Regular Verbs! When constructing a sentence, it is important to know at what tense you are doing it; in this sense, it is essential to understand how to conjugate verbs well. In English, we have two types of verbs, irregular verbs, whose conjugation does not obey any grammar rule, and regular verbs, which are always conjugated with specific regulations. Today, we will show you the rules that you must consider to conjugate them correctly.
Regular Verbs
Regular verbs are those that do not modify their stem when they are conjugated. What does that mean?
This means that we only have to add “ed” or “d” to regular verbs to make them past or past participle. Yes, the past simple and the past participle of these verbs are the same.
Orthography Rules
To conjugate regular verbs well, you have to take into account the following information:
1.As a general rule, we add “ed” to regular English verbs to make them past. However, if the verb ends in “e,” we are only going to add a “d” to it.
- visit → visited
- work → worked
- bake → baked
2. End of the verb in consonant + “y,” we are going to change that “y” for an “i,” and we will add “ed.”
- study → studied
- apply → applied
- dry → dried
3. End of the verb in vowel + “y,” we will only add “ed” to the verb.
- enjoy → enjoyed
- play → played
- destroy → destroyed
4. If the verb only has one syllable and the last three letters of the verb follow the pattern “consonant + vowel + consonant,” we will double the final consonant and add “ed.”
- ban → banned
- mop → mopped
- trap → trapped
IMPORTANT! Please do not duplicate the following letters when they appear at the end of the verb: h, j, q, v, w, x, y.
5. A verb with two syllables and the voice’s force falls on the second syllable; we will double the last consonant and add “ed.”
- Permit → permitted
- commit → committed
- compel → compelled
Pronunciation Rules
The ending “ed” in regular English verbs can be pronounced in three different ways. To better understand these pronunciation rules, we are going to use our hands and throat.
1.If the pronunciation of regular verbs ends with “-t” or “-d,” the ending “-ed” will be pronounced as /-id /.
- Visited
- Added
2. If we use our voice to pronounce the last sound of the verb, the ending “-ed” will sound like a /-d /.
- Amazed
- Damaged
The most common voiced consonants in English are: / b /, / g /, / z /, / v /, / m /, / n /, / l /, / s /, / w /, / y /, / r /. They are sonorous because we use our voice to articulate them. If you touch your throat when saying them out loud, you will feel your vocal chords vibrate.
Remember, every time we use our voice to pronounce the last sound of the verb, the ending “-ed” will sound like a /-d /. Shall we do a little exercise? Let’s use the verb “beg.” Say “begggggg” out loud and touch your throat. Isn’t it true that your throat vibrates a little? Since the / g / sound is voiced, “begged” is pronounced with a /-d / at the end.
3. If we don’t use our voice to pronounce the last sound of the verb, the ending “-ed” will sound like a /-t /.
- Looked
- Washed
We do not use our voice when pronouncing some consonants. Which? We do not use our voice when pronouncing voiceless consonants. If you touch your throat when pronouncing them, you will find that your vocal cords do not vibrate. The voiceless consonants of English are: / p /, / s /, / f /, / k /, / h /, / sh /, / ch /, / gh /, / th /, / ss /, / c /, / x /.
Ready for one last exercise? Read the following verbs and touch your throat (sniffed, helped). Your vocal cords will not vibrate when you pronounce the final sound of the verb. Since our vocal cords do not vibrate when pronouncing the last sound of previous verbs, we pronounce the past tense of such verbs with a /-t / at the end.
List of Regular Verbs
List of Most Used Regular Verbs
Accept | Accepted |
Accuse | Accused |
Achieve | Achieved |
Act | Acted |
Add | Added |
Admire | Admired |
Admit | Admitted |
Adopt | Adopted |
Advise | Advised |
Affect | Affected |
Agree | Agreed |
Allow | Allowed |
Announce | Announced |
Appreciate | Appreciated |
Approve | Approved |
Argue | Argued |
Arrive | Arrived |
Ask | Asked |
Assist | Assisted |
Attack | Attacked |
Attempt | Attempted |
Attend | Attend |
Avoid | Avoided |
Back (up) | Backed (up) |
Bake | Baked |
Banish | Banished |
Beg | Begged |
Behave | Behaved |
Believe | Believed |
Belittle | Belittled |
Blame | Blamed |
Bog down | Bogged down |
Boil | Boiled |
Borrow | Borrowed |
Bother | Bothered |
Bound | Bounded |
Brake | Braked |
Brush | Brushed |
Bury | Buried |
Call | Called |
Carry | Carried |
Cause | Caused |
Celebrate | Celebrated |
Challenge | Challenged |
Change | Changed |
Chase | Chased |
Chat | Chatted |
Cheat | Cheated |
Check | Checked |
Cheer | Cheered |
Chew | Chewed |
Clap | Clapped |
