When it comes to positive adjectives, there are several that start with the letter s. These aren’t just great words to use when you’re trying to convey positivity and energy — they’re also considered excellent at helping you boost your self-esteem. So, not only will using words like these help you feel better about yourself, but they can even make an immense difference in your well-being.
Positive Adjectives that Start with S
What Are Positive Adjectives?
Positive adjectives are words used to describe something. Instead of saying “I am not made of gold” or “I am very handsome,” you can use these positive adjectives: “I am an impressive friend.” Positive adjectives provide an extra layer of reinforcement that makes our positive state more powerful.
List of Positive Adjectives that Start with S
Here is a list of positive adjectives that start with S in the English language.
- Sincere
- Serene
- Strong
- Smart
- Sophisticated
- Supportive
- Successful
- Stunning
- Sublime
- Spirited
- Sensational
- Sensible
- Sexy
- Secure
- Self-assured
- Self-confident
- Self-disciplined
- Selfless
- Skillful
- Satisfying
- Stimulating
- Sanguine
- Sanctified
- Savvy
- Satisfied
- Saintly
- Salubrious
- Salutary
- Scintillating
- Scrupulous
- Select
- Self-actualized
- Self-motivated
- Self-sufficient
- Seraphic
- Sharp
- Shrewd
- Significant
- Simple
- Sizable
- Smashing
- Smooth
- Sociable
- Solid
- Soothing
- Sparkling
- Splendid
- Spontaneous
- Spotless
- Spry
- Stable
- Stalwart
- Standout
- Star
- Stately
- Steadfast
- Stellar
- Sterling
- Stimulated
- Storied
- Strapping
- Striking
- Strong-willed
- Suave
- Substantial
- Subtle
- Sufficient
- Sugary
- Sumptuous
- Super
- Superb
- Superior
- Supple
- Surprising
- Sweet
- Symmetrical
- Sympathetic
- Sagacious
- Sage
- Sated
- Satiated
- Satisfactory
- Scrumptious
- Seasonable
- Seemly
- Sellable
- Sensuous
- Sentimental
- Serendipitous
- Shapely
- Shimmering
- Shining
- Shiny
- Silky
- Singular
- Sisterly
- Sizzling
- Skilled
- Sleek
- Slinky
- Smiley
- Smiling
- Smoldering
- Snug
- Soaring
- Soft
- Sought-after
- Soulful
- Spacious
- Sparkly
- Special
- Spectacular
- Speedy
- Spellbinding
- Spicy
- Spiffy
- Splashy
- Springy
- Staggering
- Statuesque
- Steady
- Steamy
- Stirring
- Stout
- Studied
- Stunned
- Stupendous
- Sturdy
- Stylish
- Succulent
- Suggestive
- Suitable
- Sunkissed
- Sunny
- Superhuman
- Supreme
- Sure-footed
- Svelte
- Swaggering
- Swanky
- Swift
- Swishing
- Swooping
- sacred
- sacrosanct
- salient
- sanative
- sartorial
- sinewy
- spiritual
- Safe
- Sane
- Sapient
- Sassy
- Scenic
- Scholarly
- Seamless
- Seasoned
- Seductive
- Selective
- Self-aware
- Self-directed
- Self-reliant
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Serviceable
- Settled
- Silken
- Silly
- Slick
- Snappy
- Soft-hearted
- Solemn
- Soluble
- Solution-focused
- Sound
- Sprightly
- Standard
- Storybook
- Straightforward
- Studious
- Sweeping
- Systematic
Positive Adjectives that Start with S with their Meanings
Saccharine: sweet, overly sweet and sentimental.
Sacred: everything that is good, pure and beautiful deserves to be celebrated.
Sacrificial: this word is great in your vocabulary if you’re a Christian because it reminds you of the fact that it’s okay to sacrifice what you want for what you want even more – as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone or anything else.
