English is full of adjectives that start with the letter N. There are a lot of positive adjectives that start with N. The letter n is known as a neutral letter because it doesn’t have either a positive or negative connotation. However, it’s still an important letter for adding positivity and energy to any word you use to describe someone or something.
Positive Adjectives that Start with N
What Are Positive Adjectives?
Positive adjectives describe something or someone in a more positive way than the negative version. They lend an aura of positivity and encouragement to a person, thing, or situation. In writing, you want to paint as vivid a picture as possible in as few words. Positive adjectives help you do this by giving your reader everything they need to know about the ostensible subject of your prose in just one short sentence.
List of Positive Adjectives that Start with N
- Nice
- Neat
- Natural
- Notable
- Noble
- New
- Nourishing
- Nifty
- Nurturing
- National
- Nationwide
- Native
- Natty
- Navigable
- Nearby
- Necessary
- Needed
- Negotiable
- Neighborly
- Neoteric
- Nervy
- Nestling
- Never-failing
- Newborn
- New-fashioned
- Nimble
- Nimble-witted
- Niminy-piminy
- Nippy
- Nitid
- Nobby
- Noetic
- Non-belligerent
- Nonchalant
- Nonpareil
- Normal
- Noted
- Noteworthy
- Noticeable
- Nourished
- Nove
- Now
- Nubile
- Numinous
- Nutrimental
- Nascent
- Neater
- Neatest
- New
- Newfangled
- Nicer
- Nicest
- Noiseless
- Non-violent
- Nouveau
- Novel
- Number-one
- Normative
- Non-toxic
- Nutritious
- Nutritive
- Nacreous
- Naïve
- Naked
- Namaste
- Naturalistic
- Navigator
- Near
- Nectar
- Nerdy
- Nested
- Never-ending
- Newfound
- Nirvana
- Noisy
- Nostalgic
- Novelty
- Nuanced
- Numberless
- Numerable
- Numerous
- Nursing
- Nuzzled
- Nail-biting
- Naive
- Natal
- Natural-born
- Nautical
- Naval
- Nee
- Needful
- Neonatal
- Newsworthy
- Non-addictive
- Nonperishable
- Nameless
- Narcissistic
- Narrow
- Narrow-minded
- Nasal
- Nauseating
- Navy-blue
- Nearest
- Nearsighted
- Nebulous
- Needless
- Needy
- Nefarious
- Negative
- Neglected
- Neglectful
- Negligible
- Neither
- Nerve-racking
- Nervous
- Neurological
- Neurotic
- Neutral
- Newest
- Next
- Next-door
- Nightmarish
- Nine
- Ninth
- Nocturnal
- Nominal
- Nonabrasive
- Nonaggressive
- Noncommittal
- Noncompetitive
- Nonconsecutive
- Nondescript
- Nondestructive
- Nonexclusive
- Nobby
Related: Positive Words that Start with N
Positive Adjectives that Start with N with their Meanings
Here are several positive adjectives that start with N. These words all begin with the letter n and possess other desirable qualities. Let’s take a look at some examples:
No question that nice (or nic) is one of the most common positive adjectives that start with n. It means “having a pleasant or friendly nature; genial.” You can use nice to describe your significant other, your friends, or even the weather.
Just like nice, neat means “neat” in a literal sense. But neat also has a much broader meaning: “careful; accurate; well organized; uncluttered;” There’s likely someone in your life who is neat to a fault. Maybe you are too.
Natural is a great word to describe a person or something unaltered, unchanged, or authentic. For example, you can say that your love interest is natural beauty or that the food you’re about to eat is a natural choice.
Notable is a great word to describe someone or something that stands out. Perhaps you want to say that your friend is notable for her energy or talent, or you could use notably to describe a landmark or historical event.
Noble means “having high moral quality; exalted; honorable;” You can use noble to describe a person or an accomplishment. For example, you can say that your friend is noble for her goals in life, or you can use noble to describe a noble quality like courage or integrity.
New is a great word to describe someone or something that has recently come into existence or has never been known. For example, you could use new to describe a friend who just started college, or you could use new to describe a new food or product.
Nourishing means “providing food or sustenance; nutritive;” There’s likely someone in your life who needs to be nourished, not just with food. For example, you could say that a loved one is nourishing your relationship or that a book is nourishing your mind.
Nifty describes something clever, creative, or just plain fun. You could describe a friend as nifty for her ability to devise creative solutions to problems, or you could say that the new restaurant you discovered is nifty.
Nurturing means “to cultivate or develop by care or attention;” You can describe a friend as nurtured by your presence or with nurturing words, or you can use nurturing to describe a person’s talents or personality traits.
Now that you know what to look for, you can create your adjective lists to find the best words to describe your life. With the right words, anything is possible. But don’t just take our word for it.
