In the English language, there are different ways to pronounce vowels. One category of such vowel pronunciation is the short vowel sound — one that has many associated words. But what are some short vowel words and how do you identify them? This article will explore short vowel sounds, general rules for forming short vowel words, and examples of short vowel words for each vowel — a, e, i, o, and u.
Short Vowel Words
Short Vowel Sounds
Short vowel sounds are a type of pronunciation for the vowels in the English language — a, e, i, o, and u. This description is not literal (meaning that you would not pronounce the vowels in a short, quick, or abbreviated manner) but is only used in contrast to long vowel sounds.
With long vowel sounds, you pronounce the vowels “by name” — meaning “a” would be pronounced like the letter “a” as in “lake”, “e” would be pronounced the letter “e” as in “cheese”, “i” would be pronounced like the letter “i” as in “like”, and so on.
Long vowel sounds are generated mainly by repeating vowels (like the letter “e” in “free” or “meet”), or by vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) word spellings (like the letter “a” in “make”, the letter “i” in “time”, the letter “o” in “joke”).
Short vowel sounds, in contrast, are the pronunciation of vowels as they generally appear in consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) word spellings. Examples of this include the letter “a” in “hat” or “bag”, the letter “u” in “cup” or “tug”, or the letter “i” in “big” or “tin”.
Short vowel words can include longer words than simple CVC words — like “snack”, “jump”, or “plot”.
There are different short vowel pronunciations for each vowel, as explained below.
Short A Words
Short “a” words are pronounced like the “a” vowel is in “cat” or “tag”.
Short “a” words include:
- Ab
- Apt
- Fab
- Cab
- Tab
- Jab
- Gab
- Lab
- Nab
- Dab
- Crab
- Slab
- Fad
- Dad
- Lad
- Pad
- Sad
- Mad
- Rad
- Tad
- Bad
- Gas
- Cap
- Lap
- Tap
- Map
- Gap
- Rap
- Nap
- Zap
- App
- Slap
- Clap
- Fan
- Van
- Man
- Tan
- Ran
- Pan
- Ban
- Glass
- Mass
- Class
- Sass
- Fast
- Mast
- Past
- Ramp
- Stamp
- Lamp
- Damp
- Hand
- Band
- Stand
- Snack
- Shack
- Lack
- Knack
- Hack
- Slack
- Pack
- Rack
- Back
- Tack
- Stack
- Smack
- Quack
- Rat
- Mat
- Pat
- Fat
- Hat
- Cat
- Chat
- Slat
Short E Words
Short “e” words are pronounced like the “e” vowel is in “beg” or “led”.
Short “e” words include:
- Red
- Med
- Led
- Fed
- Sled
- Bed
- Head
- Tread
- Jet
- Met
- Net
- Wet
- Set
- Yet
- Tent
- Cent
- Pent
- Lent
- Rent
- Dent
- Scent
- Men
- Hen
- Ten
- Lense
- Sense
- Dense
- Defense
- Spend
- Lend
- Mend
- Tend
- End
- Defend
- Trend
- Send
- Fell
- Smell
- Tell
- Well
- Yell
- Hell
- Web
- Vest
- Test
- West
- Jest
- Rest
- Pest
- Chest
- Lest
Short I Words
Short “i” words are pronounced like the “i” vowel is in “bit” or “din”.
Short “i” words include:
- Rid
- Mid
- Lid
- Id
- Kid
- Hid
- Bid
- Lip
- Clip
- Sip
- Rip
- Tip
- Nip
- Dip
- Whip
- Big
- Wig
- Pig
- Hit
- Bit
- Writ
- Lit
- Fit
- Sit
- Pit
- Nit
- Mitt
- Silk
- Milk
- Win
- Tin
- Twin
- Pin
- Lint
- Glint
- Flint
- Mint
- Fill
- Pill
- Till
- Hill
- Gill
- Dill
- Mill
- Bill
- Chill
- Sill
- Will
- Nil
- Rim
- Dim
- Whim
- Trim
- Fib
- Rib
- Sib
- Whip
- Thick
- Quick
- Sick
- Stick
- Pick
- Lick
- Trick
- Slick
- Quit
Short O Words
Short “o” words are pronounced like the “o” vowel is in “hot” or “job”.
Short “o” words include:
- Cod
- Rod
- God
- Bod
- Pod
- Nod
- Odd
- Off
- Jot
- Pot
- Cot
- Rot
- Tot
- Dot
- Hot
- Not
- Lot
- Got
- Clot
- Trot
- Blot
- Nob
- Job
- Mob
- Rob
- Sob
- Lob
- Cob
- Box
- Ox
- Pox
- Rock
- Sock
- Mock
- Knock
- Lock
- Dock
- Log
- Dog
- Bog
- Hog
- Cog
- On
- Pond
- Con
- Don
- Stop
- Shop
- Drop
- Cop
- Mop
- Hop
- Bop
- Sop
- Top
- Plop
- Mom
Short U Words
Short “u” words are pronounced like the “u” vowel is in “bug” or “rut”.
Short “u” words include:
- Sub
- Tub
- Pub
- Rub
- Dub
- Cub
- Hub
- Nub
- Mud
- Dud
- Sud
- Bud
- Cut
- Rut
- But
- Gut
- Nut
- Jut
- Mutt
- Rum
- Chum
- Bum
- Gum
- Lump
- Jump
- Pump
- Plump
- Trump
- Rump
- Dump
- Bump
- Cuff
- puff
- Hug
- Mug
- Rug
- Tug
- Dug
- Bug
- Gun
- Bun
- Sun
- Fun
- Pun
- Run
- Crust
- Rust
- Dust
- Must
- Lust
- Trust
- Cuss
- Muss
- Fuss
- Bus
- Runt
- Punt
- Hunt
- Fund
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