Sacrilegious: this word is perfect if you feel like being a little sacrilegious sometimes! This one isn’t too hard to translate into Spanish, but if that’s not your language, just replace “sacrilegious “with “sacred.”
Safe: if you’re living in a country that is not safe and you have to move abroad where it is safer, then this word will be very positive for you.
Sagacious: wise, and smart.
Saintly: holy, gracious and righteous.
Salient: an adjective that is used to describe something that stands out through sheer prominence.
Salubrious: something or someone who brings about a healthy effect on your body or mind such as fresh air or a good book that can give you inspiration to live better or just breathe better!
Salvaged: saved or rescued from something adverse.
Sanctimonious: pretending to be something you’re not and telling everyone that you are less than you really are.
Sanitary: clean and healthy, like having a clean and healthy body!
Sane: a word that is used to describe someone who is not mentally imbalanced or crazy – someone who is sane!
Sanguine: the adjective of a person who is optimistic, cheerful, cheerful and happy!
Sanitary: this adjective is used when you talk about something or someone who is clean and healthy, like having a clean and healthy body!
Sappy: emotional words used to make a person feel good by telling them that they are the best, kindest or wisest.
Scenic: funny, funny and exciting words you can use to describe something or someone that makes you feel happy!
Scintillating: describing something that sparkles and shines like a diamond sparksle in the sun!
Scrumptious: describing something delicious and scrumptious would be the best adjective to use!
Scrupulous: a word that is used to describe someone who is always scrupulous about doing what’s right and being a good person!
Sculpted: beautiful, elegant and subtle expression of a person or something that is beautiful, elegant and subtle!
Seamless: something that’s seamless refers to the exact match between two things in such a way that the two become one perfect whole.
Secure: this word describes something or someone who feels safe because he knows he has nothing to fear or worry about!
Nice, Kind S Words to Describe A Person
- Sincere: genuine and truthful
- Serene: peaceful and calm
- Strong: powerful and resilient
- Smart: intelligent and clever
- Sophisticated: refined and cultured
- Supportive: helpful and encouraging
- Successful: achieving desired goals
- Stunning: breathtakingly beautiful
- Sublime: excellent and awe-inspiring
- Spirited: lively and enthusiastic
- Sensational: impressive and exciting
- Sensible: practical and reasonable
- Sexy: attractive and alluring
- Secure: safe and protected
- Selfassured: confident and self-reliant
- Self-confident: sure of oneself and abilities
- Self-disciplined: able to control oneself and follow rules
- Selfless: putting others before oneself
- Skillful: proficient and talented
- Satisfying: fulfilling and gratifying
- Stimulating: inspiring and invigorating
- Sanguine: optimistic and cheerful
- Sanctified: holy and blessed
- Savvy: knowledgeable and shrewd
- Satisfied: content and pleased
- Saintly: virtuous and righteous
- Salubrious: healthy and beneficial
- Salutary: promoting health and wellbeing
- Scintillating: sparkling and brilliant
- Scrupulous: careful and ethical
