What Does ‘Sapiosexual’ Mean in Texting and Online Slang?

What does Sapiosexual mean? If you are reading this post, then it is quite possible you came across this internet slang term when you visited an online dating site. This term is commonly found on dating profiles to describe someone’s sexual orientation. Sapiosexual being referred to as a sexual orientation is often debated since this refers to a preferred feature opposed to a preferred gender.

It is most prevalent on dating apps and only came into play in the 21st century. The prefix sapio- is derived from Latin sapiens meaning wise and adding sexual. Here you will find the term broken down to understand further.

Sapiosexual Meaning

  • A sapiosexual is someone who is sexually or romantically attracted to intelligence or intellectual conversations, finding a person’s mind and cognitive abilities to be the most attractive quality.
Sapiosexual Meaning
Sapiosexual Meaning – Created by 7ESL

What Does Sapiosexual Mean?

The meaning of this slang term can be used as an adjective meaning that there is a finding of being sexually aroused by a mind or wisdom. If this slang term is used in the noun sense, then it simply means a person who is sexually aroused by intelligence.


  1. (finding of) sexually aroused by a mind or wisdom


  1. A person who is sexually aroused by intelligence

Conversation Examples

Conversation between friends

  • Friend 1: I have discovered a lot on these online dating sites that I have used.
  • Friend 2: Oh, yah? What’s that?
  • Friend 1: That most pretentious people are sapiosexual.

Conversation Between Friends

  • Friend 1: So, I found out the real reason that John goes to Mensa meetings.
  • Friend 2: Ooh, why does he go there?
  • Friend 1: Because he said he is a sapiosexual and it’s the perfect place for him to meet others.

Example Sentences


  • Through my dating experience, I have found that most pretentious people are sapiosexual.


  • I heard that John goes to Mensa meetings because he said he is a sapiosexual.

Related Terms to Sapiosexual

Sapiosexual individuals find intellectual conversations, mental stimulation, and cognitive abilities highly appealing, and they may consider intelligence a more important factor in attraction than physical appearance or other attributes. Here are some related terms:

  1. Demisexual – A person who experiences sexual attraction only after forming a deep emotional connection with someone; may overlap with sapiosexuality if the emotional connection is driven by intellectual engagement.
  2. Pansexual – A person who is attracted to others regardless of gender; pansexual people may also identify as sapiosexual if intelligence is a primary factor in their attraction.
  3. Autosexual – A person who is primarily attracted to themselves or finds themselves to be their preferred sexual partner; this term relates to unique forms of attraction like sapiosexuality.
  4. Intellectual – A person who values and seeks out knowledge, learning, and intellectual pursuits, which can be attractive to a sapiosexual person.
  5. Philomath – A lover of learning and studying, who may appeal to sapiosexual individuals due to their passion for knowledge.
  6. Logophile – A lover of words, language, and communication; someone who enjoys deep conversations, which could attract sapiosexual individuals.
  7. Nerd/Geek – Terms often used to describe people who have a deep interest in academic, scientific, or specialized topics; these traits may be attractive to a sapiosexual person.
  8. Sapiophile – A person who has a love for wisdom or knowledge, closely related to sapiosexuality.
  9. Neophile – Someone who has a strong affinity for novelty, new ideas, and innovation, which might appeal to a sapiosexual who values intellectual curiosity.
  10. Polymath – An individual with knowledge spanning a wide range of subjects; their broad intellectual engagement might be attractive to a sapiosexual person.
  11. Cerebral – A term used to describe someone who is highly intellectual or brain-focused, which aligns with the sapiosexual attraction to intelligence.
  12. Erudite – A person who is well-educated and knowledgeable; often associated with traits that might attract sapiosexual individuals.
  13. Wit – Someone who is clever, quick-thinking, and has a sharp sense of humor, which can be appealing to sapiosexual individuals who value mental acuity.
  14. Eccentric – Someone with unconventional, creative, or original thought patterns, which might appeal to sapiosexual people looking for unique intellectual stimulation.
  15. Intellectophile – An alternative term used occasionally to describe someone who is attracted to intelligence, similar to sapiosexual.

These terms reflect various aspects of attraction related to intelligence, knowledge, and mental stimulation, which are central to the concept of sapiosexuality.

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