“Touching Cloth” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The idiomatic phrase “touching cloth” is an informal expression you might not come across often. This reference covers its meaning, origin, examples of use, and alternative ways to say it. You’ll learn how to properly use this unique phrase in conversations or statements and discover other ways to convey the same meaning as “touching cloth.” To enhance your understanding, relevant images are included for a better grasp of the context.

Touching Cloth Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • The phrase “touching cloth” means that you have to poop so badly that it is peeking out and touching the underwear or that you nearly crapped yourself.
Touching Cloth Meaning
Touching Cloth Meaning – Created by 7ESL

Touching Cloth Meaning

“Touching cloth” is a phrase used humorously or euphemistically to describe the sensation of urgently needing to go to the bathroom, particularly in reference to a bowel movement. It implies that the person is very close to having an accident. While it’s a lighthearted and somewhat crude expression, it’s often used in a joking manner.


  • “I ate something bad, and now I’m touching cloth!”

This phrase is informal and typically not used in polite conversation.

Origin of this Term

While the exact origin is unclear, it’s rooted in the use of colorful and exaggerated language to describe bodily functions in a comedic way, which is common in British slang. The phrase plays on imagery and is typically used in informal, lighthearted contexts. It’s not considered formal or appropriate for polite conversation.

Like many slang expressions, it has become part of casual British vernacular, often used in moments of shared humor or awkwardness.

Usage of “Touching Cloth”

  • Joking about urgency:
    “After that spicy curry, I was almost touching cloth on the way home!”
  • Humorous description of discomfort:
    “The traffic was so bad, I thought I was touching cloth by the time we arrived!”
  • Lighthearted complaint:
    “I shouldn’t have had that extra coffee… I’m definitely touching cloth now.”
  • Casual banter among friends:
    “You should have seen him after the roller coaster – he said he was touching cloth the whole ride!”

Related Terms to “Touching Cloth”

  • Close call – A more neutral way of describing a near accident or urgent situation.
  • About to blow – Slang for feeling like you’re going to lose control of your bowels or bladder soon.
  • Prairie dogging – A humorous term that refers to when stool is starting to emerge but then retracts, like a prairie dog popping in and out of a burrow.
  • On the edge – Informal way to describe being on the verge of a bathroom emergency.
  • Squeaky bum time – Originally used in sports to describe tense moments, but also humorously used to refer to needing the toilet urgently.
  • Pinching a loaf – Crude slang for needing to have a bowel movement.
  • Busting for a poo – British slang for urgently needing to have a bowel movement.
  • Gotta go! – A common phrase used when someone urgently needs to use the restroom.
  • Turtle heading – A humorous phrase similar to “prairie dogging,” referring to the stool partially emerging.
  • Nature’s call – A more polite or neutral way to describe the need to use the bathroom.

Other Ways to Say “Touching Cloth”

Like all idiomatic phrases, there are several other ways to say “touching cloth” that still convey the same meaning. Some of these other ways include:

  • I have to poop badly
  • Crapping is imminent
  • I need to defecate immediately

“Touching Cloth” Examples

Example Statements

A statement made by a victim of a car accident.

  • “I saw the car coming up from behind me. When I saw he wasn’t going to stop, I was touching cloth! I knew he was going to hit me and there was nothing I could do about it.”

A statement made by a cool and humorous doctor.

  • “So you are going to take this medicine to clear your colon. It is not going to be fun. You will spend the whole evening touching cloth. In the morning, don’t eat a thing and come back here for the colonoscopy.”

Example Conversations

A conversation between two boys in the locker room after gym.

  • Boy 1: I need to hurry up and get dressed.
  • Boy 2: Why? What’s the rush?
  • Boy 1: I have a brown snake playing peek-a-boo and I am touching cloth.

A conversation between a father and son.

  • Son: Dad, can you step on it?
  • Father: If I go any faster, I might get pulled over.
  • Son: Trust me, Dad. If you don’t go faster and find me a toilet, a cop pulling you over is going to the be the least of your problems because I am touching cloth.
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