- Select: chosen for excellence
- Self-actualized: fulfilled and self-realized
- Self-motivated: driven by personal ambition
- Self-sufficient: able to provide for oneself
- Seraphic: angelic and pure
- Sharp: quickwitted and perceptive
- Shrewd: astute and clever
- Significant: important and meaningful
- Simple: easy and uncomplicated
- Sizable: large and considerable
- Smashing: impressive and excellent
- Smooth: even and effortless
- Sociable: friendly and outgoing
- Solid: strong and stable
- Soothing: calming and comforting
- Sparkling: lively and effervescent
- Splendid: magnificent and impressive
- Spontaneous: impulsive and natural
- Spotless: clean and flawless
- Spry: lively and energetic
- Stable: steady and secure
- Stalwart: loyal and dependable
- Standout: distinctive and exceptional
- Star: outstanding and celebrated
- Stately: dignified and grand
- Steadfast: unwavering and committed
- Stellar: exceptional and outstanding
- Sterling: excellent and valuable
- Stimulated: energized and excited
- Storied: famous and legendary
- Strapping: strong and robust
- Striking: remarkable and eye-catching
- Strongwilled: determined and resolute
- Suave: charming and sophisticated
- Substantial: significant and considerable
- Subtle: understated and delicate
- Sufficient: enough and satisfactory
- Sugary: sweet and pleasant
- Sumptuous: luxurious and lavish
- Super: excellent and remarkable
- Superb: outstanding and superb
- Superior: better than others
- Supple: flexible and adaptable
- Surprising: unexpected and astonishing
- Sweet: pleasant and delightful
- Symmetrical: balanced and harmonious
- Sympathetic: understanding and compassionate
- Sagacious: wise and insightful
- Sage: wise and experienced
- Sated: satisfied and full
- Satiated: fully satisfied and content
- Satisfactory: adequate and acceptable
- Scrumptious: delicious and appetizing
- Seasonable: appropriate for the season
- Seemly: proper and appropriate
- Sellable: marketable and appealing
- Sensuous: pleasing to the senses
- Sentimental: nostalgic and emotional
- Serendipitous: fortunate and unexpected
- Shapely: wellformed and attractive
- Shimmering: shining and sparkling
- Shining: bright and radiant
- Shiny: polished and gleaming
- Silky: smooth and soft
- Singular: unique and exceptional
- Sisterly: affectionate and supportive
- Sizzling: hot and exciting
- Skilled: proficient and talented
- Sleek: smooth and streamlined
- Slinky: sensuous and alluring
- Smiley: cheerful and happy
- Smiling: friendly and pleasant
- Smoldering: intense and passionate
- Snug: comfortable and cozy
- Soaring: rising high and majestic
- Soft: gentle and yielding
- Sought after: in demand and desirable
- Soulful: expressive and emotional
- Spacious: roomy and open
- Sparkly: glittering and radiant
- Special: unique and exceptional
- Spectacular: impressive and breathtaking
- Speedy: quick and agile
- Spellbinding: captivating and enchanting
- Spicy: flavorful and zesty
We have summarized the entire article on a single page so that you can utilize this article in your everyday life.
Power words are powerful because they can make you feel better about yourself, recall more positive memories, and, more importantly, help you in many ways. They are especially good when used in negative situations. Some words can be used positively, and others can be used as negatives with your actions.
