Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech

Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech! Learn how to use Time and Place in Reported Speech and Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech with example sentences.

Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech

Time and Place in Reported Speech
Time and Place in Reported Speech – Created by 7ESL

Time and place references often have to change in reported speech:

  • Now –> Then

For example:

Direct speech: “The children are playing outside now.

Reported speech: He said that the children were playing outside then.

  • Today –> That day

For example:

Direct speech: “I’ve got a piano lesson today.

Reported speech: She said that she had got a piano lesson that day.

  • Here –> There

For example:

Direct speech: “Put the box here.

Reported speech: He told us to put the box there.

  • This –> That

For example:

Direct speech: “I shall be very busy this week.”

Reported speech: She said she would be very busy that week.

  • Tomorrow –> The following day/ The next day/ The day after

For example:

Direct speech: “I will leave for New York tomorrow.”

Reported speech: She said that she would leave for New York the next day.

  • Next week –> The following week/ The next week/ The week after

For example:

Direct speech: “I have an appointment next week.

Reported speech: She said that she had an appointment the following week.

  • Yesterday –> The previous day/ The day before

For example:

Direct speech: “Our English teacher quizzed us yesterday.”

Reported speech: They said their English teacher had quizzed them the day before.

  • Last week –> The previous week/ The week before

For example:

Direct speech: “We had an awful earthquake last week.”

Reported speech: They told us that he had had an awful earthquake the previous week.

  • Ago –> Previously/ Before

For example:

Direct speech: “The letter came a few days ago.

Reported speech: He said the letter had come a few days before.

  • Tonight –> That night

For example:

Direct speech: “I’m going for a beer with Karl tonight.

Reported speech: He said that he was going for a beer with Karl that night.

Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech | Images

Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech
Changes in Time and Place in Reported Speech – Created by 7ESL