Have you ever came across the term PnP and wondered what in the world does it mean? It may be due to a generation gap or maybe that term is simply used exclusively by some groups.
However, be assured that you’re not the only one having this dilemma. In fact, we made this article to answer every question you might have about this particular term. Read further below to know more about relevant information about PnP.
PnP Meaning
- PnP stands for “Party and Play,” a term often used in some communities to describe the use of recreational drugs (like methamphetamine) while engaging in sexual activities.
What does “PnP” Stand For?
PNP stands for Party and Play, which is the term used for doing sexual activities while high under drugs’ influence. Participants are usually subjected to a higher risk of getting infected with sexually transmitted diseases because they have sex with multiple partners without properly putting protection.
This term is usually used by adults and teenagers as well.
Origin and Context of PnP
During parties, the use of drugs is not a new thing and had been the case even long before the internet was invented. This is especially true for the events organized by various urban gay communities. However, due to different restrictions and other social factors such as discrimination against gay men, these events dwindled.
As the digital age began, these communities started to form exclusive chat rooms wherein they are safe from the factors that go against them. Through these groups, they can easily find like-minded individuals who might want to try out what they like. These chat groups eventually became the place where Party and Play sessions are organized.
Nowadays, popular social media apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp became the successor of those online chat groups. Furthermore, PnP sessions are not even exclusively done by gay men anymore. However, according to some reports, the data regarding these activities might have been greatly exaggerated, leading to undue public anxiety.
Dialogues Using PnP in Conversations, Texting, Social Posts
PnP is a term that is commonly used in conversations, texting, and social media posts. Here are a few examples of how PnP is used in different contexts:
- Person 1: “Hey, do you want to come over and PnP tonight?”
- Person 2: “Sure, what do you have in mind?”
In this conversation, Person 1 is inviting Person 2 to come over and engage in drug use and sexual activity. Person 2 is accepting the invitation and asking for more details.
- Johnny: Hey, want to come to my place tonight? A bunch of guys came in for PnP, and we thought you might like to join in.
- Billy: I think I’ll have to pass. I have to do a drug test this weekend, and I’m afraid I’ll get in trouble with the result if I join.
- Johnny: NP, I understand. You can join in next time.
In this text conversation, Person 1 is expressing their desire to engage in drug use and sexual activity. Person 2 is asking about the drugs that will be used.
Social Posts
- Post: “Looking for a PnP buddy tonight. Hit me up if you’re interested.”
- Comment: “What kind of drugs are you into?”
In this social media post and comment, the poster is looking for someone to engage in drug use and sexual activity with. The commenter is asking about the specific drugs that will be used.
More About PnP
PnP Synonyms
Here are some of the other synonyms that are commonly used:
- Chemsex: This term is often used in the UK to describe the use of drugs to enhance sexual activity.
- Wired play: This is another term that is used to describe the use of drugs to facilitate sexual activity.
- Party and play: This is the most common term used in the US to describe this type of activity.
While these terms are often used interchangeably, it is important to note that they may have slightly different connotations depending on the context in which they are used.
For example, the term “chemsex” is often used to describe the use of specific drugs, such as crystal meth, during sexual activity. On the other hand, the term “party and play” is often used more broadly to refer to any type of drug use during sexual activity.
Other Meanings
In computing terminologies, PnP simply means “Plug and Play”, which refers to any devices that you can immediately use once you plug it in. Common examples of PnP devices include monitors, external keyboards, headphones, or computer mouses.
In electronics, PNP denotes a type of semiconductor device with an n-type region sandwiched between two p-type regions.
In the Republic of the Philippines, PNP stands for Philippine National Police, the armed police force that serves the said country.
PnP can also refer to Papel-and-Pencil games, which are solely played using a piece of clean paper and a pencil. Examples of such games include Tic-tac-toe, Hangman, or Battleships.
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