“Shed Some Light” Meaning, Origin and Examples

This reference is about the phrase “shed some light.” It covers its meaning, examples, and other ways to say it. “shed some light” is an English idiom often used in conversations and writing. You will learn what this phrase means, where it comes from, and examples of how to use this phrase in sentences. Additionally, we will introduce alternative expressions that convey the same idea.

“Shed Some Light” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “shed some light” means to clarify, explain, or provide more information about a particular subject or situation. It suggests illuminating something that may be confusing or unclear, helping others to understand it better.
Shed Some Light
Shed Some Light – Created by 7ESL

“Shed Some Light” Meaning

The phrase “shed some light” means to provide clarification, insight, or understanding about a particular subject or situation. It suggests illuminating or revealing information that may have been unclear or confusing.


  • “Can you shed some light on how this process works?”
  • “The expert was able to shed some light on the recent developments in the case.”

Origin of this Idiomatic Expression

The idiom “shed some light” originated in Europe sometime before the invention of electricity. Before this modern invention, people would use light from candles to see around their homes in the dark. This became known as “shedding light.” The light from the candle provided a way for them to see clearly in the dark. The phrase was generalized later to include the meaning of making any situation clear or well defined.

Usage of “Shed Some Light”

  • Requesting clarification:

“I’m not sure how the budget cuts will affect our department; can you shed some light on that?”

  • In a meeting discussion:

“The project seems to be behind schedule. Can someone shed some light on the current status?”

  • Talking about a complex issue:

“The article was confusing. I hope the author can shed some light on his arguments in the next edition.”

  • During a conversation:

“I’ve heard different opinions about the new law. Can you shed some light on what it really means?”

Related Terms to “Shed Some Light”

  • Clarify – to make something clear or easier to understand.
  • Illuminate – to provide insight or clarity on a subject.
  • Explain – to make something clear by describing it in detail.
  • Elucidate – to make something clear and comprehensible.
  • Enlighten – to provide knowledge or understanding to someone.
  • Provide insight – to give deeper understanding or perspective on a topic.
  • Disclose – to reveal or make known information that was previously hidden.
  • Bring to light – to reveal or uncover information that was unknown or unclear.
  • Cast light on – to illuminate a topic or issue, making it clearer.
  • Inform – to give someone facts or information about a subject.

Other Ways to Say “Shed Some Light”

Like all idiomatic phrases, there are several different ways to say “shed some light” and still convey the same meaning. Other ways you can say this phrase include:

  • Illuminate
  • Help me understand
  • Help me see more clearly
  • Explain
  • Make it clear

“Shed Some Light” Examples

Example Statements

A statement made by a local police officer after apprehending and a suspicious person.

  • “I want to make everyone aware that Mr. Watson was bought in for questioning but was released because he was not involved in the crime. However, he was able to shed some light on the situation and we now have the names of everyone that was involved.”

A statement made by a celebrity during an interview on the red carpet.

  • “I wish I could shed some light on the situation, but I honestly have no clue why she has such an issue with me. We have never done a project together that I can recall.”

Example Conversations

A conversation between a teacher and his student.

  • Student: Mr. Brown? I am having difficulty understanding all these math concepts and I am struggling.
  • Teacher: Well, Lucy, come in a bit early tomorrow and I’ll give you some extra help. Maybe together we can shed some light on the situation for you.

A conversation between a mother and her daughter.

  • Mother: Maybe you can shed some light on something for me since I am not as young as you are.
  • Daughter: Sure mom, I can try and help you out. What’s up?
  • Mother: Earlier you were texting me and you said rofl. What on earth does that mean?
  • Daughter: Mom, it means rolling on the floor laughing.
  • Mother: Oh okay. You know me, dear old mom, I am not up to date on all this lingo.
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