: A new office complex is going up in the downtown area.
Go Up
- Meaning: To move upward or rise
- Example: The hot air balloon slowly went up into the sky.
Go Up
- Meaning: To be destroyed or burned
- Example: The abandoned building went up in flames and was destroyed.
Go Up
- Meaning: To be spoken or announced
- Example: The notice about the event went up on the bulletin board in the lobby.
Go Up
- Meaning: To be dressed in a particular way
- Example: She’s going up to the party in a beautiful gown.
Go With
Go With
- Meaning: To accompany or join someone or something
- Example: I’m going to the movies, do you want to go with me?
Go With
- Meaning: To match or complement something
- Example: This shirt goes well with those pants.
Go With
- Meaning: To make a decision or choice
- Example: I think I’ll go with the blue one.
Go With
- Meaning: To agree with or support someone or something
- Example: I don’t think that idea goes with our company’s values.
Go With
- Meaning: To be associated or connected with something
- Example: The job offer came with a lot of responsibilities that go with the position.
Go Without
- Meaning: To not have something that you used to have because conditions have changed and it’s no longer available or affordable. It is often used to describe situations where people have to make do without something they need or want.
- Example: Many families are struggling to make ends meet and are forced to go without basic necessities like food and medicine.
Phrasal Verbs with GO | Video
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