“Short End of the Stick” Meaning, Origin and Examples

You might often hear the term short end of the stick in an English conversation but what does this saying mean? We are going to take a look at the answer to this question as well as finding out where the term originally came from. We will also take a look at some examples of conversations in which the phrase appears in order to better understand it’s used.

“Short End of the Stick” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “short end of the stick” refers to receiving the lesser or unfavorable part of a deal or situation. It implies that someone has been treated unfairly or has ended up with a disadvantageous outcome.
Short End of the Stick
Short End of the Stick – Created by 7ESL

“Short End of the Stick” Meaning

The phrase “short end of the stick” refers to receiving an unfavorable or disadvantageous outcome in a situation. It implies that someone has been treated unfairly or has gotten the less desirable portion of something, often in a context where there are options or choices.


  • “I ended up with the short end of the stick when they assigned me all the extra work.”
  • “It’s frustrating to feel like you always get the short end of the stick in negotiations.”

Origin of the Idiom

The saying the short end of the stick originally comes from the concept of putting a stick inside someone’s rectum as a form of punishment in times gone by.

Usage of “Short End of the Stick”

  • In a workplace discussion:

“After the layoffs, I felt like I got the short end of the stick when my workload doubled without any additional pay.”

  • Talking about a personal situation:

“She always seems to get the short end of the stick in group projects, doing most of the work while others take credit.”

  • During a conversation about fairness:

“In negotiations, it’s important to ensure that both parties feel satisfied; otherwise, one might end up with the short end of the stick.”

  • In a humorous context:

“When they split the pizza, I ended up with just one slice while everyone else got two—definitely the short end of the stick!”

Related Terms to “Short End of the Stick”

  • Getting the shaft – a slang term indicating being treated unfairly or poorly.
  • Getting the raw deal – suggesting an unfair or unfavorable situation.
  • Unfair advantage – when one party benefits at the expense of another.
  • Second-class treatment – receiving lesser consideration or respect compared to others.
  • Being shortchanged – to receive less than what is fair or expected.
  • Bad luck – experiencing misfortune or unfavorable outcomes.
  • Inequitable outcome – an unfair or unjust result in a situation.
  • Taken for granted – not being valued or appreciated, leading to unfair treatment.
  • Disadvantaged – being in an unfavorable position compared to others.
  • Down on one’s luck – experiencing a period of misfortune or hardship.

Other Ways to Say the Term

There are other ways in which you might say the phrase short end of the stick. Here are some examples of other things you might say.

  • Raw end of the deal
  • Draw the short straw
  • Worst bit
  • Worst part

“Short End of the Stick” Examples

Example Sentences

There might be many different situations in which you might hear the phrase short end of the stick. Here are some examples of sentences in which we can see the term.

The first statement is being made by someone in the workplace.

  • I am sick of getting the short end of the stick and getting all the night shifts.

The next statement is being made by a mother.

  • It is always me who has to stay in and look after the kids while my husband goes out with his friends, I feel like I am getting the short end of the stick.

Conversation Examples

If you are wondering how the term short end of the stick might fit into a conversation, here are some examples to show what you might hear.

The first is a conversation which is taking place between two friends.

  • Person 1: “Are you coming to the cinema tonight?”
  • Person 2: “No, I can’t. I have to work.”
  • Person 1: “Again? You are always working.”
  • Person 2: “I keep getting the short end of the stick and having to cover for people who are off sick.”

The next conversation is taking place between some children who are playing hide and seek.

  • Person 1: “You’re counting again.”
  • Person 2: “I always count, it’s your turn.”
  • Person 1: “No, I don’t want to.”
  • Person 2: “I always get the short end of the stick, I’m not playing with you again.”
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