Positive Words that Start with S
Explore the full list of positive S words.
- Sale
- Saleable
- Salient
- Salivate
- Salubrious
- Salut
- Salutary
- Salutation
- Salutational
- Salutatorian
- Salutatory
- Salute
- Salutiferous
- Salvage
- Salvageable
- Salvaged
- Salvation
- Salvationist
- Salve
- Sanctified
- Sanctifier
- Sanctify
- Sanctimonious
- Sanctimony
- Sabbath
- Saccharine
- Sachem
- Saintlike
- Saintliness
- Saintly
- Salaam
- Salable
- Salary
- Sanctioned
- Sanctitude
- Sanctity
- Sanctuary
- Sanctum
- Sanctus
- Sandlot
- Sane
- Sanely
- Saneness
- Samaritan
- Samskara
- Sanative
- Sanctification
- Sangfroid
- Sanguine
- Sanguinely
- Sanguineness
- Sanitarily
- Sap
- Sapid
- Satori
- Saturnalia
- Sauciness
- Saucy
- Savior
- Sapidity
- Sapience
- Sapient
- Sapientia
- Sanitariness
- Sanitary
- Sanitize
- Sanity
- Sapiential
- Sapiently
- Saporific
- Satisfactorily
- Satisfactoriness
- Satisfying
- Savior-fare
- Sappy
- Sardar
- Sartorial
- Sassy
- Sate
- Satiable
- Satiate
- Satisfaction
- Saviour
- Savor
- Sauna
- Saunter
- Savant
- Save
- Savory
- Scented
- Scheduled
- Schematic
- Say
- Sagacious
- Sagaciously
- Satisfactory
- Satisfiability
- Satisfiable
- Savour
- Savoury
- Savvied
- Savvy
- Scenic
- Satisfied
- Satisfy
- Sagacity
- Sagamore
- Saganaki
- Scamper
- Serious
- Seriously
- Serve
- Service
- Serviceable
- Scherzo
- Schmooze
- Sacralise
- Sacralization
- Sacralize
- Sacred
- Set
- Settle
- Settled
- Sex-appeal
- Scherzando
- Sacrifice
- Sacrificial
- Sacrilegious
- Sacrosanct
- Sahib
- Sail
- Scholar
- Score
- Scot-free
- Scrappy
- Scream
- Scholarly
- Scholarship
- Scholastic
- School
- Scientific
- Scintillant
- Scintillate
- Scintillating
- Scintillation
- Scintillator
- Scion
- Scope
- Screamer
- Scrummier
- Scrummy
- Scrumptious
- Scrumptiously
- Scrupulous
- Secure
- Secured
- Securely
- Security
- Seduce
- Sculpted
- Seamless
- Season
- Seasonal
- Seasoned
- Seaworthy
- Secluded
- Seclusion
- Seductive
- Seemly
- Select
- Selected
- Selective
- Self-assertive
- Self-assured
- Self-belief
- Self-confident
- Self-directed
- Safeness
- Self-satisfied
- Sellable
- Semiconscious
- Seminal
- Safety
- Saga
- Sage
- Sagely
- Sago
- Self-reliant
- Self-respect
- Senior
- Sensation
- Sensational
- Sensibly
- Sensitive
- Sensitivity
- Sensitize
- Safe
- Safely
- Serenader
- Serendipitous
- Sensual
- Sensuous
- Sentient
- Sentimental
- Sequacious
- Sequin
- Serenade
- Self-disciplined
- Self-effacing
- Self-indulgent
- Selfless
- Sadhu
- Serendipitously
- Serendipity
- Serene
- Serenity
- Sex-bomb
- Sexiness
- Share
- Sharp
- Sharpened
- Sharper
- Sharp-featured
- Sexpot
- Sexual
- Sexy
- Shabash
- Shabbat
- Shabbos
- Shalom
- Shape
- Shapeliness
- Shapely
- Sharpness
- Sharp-witted
- Shatterproof
- Shazam
- Sheen
- Sensations
- Sense
- Sensibility
- Sensible
- Shimmery
- Sheeny
- Sheer
- Shelter
- Sheltered
- Shepherd
- Shield
- Shimmer
- Shimmering
- Sensationally
- Self-sacrificing
- Shindig
- Shindy
- Shine
- Shiner
- Shining
- Shiny
- Shipshape
- Silent
- Silken
- Silky
- Silver
- Showcase
- Showy
- Shrewd
- Shrine
- Side-splitting
- Sightly
- Significance
- Significant
- Silver-toned
- Silver-tongued
- Silvery
- Simple
- Sizzle
- Skilfully
- Skill
- Skilled
- Skillful
- Skinny
- Simpleminded
- Sincerely
- Sincerity
- Sinewy
