“Under the Weather” Meaning, Origin and Examples

The idiomatic phrase “under the weather” is a common expression you will encounter frequently in both spoken and written communication. This reference provides the meaning and origin of the phrase, along with examples of how to use it properly in various contexts. We also offers alternative expressions that convey the same idea.

Under the Weather Meaning, Origin and Usage

Key Takeaways

  • “Under the weather” means feeling slightly ill or unwell. It typically refers to mild sickness, such as a cold or fatigue, rather than something serious.
"Under the Weather" Meaning
“Under the Weather” Meaning – Created by 7ESL

Under the Weather Meaning

“Under the weather” is an idiom that means feeling slightly ill or unwell. It’s often used to describe someone who isn’t feeling their best due to minor health issues, like a cold, headache, or fatigue. For example:

  • “I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I’ll stay home and rest.”

It’s commonly used in casual conversation.

Origin of this Idiomatic Expression

The idiom “under the weather” most likely finds its origin from the maritime industry. It is said that sailors who felt ill at sea would be made to go below deck to rest until they felt better. Therefore, they were under the deck and out of the harsh weather. The phrase, in its entirety, used to be “under the weather bow” meaning they were sheltered from the worst of the weather. The phrase was shortened to “under the weather” and its first use in print was in 1865. It is now used to describe anyone who is sick, not just those at sea.

Usage of “Under the Weather”

  1. When you’re feeling sick but it’s not serious:
    • Example: “I’m a little under the weather today, so I’ll skip the gym.”
  2. When explaining why you can’t attend an event or perform an activity:
    • Example: “I was planning to join the meeting, but I’m feeling under the weather.”
  3. When you’re recovering from minor illness:
    • Example: “I’ve been under the weather for a couple of days, but I’m starting to feel better now.”
  4. To avoid giving too many details about your illness:
    • Example: “I’m not feeling great, just a bit under the weather.”
  5. When you don’t want to alarm others:
    • Example: “Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious, I’m just under the weather.”

It’s most commonly used in casual, everyday conversations, especially when you want to downplay the severity of your condition.

Related Terms to “Under the Weather”

  • Feeling off – Not feeling well, but not necessarily sick.
    • “I’m feeling a bit off today.”
  • Not feeling well – A straightforward way to say you’re unwell.
    • “I’m not feeling well, so I’ll take it easy today.”
  • Out of sorts – Feeling somewhat ill or not in the usual mood.
    • “I’ve been out of sorts all day.”
  • Run down – Feeling exhausted or worn out, often from overwork or illness.
    • “I’m feeling run down after all the work this week.”
  • A bit off color (British) – Not feeling well, usually referring to mild sickness.
    • “He’s looking a bit off color this morning.”
  • Under the weather and over the hill – A humorous expression combining feeling unwell and aging.
    • “I’m under the weather and over the hill today!”
  • Feeling lousy – Informal, meaning feeling terrible, either physically or emotionally.
    • “I’ve been feeling lousy since yesterday.”

Other Ways to Say “Under the Weather”

As with all English idioms, there are plenty of other ways to say “under the weather” and still convey the same meaning. Some alternative ways to say this phrase include:

  • I feel sick
  • I am not feeling well
  • I feel a little out of it

“Under the Weather” Examples

Example Statements

A statement made during a local charity event regarding a speaker who was supposed to come and address the audience.

  • “Mr. McCall will not be joining us today. I know it says on his program he was supposed to be here, but he is feeling a bit under the weather and was not able to make it.”

A statement made by a celebrity during an interview on the red carpet.

  • “I was not sure I would make it tonight. I have been feeling rather under the weather for the last week or so. I just can’t seem to shake this cold I have, but here I am!”

Example Conversations

A conversation between two friends meeting at the mall to go shopping.

  • Friend 1: Is Elizabeth still coming?
  • Friend 2: I don’t think so. She went home early today from school.
  • Friend 1: Oh, I didn’t know. I hope she is okay.
  • Friend 2: Yeah, I think she is. She is just feeling under the weather. She can come with us next weekend.
  • Friend 1: Okay! Let’s go shopping!

A conversation between a husband and wife.

  • Husband: Hey hon, I am home.
  • Wife: Well, you are home early. Is everything okay?
  • Husband: I am feeling a bit under the weather. I am going to take a shower and lay down. My head is pounding!

Other examples:

  • You’ve been under the weather for some days now; why don’t you see a doctor?
  • She’s been a bit under the weather recently.
  • I hear you’ve been a bit under the weather. Are you feeling better now?
  • Mike’s feeling a little under the weather so he couldn’t come tonight.
  • I began to feel under the weather on Thursday morning after leaving Haslemere.
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