“Snowflake” Meaning, Origin and Examples

Snowflake meaning! If you have been anywhere on social media in recent years, then odds are that you have seen or heard the term “snowflake” used more than once. Although you may know that snowflakes are individual pieces if snow, in recent years this term has taken on a much different meaning.

Here you will find that meaning, some information regarding its origin, and other meanings of the slang term. You will also find some example sentences using the term in its slang form and some alternative words or phrases to use as synonyms for this word in slang form.

“Snowflake” Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The slang term “snowflake” is a derogatory adjective used to describe someone who protests themselves to others as being entitled, overly unique, highly emotional, easily offended, and unable to accept a difference of opinion. It is typically used as an insult.
Snowflake Meaning
Snowflake Meaning – Created by 7ESL

“Snowflake” Meaning

In slang, “snowflake” is a derogatory term used to describe someone who is overly sensitive, easily offended, or fragile in handling opposing viewpoints. The term implies that the person sees themselves as unique or deserving of special treatment and is often perceived as unable to tolerate criticism or disagreement.

“Snowflake” is commonly used in political or social discussions to criticize individuals who are seen as being too emotional, delicate, or entitled. It suggests that they are unable to handle challenges to their beliefs or withstand discomfort.

For example:

  • “Don’t be such a snowflake; not everyone has to agree with you.”
  • “Some people call him a snowflake because he gets upset over small criticisms.”

Origin of this Term

Although people tend to think “snowflake” is a new insult, it has been used in history as an insult since at least the 1860s. During this time, people who opposed the abolition of slavery were referred to derogatorily as a “snowflake.” In the 1970s, the term “snowflake” was used to describe white people and black people who were perceived as acting more white than black. The most current meaning most likely comes from the 1990 novel Fight Club where a line in the book compares a character to not being unique like a snowflake and says they are just like everyone else.

Usage of “Snowflake”

1. In a political or social discussion (often derogatory):

  • “Stop acting like such a snowflake—it’s just a joke, don’t take everything so seriously!”

    (Referring to someone who is perceived as overly sensitive or easily offended, especially in the context of social or political discussions.)

2. In response to someone overreacting to criticism:

  • “She started crying over a simple comment. It’s like she’s a total snowflake.”

    (Describing someone as emotionally fragile or unable to handle criticism.)

3. In a discussion about generational differences:

  • “Boomers always say that millennials are a bunch of snowflakes, but maybe they’re just more open about their feelings.”

    (Referring to the stereotype that younger generations are more easily offended or emotionally sensitive than older generations.)

4. In an internet or meme context:

  • “That person got triggered over a meme. Such a snowflake.”

    (Used sarcastically or humorously online to call someone out for overreacting or being overly sensitive to something minor.)

5. In a conversation about someone’s sense of entitlement:

  • “He always thinks the world revolves around him—such a snowflake.”

    (Describing someone who has a sense of entitlement or believes they are special in a self-centered way.)

6. In a casual, teasing conversation:

  • “You’re upset because I didn’t text you back right away? Stop being a snowflake!”

    (Playfully mocking someone for overreacting to a small issue.)

7. In a discussion about mental health or emotional well-being:

  • “Sometimes, people need to toughen up and not be so much of a snowflake.”

    (Suggesting that someone is being too sensitive or not resilient enough in the face of challenges.)

8. In a sarcastic remark about social justice issues:

  • “Oh, you’re offended by that? Classic snowflake behavior.”

    (Using “snowflake” to dismiss someone’s concerns about social justice, often implying they are too sensitive or overly concerned about minor issues.)

9. In a conversation about someone who’s overly sensitive about appearances or status:

  • “She thinks she’s better than everyone because of her designer clothes. That’s such snowflake behavior.”

    (Referring to someone who feels uniquely special or entitled based on their material possessions or status.)

10. In a conversation about safe spaces or trigger warnings:

  • “He wants to create a safe space for everyone so they won’t get offended. I think he’s just a snowflake.”

    (Criticizing the idea of creating “safe spaces” for people to avoid things that might offend or upset them.)

Other Meanings

Other than the alternative meanings already explained in the introduction and the origin of this article, there are no other known meanings for the term “snowflake.”

The word “snowflake” has multiple other meanings beyond its literal definition as a small ice crystal. It can also be used to describe a unique or special person. In computer science, it refers to a complex database schema that is harder to manage than other types. In military jargon, it can refer to a novice soldier, but this usage is often derogatory. And in astrology, it can refer to a rare and unusual astrological configuration. Isn’t language fascinating?

Related Terms to “Snowflake”

  • Crybaby: A term for someone who complains or becomes upset easily, often over minor issues.
  • SJW (Social Justice Warrior): Often used to describe someone who advocates for social justice causes, sometimes with excessive zeal or sensitivity.
  • Triggered: Used to mock someone who reacts strongly or emotionally to a topic, often implying oversensitivity.
  • Karen: Slang for a person, typically middle-aged, who is perceived as entitled, easily offended, or quick to complain.
  • Cupcake: Another playful term implying softness, sensitivity, or fragility.
  • Softie: Someone who is seen as sensitive, gentle, or easily affected emotionally.
  • Beta: Used to describe a person, usually a man, perceived as weak, submissive, or non-assertive.
  • Virtue Signaler: Refers to someone who displays moral values publicly, often to gain approval or appear morally superior.
  • Woke Police: A term used to mock individuals who are quick to call out perceived social or moral issues.
  • Fragile: Describes someone who is emotionally sensitive or unable to handle criticism or differing opinions.

Alternatives to “Snowflake”

There are several different words or phrases that you could use to replace the word “snowflake” in conversation. Similar words or phrases you could use to convey the same meaning include:

  • Weak
  • Soft
  • Sissy

“Snowflake” Examples

Example Sentences

  • “Stop being such a snowflake—not everyone has to agree with you.”
  • “He was called a snowflake just because he shared his opinion on a sensitive topic.”
  • “She’s tired of being labeled a snowflake every time she stands up for herself.”
  • “Critics say the new generation is full of snowflakes who can’t handle criticism.”
  • “If you get offended by that joke, you’re being a real snowflake.”
  • “Just because he’s passionate about social issues doesn’t make him a snowflake.”
  • “Some people use snowflake as an insult for anyone who expresses their feelings.”
  • “They dismiss anyone with a different viewpoint as a snowflake.”
  • “Calling people snowflakes has become a way to silence them in debates.”
  • “She’s no snowflake; she can handle tough conversations and criticism.”

Example Conversations

A text conversation between two friends.

  • Friend 1: I wish Phyllis would stop being such a snowflake.
  • Friend 2What do you mean?
  • Friend 1I mean she tries to act like she is better than everyone else and when you try to bring her back down to earth, she acts offended.
  • Friend 2Yes, that’s true. I’ve noticed the same thing.

An online conversation between two Facebook users.

  • User 1I can’t believe someone would be so cruel on the internet to someone they don’t even know. It’s despicable! You should be ashamed of yourself!
  • User 2: Oh quit your complaining little girl! You are just like all the other little snowflakes of your generation.
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