“Physician, Heal Thyself” Meaning, Origin and Examples

Have you ever heard someone use the term Physician, heal thyself and wondered what they were referring to? We are going to take a look at the meaning of this phrase as well as finding out where it first came from. We will also be looking at how the phrase can be used in our day to day conversations.

“Physician, Heal Thyself” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “physician, heal thyself” is a proverb that suggests one should take care of their own problems before addressing the issues of others. It implies that individuals, particularly those in positions of authority or expertise, should apply their knowledge and skills to their own lives before trying to help others.
Physician, Heal Thyself
Physician, Heal Thyself – Created by 7ESL

“Physician, Heal Thyself” Meaning

The phrase “physician, heal thyself” means that one should take care of their own problems before trying to help others with theirs. It suggests that individuals, especially those in positions of authority or expertise, should first address their own issues or shortcomings before offering advice or solutions to others.


  • “Before you give me relationship advice, remember that you’re not perfect yourself—physician, heal thyself!”
  • “The consultant advised the company to look at its internal processes first, using the adage ‘physician, heal thyself’ to emphasize the need for self-assessment.”

Origin of This Idiom

The phrase originates from the Bible, specifically from the Gospel of Luke (4:23), where it is used by Jesus to imply that a physician should be able to heal themselves or address their own flaws before helping others. Over time, it has been adopted into broader contexts to emphasize the importance of self-care and self-awareness.

Usage of “Physician, Heal Thyself”

  • In a discussion about self-care:

“As a therapist, she often reminds her clients to prioritize their well-being, saying, ‘physician, heal thyself’ before trying to help others.”

  • Referring to hypocrisy:

“The manager often criticizes the team’s performance, but he should remember: physician, heal thyself.”

  • In a casual conversation about advice:

“He loves giving financial advice, but his own spending habits are out of control—physician, heal thyself!”

  • Talking about leadership:

“Before telling his employees how to manage their stress, he should take a moment to reflect on his own work-life balance; after all, physician, heal thyself.”

Related Terms to “Physician, Heal Thyself”

  • Charity begins at home – the idea that one should take care of their own needs before helping others.
  • Put your own oxygen mask on first – a phrase often used in safety instructions, suggesting one must ensure their own safety before assisting others.
  • Practice what you preach – to act in accordance with the advice or principles one advocates to others.
  • Clean your own house – a metaphor for addressing one’s own issues before focusing on others’.
  • Self-care – the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health and well-being.
  • Look in the mirror – a phrase implying self-reflection and recognition of one’s own flaws.
  • Mind your own business – a suggestion to focus on one’s own affairs rather than meddling in others’.
  • You can’t pour from an empty cup – a reminder that one must take care of themselves to be able to help others effectively.
  • Address your own demons – to confront and resolve one’s personal issues before attempting to assist others.
  • Heal yourself first – a direct expression of the need for personal healing or improvement before helping others.

Other Ways to Say the Idiom

There are other ways in which you might express the meaning of the term Physician, heal thyself. Let’s take a look at some other things you could say in its place.

  • Look at your own faults
  • He without sin cast the first stone

“Physician, Heal Thyself” Examples

Examples in Statements

There may be a variety of different instances in which the term Physician, heal thyself may be heard. Here are some examples of sentences in which it features.

The first is a sentence taken from the Bible in which we first see the phrase.

  • Physician, health thyself for whatever we have heard they do in the city, we surely do here in the country too.’

The second statement is being made in a newspaper article.

  • The man insisted that he could do the job better despite having the same flaws as the builder, he was told Physician, heal thyself by the builder.

Conversation Examples

If you are curious to see how the term Physician, heal thyself might work in a conversation, here are some examples to demonstrate its use.

The first conversation is taking place between two friends.

  • Person 1: “Did you see how badly Amy had applied her make up?”
  • Person 2:Physician, heal thyself, your make up is hardly that of a celebrity.”

The second conversation is happening between two people in the workplace.

  • Person 1: “I do not like the new worker.”
  • Person 2: “Why not?”
  • Person 1: “She keeps talking about people behind their backs, what an awful woman.”
  • Person 2:Physician, heal thyself!”
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