Subordinating Conjunctions in English

Understanding subordinating conjunctions is key to mastering complex sentences in English. This reference will explain what subordinating conjunctions are, provide examples, and show how they differ from coordinating conjunctions. You’ll also learn how to use and punctuate them properly, with a focus on comma placement. We will explore the various categories of subordinating conjunctions, including time, place, condition, cause and effect, concession, and comparison.

Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions – Created by 7ESL

What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

A subordinating conjunction is a word that joins a dependent clause with an independent clause. It introduces the dependent clause and shows the relationship between the dependent and independent clauses.

A subordinating conjunction acts as a link between the main (independent) clause and the dependent clause. The main clause contains the main idea of the sentence, while the dependent clause provides additional information but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

An independent clause has both a subject and a verb. For example, “It was raining” is an independent clause; “it” is the subject, and “was raining” is the verb. A dependent clause, on the other hand, cannot exist independently and must be paired with an independent clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions Examples

There are 7 main categories of subordinating conjunctions based on how they connect the independent and dependent clauses together. Here are some examples:


  • Tim liked chocolate whereas Sally preferred candy.
  • Someone has to speak in public, whether it’s you or me.


  • Although I’m going to work, I’d much rather stay home.
  • Sally is heading to the park today despite the rain.


  • Unless you can convince her to be nice, I’m not coming to dinner.
  • Tim wasn’t willing to work extra hours in case he missed the big game.


  • After Valentine’s Day is over, we’ll go out to eat.
  • Sally made it to the front of the line before it was time for lunch.


  • The pirate hid the gold where nobody could ever find it.
  • Wherever possible, you should switch your groceries for healthier alternatives.


  • Tim started to dig as if his life depended on it.
  • Sally cried as though she were a baby.


  • We ate early because we were hungry.
  • Sally arrived late so that she wouldn’t have to see her boss.

How to Use and Punctuate Subordinating Conjunctions

The placement of subordinating conjunctions impacts the punctuation. This depends on whether the subordinating conjunction starts the sentence or comes later. There are rules around using commas with these conjunctions.

Comma Placement and Subordinating Conjunctions

The dependent clause often follows the main clause. Here’s an example:

  • Sally is heading to the park today despite the rain

In this case, no comma is needed. The sentence can be reordered:

  • Despite the rain, Sally is heading to the park today

When the dependent clause comes first, a comma is used. This is a general rule for separating the clauses: if the dependent clause is before the main clause, use a comma.

Difference between Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions join two equally important clauses. These can be written as separate sentences. Examples of coordinating conjunctions include andbutornorforso, and yet.

Subordinating conjunctions join an independent clause with a dependent clause. The dependent clause adds information to the independent clause but cannot stand alone. This main difference is key in understanding how each type of conjunction works in a sentence.

Subordinating Conjunctions List


Time-related subordinating conjunctions link clauses to indicate timing or relationships between events:

  • After: She went to the store after she finished her homework.
  • Before: Complete your tasks before you go to bed.
  • Once: Once the dish is prepared, serve it immediately.
  • When: We will have a picnic when the weather is nicer.


Place-related subordinating conjunctions signify location or the relationship between two places:

  • Where: They always meet where the two roads intersect.
  • Wherever: She follows him wherever he goes.


Conditional subordinating conjunctions introduce a clause that states a condition or requirement for the main clause to occur:

  • If: If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.
  • Unless: We will go for a walk unless it rains.
  • Even if: Even if she is tired, she will continue working.

Cause and Effect

When indicating cause and effect relationships in a complex sentence, these subordinating conjunctions are used:

  • Because: She decided to stay at home because it was raining.
  • Since: Since he finished his work early, he had time to watch a movie.
  • As: They chose the blue paint as it matched the curtains.


Concession subordinating conjunctions show an unexpected or contrasting situation within a sentence:

  • Although: Although she was tired, she continued working on the project.
  • Even though: He went for a run even though it was cold outside.
  • While: While I enjoy hiking, I am not a fan of camping.


To express comparison between clauses, these subordinating conjunctions can be used:

  • Than: She can run faster than her brother.
  • As…as: They are not as wealthy as their neighbors.


Subordinating Conjunction
Subordinating Conjunction – Created by 7ESL