Theirs vs. Their’s: Confusing Possessive Pronouns

Understanding the proper use of “theirs” versus “their’s” is essential for clear written communication in English. While they may sound similar, only one of these forms is correct. “Theirs” is a possessive pronoun that indicates ownership and does not require an apostrophe. It stands alone, without a following noun, and signifies that the thing being referred to belongs to a group of people or someone whose gender is not specified.

Theirs vs. Their’s: Avoid This Common Grammar Mistake

Key Takeaways

  • Theirs” is the correct possessive pronoun and does not use an apostrophe.
  • Their’s” with an apostrophe is not a correct word in English.
Theirs vs. Their's
Theirs vs. Their’s – Created by 7ESL

Theirs vs. Their’s: The Definition

What Does Theirs Mean?

Theirs is a possessive pronoun that indicates something belonging to them. It’s used when the ownership is already known, and no additional noun follows it. For example, we might say, “This book is theirs.” This means that the book belongs to them, and no noun is needed after “theirs” because it stands on its own.

What Does Their’s Mean?

Contrary to what some might believe, their’s is not a word in the English language. The confusion usually stems from the misconception that possessive nouns require an apostrophe and an “s” at the end. However, possessive pronouns like “theirs” do not follow this rule and should never include an apostrophe. Therefore, the correct form is always “theirs,” regardless of the context.

“Theirs’ Usage and Examples

When we talk about possession in English, it’s important to use the correct form to convey ownership. “Theirs” is the correct third-person plural possessive pronoun. It indicates that something belongs to them or is associated with them. We use “theirs” when we don’t need to repeat the noun, because the owned item is already clear from the context.

Here is how we use “theirs”:

  • Whose books are these? They are theirs.
  • This opinion isn’t ours; it’s theirs.

Here’s a simple table to illustrate the difference:

Incorrect Correct Example Usage
their’s theirs This is theirs.

Common Grammar Mistakes Using “Their’s” and “Theirs

Here are some common grammar mistakes people make when using “theirs” and “their’s”:

Incorrect use of “their’s” instead of “theirs”:

  • Incorrect: This book is their’s.
  • Correct: This book is theirs.
    Explanation: “Theirs” is the correct possessive pronoun to show ownership. “Their’s” is a common mistake but is grammatically incorrect; there is no apostrophe in “theirs.”

Adding an apostrophe to “theirs” to form a possessive:

  • Incorrect: The car is their’s, not ours.
  • Correct: The car is theirs, not ours.
    Explanation: “Theirs” is already a possessive pronoun and does not require an apostrophe. Adding an apostrophe makes it incorrect.

Confusion between “theirs” and “their”:

  • Incorrect: That house is theirs house.
  • Correct: That house is their house.
    Explanation: “Their” is a possessive adjective used before a noun (like “house”), while “theirs” is a possessive pronoun used at the end of the sentence or without a noun following it.

Using “their’s” in contractions:

  • Incorrect: I think their’s a mistake.
  • Correct: I think there’s a mistake.
    Explanation: “There’s” is a contraction of “there is,” not “their’s.” “Their’s” is not a valid word in English.

Misusing “theirs” in sentences where a possessive adjective is needed:

  • Incorrect: Theirs car is parked outside.
  • Correct: Their car is parked outside.
    Explanation: “Their” is the correct possessive adjective to describe the noun “car.” “Theirs” is used as a pronoun, not before a noun.

To avoid these mistakes, remember:

Use “theirs” as a possessive pronoun to indicate ownership (e.g., “The house is theirs.”).

Do not use “their’s”—it is not a correct word in English.

Theirs vs. Their’s: Examples

Example 1:

  • Correct: The blue car is theirs; they’ve had it for years.
  • Incorrect: The blue car is their’s; they’ve had it for years.

Example 2:

  • Correct: The responsibility for the project is theirs alone.
  • Incorrect: The responsibility for the project is their’s alone.

Example 3:

  • Correct: They need to decide what to do with their time since it’s theirs to use as they please.
  • Incorrect: They need to decide what to do with their time since it’s their’s to use as they please.

Example 4:

  • Correct: That corner office is theirs, as they earned the promotion last month.
  • Incorrect: That corner office is their’s, as they earned the promotion last month.

Related Confused Words

Theirs vs. There’s

Theirs: A possessive pronoun referring to something owned by them.

  • Correct usage: “The car is theirs.”
  • No apostrophe is used as it indicates possession.

There’s: A contraction of “there is” or “there has.”

  • Correct usage: “There’s a book on the table.”
  • Includes an apostrophe to signify the omission of letters.

Theirs vs. There

Theirs: Again, indicates possession and belongs to them.

  • Example: “Is this book theirs?”

There: An adverb that denotes a place or position.

  • Example: “The book is over there.”
  • Not possessive, therefore no apostrophe.

Theirs vs. They’re

Theirs: Denotes ownership without an apostrophe.

  • Use it to indicate something belonging to a group, like “Theirs was the winning team.”

They’re: A contraction of “they are.”

  • Contains an apostrophe to show the combination of words, as in “They’re going to the game.”
  • Not used to indicate possession.