- Single-minded
- Sisterly
- Sizable
- Sky-high
- Slammin
- Sleek
- Sleekly
- Sleekness
- Sleeky
- Sleep
- Smarten
- Smarter
- Smartest
- Smartly
- Smashing
- Smile
- Slender
- Slick
- Slim
- Slinky
- Sloane
- Sloaney
- Sloe-eyed
- Slumber-party
- Smarm
- Smart
- Smiley
- Smiling
- Smitten
- Smooch
- Snap
- Snappy
- Snazzily
- Snazziness
- Snazzy
- Snod
- Smoocher
- Smoochy
- Smoodge
- Smooth
- Smoother
- Smoothie
- Smoothly
- Simplicity
- Simplified
- Simplify
- Simplistic
- Simply
- Sincere
- Snog
- Snoot
- Snug
- Snugged
- Snuggery
- Snuggle
- Sociological
- Soft
- Soften
- Softer
- Softhearted
- Snugly
- Snugness
- Soar
- Soaraway
- Soarer
- Societal
- Society
- Soft-heartedness
- Soigne
- Solace
- Solatium
- Soldierly
- Solemn
- Solemness
- Solidary
- Solidify
- Songbird
- Sonly
- Solemnity
- Solemnize
- Solemny
- Solicitous
- Solicitously
- Solicitude
- Solid
- Solidarity
- Sonorous
- Sonsy
- Social-partner
- Sooth
- Soothe
- Soothed
- Soothing
- Soaring
- Sober
- Sobriety
- Sociable
- Social
- Socialise
- Socialization
- Socialize
- Sophisticate
- Sophisticated
- Sorted
- Soteriology
- Sought-after
- Soul-food
- Sparkly
- Spatial
- Spearhead
- Special
- Sound
- Soundly
- Spacious
- Spangly
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Sparkles
- Sparkling
- Specialist
- Speckled
- Spectacle
- Soundness
- Souped-up
- Soup-kitchen
- Souvenir
- Spellbinding
- Spellbound
- Spice
- Spicy
- Sovereign
- Sovreign
- Space
- Spectacular
- Spectacularly
- Specular
- Speed
- Speedily
- Speedy
- Spellbind
- Spiff
- Spiffy
- Spiral
- Spiraled
- Spirit
- Splurge
- Spoil
- Sponsor
- Speciality
- Spirited
- Spiritual
- Splendent
- Splendid
- Splendidly
- Splendiferous
- Splendor
- Splendour
- Specialize
- Specialized
- Specially
- Specialty
- Specific
- Spotlessly
- Square-meal
- Stability
- Stabilization
- Stabilize
- Sprauncy
- Sprightly
- Springy
- Sprite
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Sprung
- Spry
- Spunk
- Spunky
- Square
- Stable
- Stablish
- Stacked
- Stage-struck
- Stag-night
- Staid
- Stainless
- Stand-alone
- Standard
- Standardize
- Standing
- Standout
- Spontaneity
- Spontaneous
- Sporting
- Sportive
- Sporty
- Spot
- Spotless
- Stalwart
- Stamina
- Staminal
- Stand-up
- Star
- Stardom
- Stark
- Stature
- Stellar
- Stellarly
- Sterile
- Sterilize
- Sterilse
- Status
- Stauch
- Staunch
- Staunchly
- Staunchness
- Steadfast
- Steadfastly
- Steadfastness
- Steadily
- Steadiness
- Steady
- Stealth
- Steamy
- Steel
- Steely
- Sthenic
- Still
- Stilled
- Starlet
- Starry
- Star-spangled
- Stoical
- Stoked
- Stolid
- Stong-hold
- Stonker
- Stoosh
- Star-struck
- Star-studded
- Start
- Stately
- Statistical
- Statuesque
- Stimulant
- Stimulate
- Stipendiary
- Stir
- Stirred
- Stirring
- Stocky
- Stoic
- Storied
- Stout
- Stouthearted
- Straight
- Straighten
- Straightforward
- Straight-out
- Straight-up
- Strive
- Stroke
- Strong
- Stronger
- Strongest
- Strategic
- Strategist
- Streak
- Streamline
- Streamlined
- Street-legal
- Street-smart
- Streetwise
- Strengthen
- Strenuous
- Stride
- Strike
- Striking
- Strongly
- Strong-suit
- Structured
- Stud
- Studied
- Studious
- Studly
- Studmuffin
- Stylistic
- Stylized
- Suasive
- Suave
- Study
- Stun
- Stunned
- Stunner
- Stimulated
- Stimulates
- Stimulating
- Stimulative
- Stimulus
- Stipend
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Stupendously
