“Silence is Golden” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The phrase silence is golden can be heard frequently during English conversation but what is the meaning of this idiomatic saying? We are going to take a look at the answer to this question as well as looking at some examples of how the phrase can be used in a conversation. We will also find out where the phrase came from in the first place by looking at its origins.

“Silence is Golden” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “silence is golden” suggests that there are times when it is more valuable or beneficial to remain silent than to speak. It implies that sometimes, not saying anything can lead to better outcomes or avoid conflict, misunderstandings, or unnecessary complications.
Silence is Golden
Silence is Golden – Created by 7ESL

“Silence is Golden” Meaning

The phrase “silence is golden” suggests that silence can be more valuable than speech, especially in situations where speaking might lead to unnecessary complications, misunderstandings, or conflicts. It implies that sometimes, it is better to remain quiet and not voice one’s thoughts or opinions.


  • “During the argument, I realized that silence is golden; it was better to let things cool down rather than escalate the situation.”
  • “In meetings, she often chooses to listen rather than speak, believing that silence is golden.”

Origin of This Phrase

The phrase silence is golden finds its origins in ancient Egypt where we see the first records of this term. However, in more recent times we see the term used in a poem from 1831.

Usage of “Silence is Golden”

  • In a discussion about conflicts:

“When my friends started arguing, I decided to stay quiet and let them sort it out. I remembered that silence is golden.”

  • Talking about workplace dynamics:

“During the meeting, I chose not to voice my opinion on the controversial topic; sometimes, silence is golden.”

  • Reflecting on personal experiences:

“After a long day of dealing with complaints, I learned that silence is golden when it comes to keeping my stress levels down.”

  • In a conversation about relationships:

“I used to feel the need to comment on everything, but now I know that silence is golden, especially during sensitive discussions.”

Related Terms to “Silence is Golden”

  • Better left unsaid – indicating that some things are better not spoken about to avoid complications.
  • Silence is deafening – a phrase that suggests that silence can speak volumes or be very noticeable in a given context.
  • Discretion is the better part of valor – emphasizing that it’s wise to be cautious and sometimes avoid unnecessary risks by staying silent.
  • Hush – a simple term urging silence or quietness.
  • Speech is silver, but silence is golden – a variation that emphasizes the value of silence over speaking.
  • Let sleeping dogs lie – suggesting that it’s better not to disturb a situation that could lead to conflict.
  • Words can be harmful – acknowledging that speaking can sometimes lead to negative outcomes.
  • Sometimes silence speaks louder than words – indicating that in certain situations, silence can convey more meaning than speaking.
  • Think before you speak – a reminder to consider the potential consequences of words before expressing them.
  • Keep your thoughts to yourself – advising to refrain from sharing opinions or ideas that might cause trouble.

Other Ways to Say the Phrase

There are other ways in which you might say the phrase silence is golden by using different wording. Here are some examples of this.

  • Speech is silver, silence is golden
  • Bite your tongue

“Silence is Golden” Examples

Example Sentences

You are likely to hear the term silence is golden in many different situations, here are some examples of sentences which feature the phrase.

The first example is a statement being made by a father to his son.

  • Don’t tell your mother that I broke her vase, silence is golden.

The next statement is being made by a teacher.

  • While we sit the exam, you must not speak to avoid cheating, silence is golden.

Conversation Examples

If you are wondering how the term silence is golden can work in a conversation, here are some examples to demonstrate what you might hear.

The first conversation is taking place between two friends.

  • Person 1: “We need to arrange a surprise party for Anne.”
  • Person 2: “Yes, but we mustn’t let her find out.”
  • Person 1: “I won’t say a word, silence is golden.”

The next conversation is happening between two people who are having an affair.

  • Person 1: “Oh no, here comes my husband’s best friend. He can’t see us together.”
  • Person 2: “We could be business associates for all he knows.”
  • Person 1: “I guess we say nothing, then.”
  • Person 2: “No, silence is golden.”

Other examples:

  • Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer. (Muhammad Ali)
  • They say that speech is silver but silence is golden.
  • Speech is silvern while silence is golden.
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