What are some positive adjectives that start with j? Are you looking for the right words to describe someone, a job, or an idea? Do you find it difficult to express your feelings because words simply don’t seem to do justice? Do you feel there aren’t enough of them in the world? If so, then you have come to the right place. Positive adjectives describe someone or something by giving them a good name. When you’re trying to show others that something is positive, you use positive adjectives. When trying to convince others that something is positive, you call it with positive adjective names.
Positive Adjectives that Start with J
What Are Positive Adjectives?
Positive adjectives are words that people use to describe positive things. They make a person or thing seem more attractive, desirable, appealing, or friendly. These words can be very subjective and personal, but in their way, they can all be positive. If you’re ever feeling down or negative about something, just remember that there are positive adjectives for everything.
List of Positive Adjectives that Start with J
Following are 40+ positive adjectives that start with J in the English language.
- Jaculable
- Jake
- Jammy
- Jam-packed
- Jaunty
- Jaw-dropping
- Jazzed
- Jazzy
- Jessant
- Jestful
- Jesting
- Jewelled
- Jiggish
- Jigjog
- Jim-dandy
- Jimp
- Jobbing
- Jocose
- Jocoserious
- Jocular
- Joculary
- Joculatory
- Jocund
- Joint
- Jointed
- Jokey
- Jolif
- Jolly
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Joyous
- Joysome
- Jubilant
- Judicious
- Juicy
- Jump
- Junoesque
- Just
- Justified
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Jazzy
- Jocular
- Jolly
- Juicy
- Just
- Jumpy
- Jaunty
- Jocund
- Joyous
- Judicious
- Jittery
- Jesting
- Jocose
- Jumbo
- Jiggish
- Jocoserious
- Juvenescent
- Jumpsy
- Justifiable
- Justified
Related: Positive Words that Start with J
Positive Adjectives that Start with J with their Meanings
Here are some positive adjectives that begin with J:
- Joyful
When people use the word “joyful” to describe the feeling they are experiencing, they usually think of happiness. However, this is not the only type of joy; positive adjectives also describe joyful feelings.
- Juicy
These words often describe food, like “juicy” meats or “juicy” veggies. When you eat a juicy piece of fruit, you slurp it up and enjoy the sweetness before letting it go to waste. Similarly, when you take a juicy load out of a man, you are getting him ready for more.
- Justifiable
These words suggest that the action was justified. For example, if you are justified in thinking that your man has been “treating you like a public sex bud,” you are both happy.
- Jubilant
These words sound happy, but they are used to describe the happiness you get from achievements or a sense of accomplishment. For example, if you are so joy-filled that you cannot sleep the night after giving a big speech, you are probably more excited about what you have to say than you are about sleeping.
- Jovial
These words are often used to describe someone’s personality, like “jovial” people or “jovial” weather. However, you might be surprised to learn that these words are also used to describe the state of your body.
- Judicious
These words refer to being careful with your actions. For example, if you are judicious when spending money, you are careful not to spend it carelessly or impulsively.
- Jolly
These words are usually associated with humor and are often used to describe someone’s personality. For example, you are probably very happy if you are so jolly that you cannot contain your excitement when you first meet someone.
- Justified
These words state that the action was justified and you would do the same thing in the situation. For example, if you justify spending time with your friends because you want to help them through a hard time, you are kinder to your friends than you would be if you just shut them out.
- Just
These words are usually used to describe things’ most basic and basicness. For example, if you just open a present on Christmas Day, you have done something very simple and basic.
List of Nice, Kind J Words to Describe Someone
- Jaculable – able to be thrown or hurled
- Jake – full of energy and enthusiasm
- Jammy – lucky or fortunate
- Jam-packed – full to capacity
- Jaunty – lively and cheerful
- Jaw-dropping – incredibly surprising or impressive
- Jazzed – excited or enthusiastic
- Jazzy – stylish or flashy
- Jessant – projecting or jutting out
- Jestful – full of jokes or humor
- Jesting – humorous or playful
- Jewelled – adorned with jewels or gems
- Jiggish – lively or playful
- Jigjog – moving in a zigzag pattern
- Jim-dandy – excellent or first-rate
- Jimp – slim or slender
- Jobbing – working on small jobs or tasks
- Jocose – playful or humorous
- Jocoserious – combining humor and seriousness
- Jocular – characterized by joking or humor
- Joculary – humorous or witty
- Joculatory – involving playful teasing or joking
- Jocund – cheerful and lighthearted
- Joint – shared or common
- Jointed – having joints or segments
- Jokey – characterized by joking or teasing
- Jolif – lively or cheerful
- Jolly – happy and cheerful
- Jovial – friendly and cheerful
- Joyful – full of joy or happiness
- Joyous – feeling or expressing great happiness
- Joysome – causing or expressing joy
- Jubilant – feeling or expressing great joy or triumph
- Judicious – having or showing good judgment
- Juicy – full of flavor or interest
- Jump – energetic or lively
- Junoesque – tall and stately, like Juno (the Roman goddess)
- Just – fair or impartial
- Justified – having a valid reason or justification
- Jovial – cheerful and friendly
- Joyful – full of happiness and delight
- Jubilant – feeling or expressing great joy and triumph
- Jazzy – lively and energetic
- Jocular – humorous and playful
- Jolly – full of cheer and good humor
- Juicy – full of flavor and moisture
- Just – fair and impartial
- Jumpy – nervous or easily startled
- Jaunty – lively and carefree
- Jocund – cheerful and lighthearted
- Joyous – full of joy and happiness
- Judicious – having or showing good judgment
- Jittery – nervous or anxious
- Jesting – playful and humorous
- Jocose – playful and humorous
- Jumbo – extremely large
- Jiggish – lively and energetic
- Jocoserious – combining humor and seriousness
- Jumpsy – jumpy or nervous
- Justifiable – able to be justified or defended
- Justified – having been proven to be right or reasonable
Sometimes it can be hard to decide which adjectives to use in a sentence. When describing someone or something, you need to choose the right word for the situation. Positive adjectives describe someone or something by giving them a good name. When you’re trying to show others that something is positive, you use positive adjectives. When trying to convince others that something is positive, you call it with positive adjective names.
Resources related to positive J adjectives:
- Positive Words that Start with J
- Adjectives that Start with J
- Positive Adjectives
- Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Adjectives to Describe Yourself
- Personality Adjectives
- Descriptive Adjectives
- Adjectives to Describe a Person
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- Positive Adjectives that Start with B
- Positive Adjectives that Start with C
- Positive Adjectives that Start with D
- Positive Adjectives that Start with E
- Positive Adjectives that Start with F
- Positive Adjectives that Start with G
- Positive Adjectives that Start with H
- Positive Adjectives that Start with I
- Positive Adjectives that Start with J
- Positive Adjectives that Start with K
- Positive Adjectives that Start with L
- Positive Adjectives that Start with M
- Positive Adjectives that Start with N
- Positive Adjectives that Start with O
- Positive Adjectives that Start with P
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Q
- Positive Adjectives that Start with R
- Positive Adjectives that Start with S
- Positive Adjectives that Start with T
- Positive Adjectives that Start with U
- Positive Adjectives that Start with V
- Positive Adjectives that Start with W
- Positive Adjectives that Start with X
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Y
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Z
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