- Sturdy
- Style
- Stylish
- Stylishly
- Suavely
- Suavity
- Subdued
- Subject
- Sublime
- Substant
- Substantial
- Successive
- Success-story
- Succinct
- Succinctly
- Substantially
- Substantiate
- Substantiated
- Substantive
- Subtilise
- Subtilize
- Subtle
- Subvent
- Subvention
- Succeed
- Succeeded
- Success
- Successful
- Successfully
- Succulent
- Suffice
- Sufficed
- Subliminal
- Subsequent
- Subsidize
- Subsidized
- Substance
- Summery
- Sumptuosity
- Sumptuous
- Sumptuously
- Suntan
- Suffices
- Sufficiency
- Sufficient
- Sufficiently
- Sugar
- Sugary
- Suitable
- Suitably
- Suitor
- Sultry
- Summary
- Super
- Superabundant
- Superabundantly
- Superb
- Superbly
- Super-charge
- Superconscious
- Super-duper
- Supereminent
- Superethical
- Sumptuousness
- Sunbathe
- Sun-kissed
- Supporter
- Supportive
- Supportively
- Supportiveness
- Supports
- Sunniness
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Superexcellent
- Superfine
- Superfluous
- Superfly
- Superhero
- Superhuman
- Superior
- Superiority
- Superlative
- Superman
- Supernal
- Supernatural
- Superpower
- Support
- Supported
- Supremacy
- Supreme
- Sure
- Sure-footed
- Surfie
- Surmount
- Surmountable
- Surpass
- Supersonic
- Superwoman
- Supple
- Supply
- Surplus
- Sweetie
- Sustain
- Sustainability
- Sustainable
- Sustained
- Surprise
- Surprised
- Surreal
- Surrealistic
- Survivable
- Survival
- Survive
- Survivor
- Suspected
- Sustenance
- Sustentation
- Svelte
- Swag
- Swagger
- Swain
- Swan
- Swank
- Swanky
- Swaraj
- Swashbuckler
- Sweep
- Sweeping
- Sweet
- Sweetheart
- Sweetly
- Sweetness
- Swell
- Swift
- Swiftness
- Swim
- Sympathetic
- Sympathetically
- Sympathise
- Sympathizer
- Sympathy
- Symphonious
- Sync
- Synchronize
- Synergist
- Synergistic
- Swish
- Sybaritic
- Sylvan
- Symbolic
- Symmetrical
- Synergy
- Synonymous
- Systematic
Resources related to positive S adjectives:
- Positive Words that Start with S
- Adjectives that Start with S
- Positive Adjectives
- Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person
- Adjectives to Describe Yourself
- Personality Adjectives
- Descriptive Adjectives
- Adjectives to Describe a Person
Explore more A-Z positive adjectives:
- Positive Adjectives that Start with A
- Positive Adjectives that Start with B
- Positive Adjectives that Start with C
- Positive Adjectives that Start with D
- Positive Adjectives that Start with E
- Positive Adjectives that Start with F
- Positive Adjectives that Start with G
- Positive Adjectives that Start with H
- Positive Adjectives that Start with I
- Positive Adjectives that Start with J
- Positive Adjectives that Start with K
- Positive Adjectives that Start with L
- Positive Adjectives that Start with M
- Positive Adjectives that Start with N
- Positive Adjectives that Start with O
- Positive Adjectives that Start with P
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Q
- Positive Adjectives that Start with R
- Positive Adjectives that Start with S
- Positive Adjectives that Start with T
- Positive Adjectives that Start with U
- Positive Adjectives that Start with V
- Positive Adjectives that Start with W
- Positive Adjectives that Start with X
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Y
- Positive Adjectives that Start with Z
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