Nice, Kind, Good, and Positive Adjectives that Start with N
- Nice – pleasant and enjoyable
- Neat – tidy and organized
- Natural – authentic and unprocessed
- Notable – remarkable and noteworthy
- Noble – honorable and virtuous
- New – recently created or discovered
- Nourishing – providing essential nutrients
- Nifty – clever and useful
- Nurturing – caring and supportive
- National – relating to one’s country
- Nationwide – extending throughout the entire nation
- Native – originating from a particular place
- Natty – stylish and fashionable
- Navigable – able to be sailed or traveled on
- Nearby – close in proximity
- Necessary – required or essential
- Needed – required or desired
- Negotiable – open to discussion and compromise
- Neighborly – friendly and helpful to neighbors
- Neoteric – modern and innovative
- Nervy – courageous and confident
- Nestling – young and newly hatched
- Never-failing – reliable and consistent
- Newborn – recently born
- New-fashioned – modern and trendy
- Nimble – quick and agile
- Nimble-witted – quick and clever
- Niminy-piminy – excessively refined and fussy
- Nippy – cold and brisk
- Nitid – bright and shining
- Nobby – stylish and elegant
- Noetic – relating to the intellect or mind
- Non-belligerent – peaceful and not aggressive
- Nonchalant – calm and relaxed
- Nonpareil – unparalleled and unique
- Normal – typical and expected
- Noted – well-known and respected
- Noteworthy – deserving of attention or notice
- Noticeable – easily seen or observed
- Nourished – healthy and well-fed
- Nove – innovative and new
- Now – current and present
- Nubile – young and sexually attractive
- Numinous – spiritual and awe-inspiring
- Nutrimental – providing nourishment and sustenance
- Nascent – emerging and developing
- Neater – more organized and tidy
- Neatest – most organized and tidy
- Newfangled – novel and innovative
- Nicer – more pleasant and enjoyable
- Nicest – most pleasant and enjoyable
- Noiseless – quiet and silent
- Non-violent – peaceful and non-aggressive
- Nouveau – new and modern
- Novel – new and original
- Number-one – the best and most popular
- Normative – conforming to a standard or norm
- Non-toxic – safe and not harmful
- Nutritious – providing essential nutrients
- Nutritive – providing nourishment and sustenance
- Nacreous – lustrous and pearly
- Naïve – innocent and inexperienced
- Naked – bare and exposed
- Namaste – respectful greeting or farewell
- Naturalistic – realistic and true to nature
- Navigator – skilled in navigating and directing
- Near – close in proximity
- Nectar – sweet and delicious
- Nerdy – unfashionable and intellectually focused
- Nested – situated inside of something else
- Never-ending – continuous and unending
- Newfound – recently discovered or acquired
- Nirvana – a state of perfect happiness and peace
- Noisy – loud and disruptive
- Nostalgic – sentimental and wistful
- Novelty – new and unusual
- Nuanced – subtle and complex
- Numberless – countless and infinite
- Numerable – capable of being counted
- Numerous – many and plentiful
- Nursing – caring for and supporting
- Nuzzled – cuddled and snuggled
- Nail-biting – thrilling and exciting
- Naive – innocent and inexperienced
- Natal – relating to birth or origin
- Natural-born – having innate abilities or qualities
- Nautical – relating to the sea and sailing
- Naval – relating to the navy or ships
- Nee – previously known as
- Needful – necessary and essential
- Neonatal – relating to newborns
- Newsworthy – deserving of being reported in the news
- Non-addictive – not causing addiction or dependence
- Nonperishable – able to be stored without spoiling
- Nameless – without a name or identity
- Narcissistic – excessively self-centered and egotistical
- Narrow – limited in scope or width
- Narrow-minded – intolerant and prejudiced
- Nasal – relating to the nose or nasal cavity
- Nauseating – causing nausea or disgust
- Navy-blue – a dark blue color
- Nearest – closest in proximity
- Nearsighted – unable to see objects clearly at a distance
- Nebulous – vague and unclear
- Needless – unnecessary and superfluous
- Needy – requiring assistance or support
- Nefarious – wicked and evil
- Negative – unfavorable and pessimistic
- Neglected – ignored and disregarded
- Neglectful – failing to give proper attention or care
- Negligible – insignificant and unimportant
- Neither – not one nor the other
- Nerve-racking: causing extreme stress or anxiety
- Nervous: easily agitated or anxious
- Neurological: relating to the nervous system or its disorders
- Neurotic: overly anxious or obsessive
- Neutral: impartial or unbiased
- Newest: most recent or latest
- Next: immediately following or adjacent to
- Next-door: located in the neighboring house or apartment
- Nightmarish: resembling a nightmare or causing intense fear or anxiety
- Nine: the cardinal number between eight and ten
- Ninth: the ordinal number equivalent to the number nine
- Nocturnal: active or occurring at night
- Nominal: in name only, not actual or real
- Nonabrasive: not causing damage or irritation
- Nonaggressive: not hostile or confrontational
- Noncommittal: not expressing or revealing commitment or opinion
- Noncompetitive: not involving or promoting competition
- Nonconsecutive: not following in order or sequence
- Nondescript: lacking distinctive or interesting qualities
- Nondestructive: not causing damage or destruction
- Nonexclusive: not limited to a particular group or individual
- Nobby: stylish or fashionable
Resources related to positive N adjectives:
- Positive Words that Start with N
- Adjectives that Start with N
- Positive Adjectives
- Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Adjectives to Describe Yourself
- Personality Adjectives
- Descriptive Adjectives
- Adjectives to Describe a Person
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- Positive Adjectives that Start with L
- Positive Adjectives that Start with M
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- Positive Adjectives that Start with P
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Q
- Positive Adjectives that Start with R
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- Positive Adjectives that Start with Z
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