Clean | Cleaned |
Clear | Cleared |
Climb | Climbed |
Close | Closed |
Coax | Coaxed |
Coexist | Coexisted |
Collect | Collected |
Compare | Compared |
Compete | Competed |
Complain | Complained |
Concoct | Concocted |
Confess | Confessed |
Consider | Considered |
Construct | Constructed |
Contact | Contacted |
Continue | Continued |
Control | Controlled |
Cook | Cooked |
Copy | Copied |
Cough | Coughed |
Count | Counted |
Crash | Crashed |
Create | Created |
Cry | Cried |
Curse | Cursed |
Cycle | Cycled |
Damage | Damaged |
Dance | Danced |
Decide | Decided |
Deliver | Delivered |
Demand | Demanded |
Design | Designed |
Destroy | Destroyed |
Develop | Developed |
Die | Died |
Disappoint | Disappointed |
Discover | Discovered |
Discuss | Discussed |
Disregard | Disregarded |
Disturb | Disturbed |
Divide | Divided |
Drag | Dragged |
Dress | Dressed |
Dry | Dried |
Dunk | Dunked |
Earn | Earned |
Eliminate | Eliminated |
Emigrate | Emigrated |
Employ | Employed |
Encourage | Encouraged |
End | Ended |
Enjoy | Enjoyed |
Escape | Escaped |
Establish | Established |
Estimate | Estimated |
Exercise | Exercised |
Expand | Expanded |
Explain | Explained |
Fake | Faked |
Film | Filmed |
Finish | Finished |
Fish | Fished |
Fix | Fixed |
Flush | Flushed |
Follow | Followed |
Force | Forced |
Foster | Fostered |
Fry | Fried |
Gather | Gathered |
Grab | Grabbed |
Grade | Graded |
Greet | Greeted |
Ground | Grounded |
Guess | Guessed |
Happen | Happened |
Harass | Harassed |
Harm | Harmed |
Hate | Hated |
Heal | Healed |
Heat | Heated |
Help | Helped |
Hesitate | Hesitated |
Hire | Hired |
Hitchhike | Hitchhiked |
Hope | Hoped |
Hunt | Hunted |
Hurry | Hurried |
Hush (up) | Hushed (up) |
Identify | Identified |
Imagine | Imagined |
Include | Included |
Insist | Insisted |
Intend | Intended |
Interest | Interested |
Interrupt | Interrupted |
Introduce | Introduced |
Invent | Invented |
Investigate | Investigated |
Irritate | Irritated |
Jinx | Jinxed |
Join | oined |
Joke | Joked |
Jump | Jumped |
Kick | Kicked |
Kill | Killed |
Kiss | Kissed |
Knock | Knocked |
Land | Landed |
Last | Lasted |
Laugh | Laughed |
Learn | Learned |
Lie | Lied |
Lift | Lifted |
Like | Liked |
Link | Linked |
List | Listed |
Listen | Listened |
Live | Lived |
Locate | Located |
Lock | Locked |
Love | Loved |
Mailed | |
Marry | Married |
Measure | Measured |
Mind | Minded |
Miss | Missed |
Mistreat | Mistreated |
Mix (up) | Mixed (up) |
Move | Moved |
Murder | Murdered |
Name | Named |
Need | Needed |
Note | Noted |
Notice | Noticed |
Number | Numbered |
Obey | Obeyed |
Offend | Offended |
Offer | Offered |
Open | Opened |
Outsmart | Outsmarted |
Overreact | Overreacted |
Paint | Painted |
Park | Parked |
Phone | Phoned |
Pick | Picked |
Pip | Ripped |
Piss (off) | Pissed (off) |
Place | Placed |
Plan | Planned |
Play | Played |
Please | Pleased |
Pluck | Plucked |
Practice | Practiced |
Praise | Praised |
Pray | Prayed |
Prefer | Preferred |
Pretend | Pretended |
Printed | |
Proceed | Proceeded |
Promise | Promised |
Pull | Pulled |
Pull | Pulled |
Punch | Punched |
Punish | Punished |
Purchase | Purchased |
Push | Pushed |
Question | Questioned |
Race | Raced |
Rain | Rained |
Rate | Rated |
Recommend | Recommended |
Reduce | Reduced |
Refuse | Refused |
Regret | Regretted |
Rehearse | Rehearsed |
Relax | Relaxed |
Remember | Remembered |
Reply | Replied |
Request | Requested |
Rescue | Rescued |
Retire | Retired |
Return | Returned |
Rob | Robbed |
Rub | Rubbed |
Rush | Rushed |
Scare | Scared |
Scold | Scolded |
Seem | Seemed |
Select | Selected |
Share | Shared |
Shop | Shopped |
Shout | Shouted |
Shrug | Shrugged |
Sign | Signed |
Skate | Skated |
Slap | Slapped |
Slip | Slipped |
Smoke | Smoked |
Snatch | Snatched |
Snore | Snored |
Sort | Sorted |
Sound | Sounded |
Stalk | Stalked |
Stare | Stared |
Start | Started |
State | Stated |
Stay | Stayed |
Step | Stepped |
Stop | Stopped |
Store | Stored |
Stroll | Strolled |
Study | Studied |
Succeed | Succeeded |
Sue | Sued |
Suggest | Suggested |
Talk | Talked |
Taste | Tasted |
Tease | Teased |
Thank | Thanked |
Touch | Touched |
Tour | Toured |
Trade | Traded |
Travel | Traveled |
Trip | Tripped |
Trouble | Troubled |
Try | Tried |
Turn | Turned |
Twist | Twisted |
Type | Typed |
Underline | Underlined |
Use | Used |
Vary | Varied |
Visit | Visited |
Visit | Visited |
Vote | Voted |
Wait | Waited |
Walk | Walked |
Want | Wanted |
Warn | Warned |
Wash | Washed |
Wast | Wasted |
Watch | Watched |
Water | Watered |
Wave | Waved |
Welcome | Welcomed |
Wink | Winked |
Wish | Wished |
Witness | Witnessed |
Wonder | Wondered |
Work | Worked |
Worry | Worried |
Wrap | Wrapped |
Yell | Yelled |
Regular Verbs | Picture
Regular Verbs | Picture 6
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